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Laura Johnson

- Future Informing Education Tech - 1 views

    Dropping a whole bunch of technology, or the hottest device on the planet into the laps of teachers or kids isn't necessarily a plan for success either. All that seems fairly obvious, but if it is, why do we still see only the simplest of lesson plans for technology, as well as disjointed, fragmented lessons in most classes today?
Bridget Binstock

Atari Looks To Reinvent Itself As A Mobile Games Company; Hires Former iWON/Marvel Exec... - 1 views

    Founded in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, Atari played a central role in the early history of video games, going on to create what are still some of the most recognizable arcade games on the planet, like Pac-Man and Pong, to name a few.
    very interesting. With the rise and widepsread adoption of mobile devices as the gateway of choice for gaming, more and more game companies are jumping on the mobile app bandwagon. With Atari shifting its focus like this, it instantly makes me think what other founding game company have or will need to do. Sega, another big name in the early gaming days, eventually had to drop out of the hardware game because it couldn't compete. It now produces game content for its former competitor's gaming hardware. And Sega now even ports lots of its classic video games from the 80s and 90s to mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad. Nintendo is still in the hardware game, but it's portable gaming hardware is now competing with directly mobile devices (& apps) head on. Nintendo's revenue and userbase is shrinking, and most analysts and observers are pointing to the rise of iOS and other mobile devices as substitutes to dedicated gaming devices. Will Nintendo still stick around using its current model- making its own gaming hardware to sell its own (highly regarded) 1st-party properties, like Mario, Zelda etc? Lots are predicting (or even encouraging) Nintendo to drop making its own hardware, and to produce content with its prized properties onto mobile devices.
Kellie Demmler

Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker - 0 views

    Google wave looks like it is very flexible.  I can envision teachers using the wave to plan with other teachers without having to be in the same room - now able to study hall periods and other times to drop files and share lesson plans and ideas.
Chip Linehan

Social Sector Innovation Funds - Lessons Learned and Recommendations - 2 views

    Article on how the government and philanthropies can support innovation in education.
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    Chris mentioned this in class, that DOE has put $150M - a mere $150M - toward innovation in education. A drop in the bucket toward what needs to be resourced to education innovations. Philanthropies are certainly helping a great deal, but we need a lot more from our government (and our tax dollars).
    What's the big barrier (besides government reluctance to spend money on education) to this? Historically, I thought that education funding was left to states as "states rights", hence the fact that the Federal government has even put up any money should be a step forward. I would be interested in hearing what people think are the levers for getting the Federal government to invest more...should education research be treated like NSF or NIH "basic research" and get core government support?
    I believe that the federal government used to spend more dollars for basic research in education, but that number has been reduced dramatically over the years. I agree 100% that we need to increase this type of investment, and the federal government is the natural source. These social innovation funds are a separate type of investment, distinct from basic research. These grants are "translational" in that they seek to help commercialize promising research, but are not intended to fund the basic research. For a healthy and dynamic ecosystem of innovation in education, we need both.
Sunanda V

The dirty little secret of online learning - 1 views

  • digital learning needs to become much more mobile, personal and social.
Brandon Pousley

Middle School Moment | Dropout Nation | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    A case-study on how one school is using data to help prevent dropouts in middle school.
Deidre Witan

Augmented Reality: Coming Soon to a School Near You? | MindShift - 0 views

    Some of you in Dock's Innovation by Design class might be interested in this... drop down towards the end of the article for commentary on students using augmented reality as a a means of narration.
    discussion of how AR is being used in schools
Jeffrey Siegel

Textbooks to iPads--it's not your parents' education - 1 views

    Related to section on how iPads are currently being used in a California school. making short videos to taking photos of complex formulas displayed on a blackboard for later review. Language students record themselves reciting lessons, and then upload the files to their teachers' drop boxes for critique. And math teachers use iPads to videotape students working through problems, explaining how they arrived at the solution and thereby demonstrating mastery of a lesson.
    Here's the blog from the school's iLab
Kasthuri Gopalaratnam

Mooresville School District, a Laptop Success Story - (It's Not Just About the Laptops) - 0 views

    Some very useful lessons to learn fro Mooresville. Looks like the broader ecosystem (such as cheper access to broadband internet) has been thought through rather than just dropping a laptop into the classroom.
    Interesting comment from one of the parents, attesting to how technology can be out to good use in education - "My son, just yesterday, completed a mutlimedia project about the Sahara desert working together with another student. They created a video imagining them driving a vehicle through the desert while reciting facts about the desert and incorporating pictures and graphics about what they were describing. It was as if they were taking me on a virtual tour of the desert. This is the way we communicate now. What we learn is only as important as how we are able to communicate it to make things happen."
Uche Amaechi

