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Can You Rely on Your State's Medical Board? - Consumer Reports - 0 views

  • Can You Rely on Your State's Medical Board?
  • Where Medical Boards Fall Short
  • buried deep on the boards' websites or unavailable entirely online. (
    Concern about doctors on probation practicing. Parenthetically, Halstead, one of the best surgeons in American history was a habitual cocaine (stimulant) and then morhpine (depressant) user. 

Is your doctor on probation? - 0 views

  • s your doctor on probation?
  • Thousands of doctors are being disciplined by state medical boards for serious wrongdoing. But finding out who those doctors are can be difficult
  • The takeaway - doctors on the state medical board engage in conduct far more unethical than many of the physicians they discipline... Harming patients is okay, if they do it. However, reporting patient harm and unsafe patient care is unethical - at least according to the Missouri medical board. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Consumer Reports' investigation shows how hard it can be to find out whether your doctor has been cited for substandard medical care or other issues.
  • The North Carolina medical board staff are kind and courteous and occasionally would reply to me, but the executive director and the staff of the Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts acts contemptuously towards others that ask them to not file blatant lies in court about months of unsafe breast cancer testing. 
    The takeaway is that doctors on the Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts show partiality while claiming to protect the public. 

94 F.3d 652 - NOTICE: Ninth Circuit Rule 36-3 provides that dispositions other than opi... - 0 views

  • United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.
  • Mishler's original complaint alleged the malicious deprivation of his constitutionally-protected property right to obtain official verification of the existence of his license
  • licensing tribunal must be impartial and cannot act on the basis of personal bias.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Each party to bear its own costs. Both parties' requests for attorney's fees under 42 U.S.C. § 1988 are denied.
    It took 10 years of litigation to address the corruption and dishonesty of the state medical board. The state medical board members used the state's authority to pursue strictly personal agendas and they maliciously deprived Alan J. Mishler, MD, the good neurosurgeon of his constitutional rights. 

Best and Worst of Times | HMS - 0 views

  • publishes papers online prior to review and then solicits open reviews from a panel of reviewers and/or the wider scientific community.
    This article provides insight into the quality of medical regulation by a state medical board.

Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011 - 0 views

    The 2011 UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal was a cover-up of the prolonged, unsafe, ischemic times provided to women with breast cancer in the UMKC-TMC Pathology Department. Reports of unsafe patient care went neglected by the pathology chair, an attending, the residents, the DIO. I reported this to the ACGME in 2011 and in 2014 I discovered that the UMKC-Graduate Medical Education office lied to the ACGME about months of breast cancer care.

Comparing Assays for Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors: Materials and Methods - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

Comparing Assays for Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors: Results - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

JAMA Network | JAMA | Mishandling Misconduct: The NSABP Lumpectomy Trial - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

in-Training Medical Education (#MedEd) Forum * Medstro - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

H&R Block®-2013 Unallowed Expenses and Losses - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

Dr Social - Should i be concerned??? - 0 views

    Healthcare scandals along with the related relevant medical and scientific literature highlighting why the actions are considered a scandal. Regulatory medicine, healthcare, health policy, and patient safety. Doctor Brett Snodgrass, MD has a particular interest in transparency in healthcare and policy suggestions that regulators can consider in order to prevent things such as the VA Scandal, the UMKC Pathology Breast Cancer Scandal of 2011, and many others including the Stem Cell Scandal of South Korea in 2006.

Dr Social - 02-1491 HA - MBRHA - Pharmacology Incompetence - 0 views

    Accurate medical knowledge is a key to safe and effective patient care. Comments are made on Case 02-1491 HA, and then the full case is presented.

