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David Hilton

Making Sense of Letters and Diaries - 10 views

    Looks like a useful guide by an experienced history teacher. Might be good for homework or a lesson activity? I'm focussing at the moment on training my students with 'historical thinking.' I find it much more useful a model than the 'critical thinking' models so common these days, and the results are promising. If anyone has any tips I'd be most appreciative...
David Hilton

Talking History - 11 views

    "Over the past several years, History Matters has organized twenty-five online dialogues with leading historians and teachers about the the teaching of major topics in U.S. history--from early settlement to the Vietnam War. Those discussions are archived here and contain many useful teaching suggestions"
    There are a couple of pages on this site which might be useful for history teachers in challenging us to reflect on our practice. I don't know about you, but too often I get so caught up in the bureaucratic paperwork and day-to-day of teaching I forget to reflect on the big picture of what teaching history is all about...
Kendra Nielsen

Horrible Histories - 7 views

    Horrible Histories is a series of illustrated history books published in the United Kingdom by Scholastic. They are designed to get children interested in history by concentrating on the unusual, gory, or unpleasant.
Kendra Nielsen

Google Maps with Street View - 7 views

    Visit historic and architecturally significant landmarks in Italy. You can now explore inside the Colosseum, see ancient wellness centers, and walk along the Appian Way.
Kendra Nielsen

Kingdom of Mocha - Intro to Economics - 8 views

    A 1976 educational video on basic economics. "Return to Mocha" (1987) examines economic systems and international trade.
Matt Esterman

National Centre for History Education - Commonwealth History Project :: Home - 6 views

    Your gateway to the teaching and learning of history in Australia's schools

Activities Archives | Weimar and Nazi GermanyWeimar and Nazi Germany - 16 views

    WEIMAR AND NAZI GERMANY Teaching Resources, ideas and links relating to a study of Weimar and Nazi Germany
Nate Merrill

Essential Questions in Teaching American History - 19 views

    The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History "Essential Questions in Teaching American History"

New York Underground @ - 1 views

    Companion website to a National Geographic special that explored subterranean NYC. Interesting, particularly in light of the current construction of the 2nd Ave. subway.
Simon Miles

The Great Depression on ASO - Australia's audio and visual heritage online - 6 views

    Clips on the Great Depression in Australia with teachers' notes
Nate Merrill

Teaching American History - 2 views

    Has a vast collection of documents and images on American history.
    A leading online resource for American History teachers & students
Nate Merrill

History by Era - 19 views

    The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Home - Journalist's Resource Journalist's Resource: Research for Reporting, from Harvar... - 1 views

    "Based at Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, the Journalist's Resource project examines news topics through a research lens. We surface scholarly materials that may be relevant to media practitioners, bloggers, educators, students and general readers. Our philosophy is that peer-reviewed research studies can, at the very least, help anchor journalists as they navigate difficult terrain and competing claims. In 2013 the American Library Association named us one of the best free reference Web sites."

Digital Library Directory | An Online Directory of the Best Digital Library Resources - 9 views

    Great place to start your search for digitized collections/archives. These collections are housed at historical and academic institutions of all kinds, and contain primary sources that can include original historical documents, images, audio, artifacts, etc.
Polett Schafer

My Top 5 Organizational Hacks for Teaching High School - 9 views

    • Polett Schafer
      Organizational hacks!
    Organizational hacks

EDSITEment lessons on Slavery, the Crisis of the Union, the Civil War and Reconstructio... - 1 views

    Slavery and African Americans in Antebellum America  |  Causes of the War  |  Abraham Lincoln and the Course of the War  |  The Art and Literature of the Civil War  |  Reconstruction and After in Art and Culture  |  Related EDSITEment Websites
David Hilton

Login to apworldteach - 19 views

    A teacher of AP World History, Bill Strickland, has kindly allowed people access to this site. The enrolment key is 'monty'. I got this through the AP World History Teachers group on Google Groups.
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