Seeing No Progress, Some Schools Drop Laptops - New York Times - 3 views

    Article cited in "Disruopting Class". Has anything changed?
Chris Dede

Palm Beach County students benefit from virtual classroom at home - 4 views

    virtual education meets some students' needs
    Thanks for sharing this link. This is interesting for me to read because I grew up in this district. I also think virtual classrooms are a valuable tool for children who suffer from illness and might otherwise have to miss extended periods of class time. My younger brother is a college student and is currently stuck at home with Mono and might have to drop the semester- it would be great if he could keep up with his work online, while resting at home.
    It is frustrating that his college does not have a distance learning option. Hope your brother feels better soon.
Bharat Battu

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 3 views

    an interesting writeup on on the basics of Khan Academy- including a couple of example teachers & classrooms. Also includes interview excerpts with Salman Khan.
    It seems that the gamification of Khan Academy is undermining the "dropping out/back" of the technology after a certain amount of time, but students are learning, so is this good or bad?
    This article seems pretty consistent with what we heard today. I think the most interesting aspect of the whole Khan Academy phenomenon is not what he does (make direct instruction videos- People learn to cook that way from Emeril), or how he does it (very few production values), or even that the internet makes him so distributable. The most incredible thing to me is that this one guy who did an end run around the entire establishment of EDUCATION is having this much impact on kids, teachers, and policy makers around the world. He isn't doing anything all that innovative and yet he is having the impact on education that one would think would come from an extraordinary innovator. Why isn't that innovator coming from EDUCATION. I think the big generative questions KA offers us in Education are: Why is this such a big deal? (And I do believe it is), Why didn't we think of it?; and Given all we know about education, shouldn't we be able have a much more substantial effect with much more substantial outcomes with as few resources as KA? If not? What are we doing?
Chris McEnroe

More Schools Embrace the iPad as a Learning Tool - - 2 views

    • Chris McEnroe
      "It's not about a cool application," Dr. Brenner said. "We are talking about changing the way we do business in the classroom." This is a useful sound bite but this article is a quagmire of the issues facing education. Advocates who would rather spend the money on teachers are speaking into the wind politically but they are also not speaking to the point being raised by the event the ipad purchase or the opportunity to advance learning. Good teaching rests on good, personalized relationships as well excellent management. ipads help with both but the danger in not articulating that more clearly is the fear that ipads (or some such thing) will replace teachers. There are those who love the idea of ipads not as an enhancement to learning but as a way to drive up teacher production. That idea and the fear of it distracts from matter of using technolofy to enhance learning.
    • Stephen Bresnick
      Really well said, Chris. I was reading the article and couldn't help but chuckle at the quote, "this is this could very well be the biggest thing to hit school technology since the overhead projector," said by the teacher Mr. Wolfe. The quote communicated volumes about Mr. Wolfe's underlying assumption that good teaching rests on good gadgetry, as if the overhead projector was once a panacea for all that ailed education in the 1970s, but that now there is a new panacea, the iPad. I have heard an interesting criticism of use of the iPad in the classroom that I would like to share. Namely, that it is a device designed almost exclusively for the consumption of media, but that it provides little if any opportunity for collaboration. Yes, there are a ton of cool apps in the App Store and the number will continue to grow, and yes, some of them will be pretty darn neat. But without the ability for students to collaborate and create, there is little evidence that this is, in itself, a transformative educational technology, just a faster and more colorful way for students to do the same things they have been doing. I get a bit uncomfortable when I see teachers get really excited about the tools of technology and all of their cool capabilities without thinking about which problems these technologies might be able to solve. So many people are fixated on technology as an end, as if dropping this new gadget in the classroom will, by itself, solve all problems. iPads are really great, but this might just be a case of the tail wagging the dog.
Katherine Tarulli

Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on - 1 views

    This is an engaging animation/talk from Sir Ken Robinson about the links between some difficult problems facing schools and how a paradigm shift is necessary to fix them.
Uche Amaechi