Mathews v. Lancaster General Hosp., 87 F. 3d 624 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1996 -... - 0 views

  • Dr. Robert Mathews
  • He practices as a corporate partner with anothe
  • George Kent.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Dr. Kent was performing spinal surgery at Lancaster General. Dr. Mathews was listed as a co-surgeon for the operation. During the procedure, a high speed drill slipped and tore the patient's esophagus.
  • 27 of the 208
  • Mr. Robert Katana, President and CEO of Columbia Hospital, discovered the application did not contain a reappointment reference from Lancaster Genera
  • unity from 632*632 monetary damages under § 11111(a) of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act. The district court also granted summary judgmen
    Interesting and complex case. Surgical privileges at hospitals vary markedly from most other physician privileges

Mishler v. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 849 P. 2d 291 - Nev: Supreme Court 1993 - Googl... - 0 views

  • Dr. Alan J. Mishler
  • After a brief association with the neurosurgeon in Reno, Dr. Mishler, appalled at the neurosurgeon's standards of practice and his billing procedures, refused to work with him any longer.
  • Dr. Mishler
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • the Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at Washoe Medical Center (WMC)
  • brought his concerns to the attention of
  • Governor
  • an investigator
  • he Board
  • the Board obstructed Dr. Mishler's access to the records.
  • WMC did not renew Dr. Mishler's hospital privileges.
  • As a result, Dr. Mishler could not obtain work elsewhere
  • Board denied him access to the evidence (X-rays and radiographs)
  • none of the experts had an opportunity to review the X-rays
  • When WMC initiated the hostile chart review against Dr. Mishler
  • First, the Board's timing is suspect because it initiated proceedings against Dr. Mishler five years after he treated the patients in question, when the Board knew that WMC had a five-year retention policy
  • According to the uncontroverted evidence, Dr. Mishler's colleagues, in retaliation against him for his candor
  • Board knew that Dr. Mishler had declared bankruptcy and could not afford counse
  • the Board's failure to retain the records relevant to the license revocation proceedings against Dr. Mishler demonstrates a significant degree of discovery abuse
  • Fifth, the merits of the allegations against Dr. Mishler were inadequately addressed because neither he nor any of the witnesses had the opportunity to view the X-rays and diagnostic films.
  • similar abuses
  • Dr. Mishler's surgeries were successful, the symptoms vanished,
  • The sole purpose of the power to revoke a physician's license is to protect the public.
  • Boswell held that a doctor's harsh criticism of other doctors did not warrant revocation of his license
  • the discipline was unwarranted.
  • The Board's power was not exercised for the proper and commendable purpose of protecting 297*297 the public from incompetent and negligent physician
  • Instead, the Board wielded its power to ruin the career of an outspoken physician while simultaneously protecting a possibly negligent or incompetent practitioner who had questionable billing procedures.
  • only one
  • subsequently found to be unjustified,
  • Board
  • limit the evidence
  • obstruct Dr. Mishler's access to evidence,
  • violated the same policy
  • The Board knew that Dr. Mishler was so impoverished that he had declared bankruptcy, and that he could ill afford to hire counse
  • In short, we conclude that the Board's actions and the proceedings against Dr. Mishler constituted a disturbing abuse of its power
  • reverse the disciplinary order of the Board in its entirety and dismiss all proceedings against Dr. Mishler with prejudice
    too painful to read. torture of physicans for reporting bad doctors.

Mishler v. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 849 P. 2d 291 - Nev: Supreme Court 1993 - 0 views

  • When we look beyond the label of the discipline given to Dr. Mishler to the true nature of the facts, we conclude that the discipline was unwarranted. The Board's power was not exercised for the proper and commendable purpose of protecting 297*297 the public from incompetent and negligent physicians. Instead, the Board wielded its power to ruin the career of an outspoken physician while simultaneously protecting a possibly negligent or incompetent practitioner who had questionable billing procedures.
  • In short, we conclude that the Board's actions and the proceedings against Dr. Mishler constituted a disturbing abuse of its power.
  • Therefore, we reverse the disciplinary order of the Board in its entirety and dismiss all proceedings against Dr. Mishler with prejudice.
    In 1993, the Arizona Supreme Court overturned all the of the AZ Medical Board's claims v. Dr. Mishler with prejudice. The Board's actions against Dr. Mishler constituted a disturbing abuse of its power.

