The East India Company: How a trading corporation became an imperial ruler | History Extra - 3 views
India - 2 views
'But what about the railways ...?' The myth of Britain's gifts to India | W... - 2 views
Indian Religion - History for Kids! - 3 views
Daily Life in Ancient India,Mohenjo-Daro daily life,Ancient India Daily Life in Harappa... - 3 views
Internet Mission Photography Archive - 0 views
A valuable collection for a sad, complex issue.
The Internet Mission Photography Archive offers historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections in Britain, Norway, Germany, and the United States. The photographs, which range in time from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, offer a visual record of missionary activities and experiences in Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Papua-New Guinea, and the Caribbean
India and World War One - 1 views
Ancient India - 3 views
earth album alpha - a slicker google maps + flickr mash-up - 1 views
Earth Album is a simpler, slicker Flickr mash-up that allows you to explore some of the most stunning photos in the world courtesy of Google maps and Flickr. To begin your journey, just click somewhere on the map, e.g. "India". Note-- since the top Flickr images are used, the images change every few weeks; bookmark this site and check back for a different experience in a month!