BYOD - Worst Idea of the 21st Century? : Stager-to-Go - 7 views

    Uche, you keep posting stuff I have a problem with- OK I understand that BYOD policies may not be so great but I really believe that familes should shoulder some of the costs for hardware since degredation is such a problem. The schools can have agreements with vendors to provide certain laptops or tablets for a certain price point and they can design their systems to support these items. Parents are expected to purchase backpacks, binders, and school supplies. When parents can't provide these back-to-school supplies, schools cover it. The same should be for computers. Speaking as a middle class parent (refer to above article) I believe this is an important investment in our schools so that they can focus on hardware support and software implementation/ integration.
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    @Allison and Uche - I am torn. While I initially thought BYOD was a good idea so that schools would have to stop "blaming" their fiscal woes on their inability to integrate emerging technologies into the curriculum, I now have some appreciation with points from this article - especially around "false equivalences" and "enshrining inequities" in light of my own children's "bring your own electronic device" day that took place two weeks ago. As a school wide reward for meeting their Accelerated Reading goal, all students were told they could bring an electronic device to school to "play" with on Friday afternoon. This prompted my kids to call me (Skype) on Thursday night and ask me if I could buy them a DS or a SmartPhone that NIGHT so that they could bring either of those devices to school for the celebration. Now mind you, my kids have access to lap tops, iPad, Smart Phones, Wii games, GameBoy, iPods, Flip camera, digital camera, etc - albeit not their OWN - but still access to them for use (when Mom and Dad are not using them). But apparently, of the devices left that Mom and Dad weren't using, none of them were "cool" enough for this event. That got me wondering if BYOD might have the same effect on our learners making those who don't have the latest and greatest feel bad or less adequate then their friends or classmates who could bring something they deemed as "better?" Allison, your point seems to be that requiring parents to cover the expense of a digital device as a requirement for school is not a bad idea, but I think you are referring to expecting the SAME device to be purchased and used, not myriad devices with various capabilities, features and functions - am I understanding you correctly? And if we did try to mandate parental supply of digital devices, would we have a different kind of fight on our hands because, as consumers, parents might have their own biases around what they deem is the best device of all (not just PC vs MAC or iOS vs Android, but sma
    I still believe that a system properly designed could mitigate some of your concerns. In reality, schools can not support any device that a student brings in. They are capable of supporting a certain number and if they build relationships with the vendors to sell those devices that the school is capable of supporting then families will be aware that the school will offer the best deal on the items that are compatible. Every year the school recommends items for back to school supplies. If the laptop could replace all of the binders it might be worth it. There are many factors to consider but the biggest obstacle is that schools maintain such old equipment because of their budget woes. Even when we can purchase the latest and greatest software, the computers can't run it.
    What a great debate you guys are having! One point worth considering is that typically the parents are responsible for purchasing the supplies, while the school is responsible for providing the content (textbooks, workbooks, handouts, worksheets, videos, etc). In the near future these devices may also be the primary sources of content, replacing textbooks altogether. I would hope perhaps funding for textbooks could be transferred to funding for these devices. I would also hope that the price of these devices drops significantly (is the $35 tablet in our future?). Then of course the question of who pays is less important. In my job producing educational video for publishing companies, I spend way too much time dealing with various formats and compatibility problems with browsers, so I'd love to see a future where this becomes more standardized.
Uche Amaechi

Avichal's Blog - 1 views

    This article is really informative. I guess I knew much of the article intuitively but I didn't have hard facts. My biggest question is his depiction of middle class Americans as viewing education as an expense as opposed to an investment. Our non- Univ of Pheonix college students mostly hail from middle class families who are worried if their child doesn't have a degree. His evidence for his viewpoint is that 50% of peope don't have a degree. However, what percent went to college and dropped out? I remember that in 1990's that 25% of Americans had college degrees. Sounds like there is some growth. Regardless, his views on the Asia market and servicing struggling districts is food for thought. Thank you.
Jennifer Jocz

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Facebook 'cuts student drop-outs' - 0 views

  • Facebook pages for individual courses help the students to bond with each other, work together as a team and maintain their connection with staff.
  • "Technology is no longer an optional extra - and modern trends such as social networking should not be ignored,"
Xavier Rozas

Webinar--Event Registration (EVENT: 167627) - 0 views

  • Webinar guests will detail specific tactics for deploying educational technology to improve student learning, including: • How districts can more effectively analyze data to help improve academic achievement, including specific advice on how teachers should be using data-based decisionmaking to guide instruction. • How one-to-one computing is giving students access to higher-quality curriculum, topical experts, and multimedia tools. • How online courses can affordably help rescue students who are in danger of dropping out, giving them a second chance in real time that would otherwise not be available in their brick-and-mortar schools.
    I have viewed these webinars before and I would advise you to give it a go.
Niko Cunningham

Google is now entering the US Education Thought-Space - 4 views

    Google has US Education in its crosshairs.... Google is name-dropping all sorts of work in the education space in its forum to help redefine American education : Harlem Children's Zone, NCLB, A Nation at Risk, Sesame Street................. Here's a snippet: "And according to McKinsey's Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools report, if the U.S. had in recent years closed the gap between its educational achievement levels and those of higher-performing nations, our GDP in 2008 could have been $1.3 trillion to $2.3 trillion higher. That's 9 to 16 percent of GDP!"
Ashley Lee

Facebook launches safety tips as part of anti-bullying week | Media | - 0 views

    facebook takes cyber bullying issues seriously. facebook solutions: 1) use privacy control settings 2) use those "remove" and "delete" buttons to drop bullies from your friend list.
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