Dr Social - Mishler v Arizona Medical Board 3919 - 0 views

  • t Dr. Mishler, and that complaint was subsequently found to be unjustified, the Board purposely scrutinized Dr. Mishler's charts to find evidence with which to discipline Dr. Mishler.
  • Board used its own rules of confidentiality as an excuse to obstruct Dr. Mishler's access to evidence, it violated the same policy with respect to Dr. Mishler's confidential reports.
    In 1993 Dr. Mishler, a neurosurgeon was forced to go to court against the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners secondary to their unscrupulous and unethical conduct. The Arizona Medical Board obstructed peer

Mishler v. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 849 P. 2d 291 - Nev: Supreme Court 1993 - Googl... - 0 views

  • While the Board withheld documents from Dr. Mishler on the expressed basis of its policy of confidentiality, it violated that policy when it forwarded confidential material, including the transcripts of Dr. Mishler's conversations with an investigator, to Dr. Mishler's neurosurgical colleagues.
  • Finally, even though the Board had the right to obtain the records and Dr. Mishler did not, the Board attempted to shift the burden for the preservation of evidence to Dr. Mishler.
  • In short, we conclude that the Board's actions and the proceedings against Dr. Mishler constituted a disturbing abuse of its power.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Therefore, we reverse the disciplinary order of the Board in its entirety and dismiss all proceedings against Dr. Mishler with prejudice.
  • The Board's power was not exercised for the proper and commendable purpose of protecting 297*297 the public from incompetent and negligent physicians. Instead, the Board wielded its power to ruin the career of an outspoken physician while simultaneously protecting a possibly negligent or incompetent practitioner who had questionable billing procedures.
  • Also, while the Board used its own rules of confidentiality as an excuse to obstruct Dr. Mishler's access to evidence, it violated the same policy with respect to Dr. Mishler's confidential reports.
  • Despite the absence of this evidence—office records, X-rays, and diagnostic films— at the hearing,
  • the Board disciplined Dr. Mishler.
    The Nevada state medical board demonstrated egregious abuse of its power and placed patient safety at risk in doing so.

The Prognostic Value of Documented Unprofessional Behavior in Medical School Records fo... - 0 views

  • The link between unprofessional behavior in medical school and board action is too weak to be of any prognostic valu
  • board action is not a good criterion for validating unprofessional behavior in medical school as an indicator of later problems in practice.
  • quality of research reporting
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • medical education
    The quality of research about medical education is too low to be used to make assertions about the quality of patient care.

Novel Insight into the Quality of Assessment of Physicians | Open Access | OMICS Intern... - 0 views

    This study about medical regulation in Missouri details the numerous errors in evaluating the care provided by Dr. Antoine Adem. The state medical board tried to discipline the cardiologist's medical license for allegedly providing negligent and unsafe patient care. Unfortunately, what this article highlights, is that it was not Dr. Adem who failed ot use his skills and knowledge in the duties of the profession, but it was the members of the Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts who failed to demonstrate competent medical knowledge and sufficient skills to properly evaluate the medical care provided by their licensees. If a physician on the medical board is unable to evaluate the care provided by a licensee, then they may pose a danger to the public due to their incompetence and, at the very least, should be second-guessed.

State medical boards and a Medical license - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Medical license
  • From Wikipedia,
  • United States, medical licenses are usually granted by individual states.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • medical license
  • failing to enforce the standard practices
  • occupational licensing that licensing increases costs and fails to improve quality,
  • patient deaths
  • the number of disciplinary actions made by state medical boards may not be a precise indicator of quality
  • for providing excellent patient care
  • wrongfully disciplined physicians for reporting their colleagues
  • State medical boards have increased the number of disciplinary actions against physicians since the 1980s.[10] However, the number of disciplinary actions made by state medical boards may not be a precise indicator of quality as some have wrongfully disciplined physicians for reporting their colleagues as well as for providing excellent patient care
    Medical license from wikipedia - this article reviews the requirement of a medical license to practice medicine, compares medical regulation in several different countries, and discusses criticisms of state medical boards.
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