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Laura Johnson

Symbolab Search Engine Will Help You Stop Fearing Math - Edudemic - 0 views

    STEM search engine that prevents the fear of math - related to failure/motivation research for those of us in Dock's class 
Brandon Pousley

Could Minecraft be the next great engineering school? - 2 views

    Using Minecraft inside and outside the classroom to inspire and explore engineering ideas.
Margaret O'Connell

Women in Engineering - The Numbers - 2 views

  • I am very curious as to why the number of women pursuing engineering degrees has effectively stayed the same, while the number of women attending college grows by about 20,000 each year. At the same time, I think it’s fair to say that engineering as a profession, and technical professions in general, have become less stigmatized as exclusively male. So it’s a bit discouraging to see that the number of women pursuing a career in this field has basically stagnated. And I am at a loss to explain why. What do you think?
    Hi Margaret, There's some interesting research around this question that points to bad messaging as the culprit. In case you're interested, here is a link to some market research the Engineer Your Life coalition did. The NAE also has an interesting research report called "Changing the Conversation." Natalie
Megan Johnston

President Obama Launches "Educate to Innovate" Campaign - 0 views

    "President Obama will launch the "Educate to Innovate" campaign, a nationwide effort to help reach the administration's goal of moving American students from the middle of the pack to the front in science and math achievement over the next decade. The President will announce a series of partnerships involving leading companies, universities, foundations, non-profits, and organizations representing millions of scientists, engineers and teachers that will motivate and inspire young people across the country to excel in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)."
Brandon Pousley

Pearson unveils OER search engine | Inside Higher Ed - 4 views

    Pearson gets into the MOOC action by creating a search engine for content.
    Pearson makes an interesting business move by recognizing and organizing Open Educational Resources. I often wonder how the questions of academic integrity, quality, etc will be answered in the marketplace.
Deidre Witan

Goldie Blox™ - 0 views

    Toy and book set to help little girls get involved in engineering
Douglas Harsch

Microsoft Sends Engineers to Schools to Encourage the Next Generation - - 0 views

    Program started by Microsoft engineer / Harvard Ed school graduate.
Margaret O'Connell

IEEE Spectrum: Outsourcing's Education Gap - 0 views

  • Lower-tier colleges and universities in both India and China suffer from passive learning styles. Design and project work is typically absent, the curricula do not focus on problem solving or building project management and communication skills, and there are no internships or other work experience. ”Engineering education is much more theoretically oriented, and students don’t really get this fully blended education that allows them to think outside the box,” says Denis Simon, a professor at the Pennsylvania State University School of International Affairs, who focuses on technology and education in China. ”They haven’t had the interaction with real live engineering that grads here have, so they’re very green when they come into the workplace.”
  • The main problem, though, is the sheer mass of students enrolled in engineering classes. ”When you have 100 students per teacher, you really can’t get hands-on and be interactive,” he says.
Julia Jacobsen

Howtoons » About - 1 views

    This website has comics that teach kids how to build things.  It looks like a fun tool for science and engineering education.
Margaret O'Connell

LilyPad microcontroller's success in welcoming women to electronics - Boing Boing - 0 views

  • Our experience suggests a different approach, one we call Building New Clubhouses. Instead of trying to fit people into existing engineering cultures, it may be more constructive to try to spark and support new cultures, to build new clubhouses. Our experiences have led us to believe that the problem is not so much that communities are prejudiced or exclusive but that they're limited in breadth--both intellectually and culturally. Some of the most revealing research in diversity in STEM found that women and other minorities don't join STEM communities not because they are intimidated or unqualified but rather because they're simply uninterested in these disciplines. One of our current research goals is thus to question traditional disciplinary boundaries and to expand disciplines to make room for more diverse interests and passions. To show, for example, that it is possible to build complex, innovative, technological artifacts that are colorful, soft, and beautiful. We want to provide alternative pathways to the rich intellectual possibilities of computation and engineering. We hope that our research shows that disciplines can grow both technically and culturally when we re-envision and re-contextualize them. When we build new clubhouses, new, surprising, and valuable things happen. As our findings on shared LilyPad projects seem to support, a new female-dominated electrical engineering/computer science community may emerge.
    The fascinating pdf from the researchers at MIT is linked to on Boing Boing. The comments on Boing Boing are also worth glancing at.
Chris Dede

Teenagers find success, future in robotics competitions - 0 views

    robotics to teach engineering
Hannah Lesk

What's The Big Idea? Pentagon Agency Backs Student Tinkerers To Find Out : All Tech Con... - 1 views

    DARPA is funding "hackerspaces"--high-tech workshops to give high school students opportunities to explore engineering and learning through creation--at 1,000 U.S. high schools. 
Jason Hammon

The Engine behind WGU - 0 views

    Western Governor's University shows what software it uses to keep up with its competency based model
Cole Shaw

Technology innovation and entrepreneurship conference - 0 views

    For those interested in innovation in higher ed, NCIIA is hosting their annual conference in March in DC. Generally the theme is how to teach technology entrepreneurship, but some of the topics this year are a bit more general. Examples: -- Team-based Learning Pedagogy: Transforming classroom dialogue and learning --Learning space design for creativity and innovation --Simplifying / packaging creative engineering education
Kasthuri Gopalaratnam

Researchers Pushing the Boundaries of Virtually Space to Include Sense of Touch - UT Da... - 1 views

    Professors in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science are creating a multimedia system that uses multiple 3-D cameras to create avatars of humans in two different places, and then puts them in the same virtual space where they can interact.
James Glanville

Expand Horizons Through Expanded Learning Time - Global Learning - Education Week - 1 views

    The role technology can play in expanding the time during which learning can take place.
    Another article about "expanded learning time" both online and via community-based "brick and mortar" locations like libraries, YMCA, and Boys & Girls Clubs. "Out-of-school programs can be strong partners for schools who want to leverage expanded learning time to help their students achieve global competence. Youth-serving organizations share the broad mission to promote student success in work and life in the 21st century. Out-of-school program organization and management is often based on an asset model that values diversity. In order to attract and retain participants, out-of-school programs are centered around youth engagement through hands-on and experiential learning, often with a focus on 21st century skills, service learning, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, and others."
    I wonder what Helen Haste would think of this organization . . .
Chris McEnroe

Teachers praised for ICT innovations | - 0 views

    I wonder if it's good to have large corporations like Microsoft giving awards to teachers. I have no reason to doubt Julia Breen's work but Microsoft is not in the teaching business. I can't see teacher's giving computer engineers awards for excellent computer engineering.
Kasthuri Gopalaratnam

Why College Students Leave the Engineering Track - - 0 views

    "What accounts for the high attrition rates? Maybe some of it has to do with aptitude, or encouragement, or good role models and mentors. But Philip Babcock, an economist at the University of California, Davis, suggests that a lot of it has to do with homework. Professor Babcock has written extensively about college students' evolving study habits (or lack thereof) over the last 50 years. He found that in 1961, full-time students spent about 40 hours each week in class and studying. By 2003, they were investing about 27 hours a week". But then, we did not have Facebook, Twitter and Videogames in 1961 :-)
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