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PDA:pharmacy schools to communicate in-person exams - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised the issue faced by the pharmacy students on returning to in-person assessments while urging the universities to take an empathetic approach in transition of online to in-person exams. It was highlighted by the association that many student members were apprehensive about the return to in-person assessments. This is due to their continuing worry of Covid-19 transmissions and anxiety caused by changing exam formats and procedures. However, with the ease of Covid restrictions, now pharmacy schools are able to decide how exams are conducted but the PDA believes that they should communicate the process to students in advance. "A return to normal university life is considered to be beneficial to student health and well-being. In-person exams are an important part of preparing for students' future trainee assessment examinations, GPhC accreditation for pharmacy schools, and ensuring the integrity of exam results. As future healthcare professionals, face-to-face interaction is also an integral part of the role," said the PDA.

Pharmacy Registration Assessment Test: 77% Pass Rate in 2023 - 0 views

    Out of the 2,805 students who sat for the common registration assessment test for pharmacists this June, approximately 2,150 have passed the exam, according to the General Pharmaceutical Council. It assesses pharmacy graduates' knowledge and skills to ensure safe and effective practice as pharmacists. This year, the pass rate was 77 per cent, slightly lower than the 80 per cent pass rate in June 2022, where 2,147 out of 2,697 candidates cleared the assessment, GPhC data showed. The exam comprises a written assessment testing pharmaceutical science and pharmacy practice knowledge and a practical assessment evaluating clinical skills and patient-facing competencies. Eligible candidates must complete an accredited pharmacy degree program and meet GPhC requirements. The assessment is conducted jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland. "The assessment is a primary method for testing trainees' ability to apply knowledge and make professional judgments in pharmacy practice," said Mark Voce, Director of Education and Standards, GPhC. "This is crucial in assuring patients and the public that they are in safe hands."
Desmond Morris

Introduction To The Abnormal Breast Changes - 0 views

    Women should be well aware of all the abnormal changes so that they can notice these changes during self breast exam easily. Self exam is advised once in a month so that unusual changes come into the observation as they take place and this exam is divided into two phases one is manual and the other one is visual so that the changes of all types can be noticed.

Sector lambasts GPhC for failing foundation exam candidates - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council has apologised for severe delays and disruptions during the June foundation registration assessment at five test centres in England on Wednesday (June 29). The pharmacy regulator said it has since "contacted the candidates affected via email to apologise for the disruption and the extra worry this will have caused. "We will also be issuing our usual survey for all candidates so we can hear directly from them about their experiences and have also asked candidates to get in touch if they would like individual advice." GPhC admitted that the worse sufferers were the candidates at a test centre in Nottingham "where the delay was severe and candidates were only able to start Paper 1 in the late afternoon". Extremely sorry In a statement, Duncan Rudkin, chief executive of the GPhC, said: "We are extremely sorry for the severe delays experienced by candidates in Nottingham today. This is completely unacceptable, and we fully appreciate the significant stress and disruption this must have caused for them in such a high-stakes assessment.

PDA welcomes regulator's measure to improve online exams - 0 views

    The Pharmacist' Defence Association (PDA) has welcomed the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI)'s plan to ensure a more robust, fair and positive experience for trainees, provisionally registered and potential pharmacists who will be sitting the November 2022 assessment. "Many candidates at the latest (June 2022) assessment experienced significant delays, technical issues, inadequate invigilation, and disturbances in test centres around the UK as the newly appointed company BTL ran the high-stakes pharmacist examinations for the first time. The next online exam is due in November 2022 and the PDA welcome proposed improvements to be introduced before that sitting," said the association. For some, provisional registration was the accepted response from the GPhC, but for others, such as potential pharmacists who did not want the provisional role, those unable to find a suitable provisional post, or some that did not meet the criteria for provisional registration, they found themselves in financial difficulties through no fault of their own, having reasonably expected to have joined the register in the Summer.

Hamilton Optical Store - 15 Minute Service - 2 views

> Our a new state of the art lab that can produce your glasses in 15 minutes. Our cutting edge technology produces the finest lenses in the industry. One stop shopping, get your eye exam and glasse...

Glasses Hamilton

started by teremoso on 12 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

Hamilton Optical Store - 15 Minute Service - 0 views

> Our a new state of the art lab that can produce your glasses in 15 minutes. Our cutting edge technology produces the finest lenses in the industry. One stop shopping, get your eye exam and glasse...

Glasses Hamilton

started by teremoso on 12 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Zach Mccrory

Get Pain Free Active Life with Acupuncture Treatment in Waupaca WI Area - 0 views

    Relive all your pain from your tennis elbow to your digestive problems. Schedule your appointment for Acupuncture treatment and receive FREE Initial exam for a $35 value, before March 20,2014 in Waupaca, 54981 WI area. Mention that you found this deal on Save Local Now and get additional discount benefit. Visit now for more informative details.
Desmond Morris

Breastlightâ„¢ Breast exam, breast check, breast screening, self breast exam - 0 views

    Breastlight is a breast screening product for women with the help of which they can find early symptoms and more details about breast cancer awareness.
    Breastlight is a product that allows you to see inside your breasts. It works by shining a powerful light through the breast tissue. It is completely safe and easy to use. Over 80% of women have told us they feel more confident when using Breastlight as part of their breast awareness routine.

PDA education revision programme:Ahead of Nov'22 assessment - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has made the its 'Education revision programme' accessible for new registrations who are preparing for the GPhC/PSNI November 2022 assessment. The programme offers a wide range of practice calculations questions, some mock exams, practical tips on revision, and an opportunity to chat to other PDA members who are preparing to sit the assessment. PDA's charity partners, Pharmacist Support also offer a range of options including- Counselling and peer support; Financial support; A listening friend service and Addiction support. Candidates can also access the Wardley Wellbeing Service here. This is a resource to help candidates to prioritise their mental, physical and emotional health through individual and group training. The PDA has also reminded all candidates that there have been some changes made by the GPhC to address problems that occurred in the June 2022 sitting.

GPhC registration assessment:80 percent pass rate June'22 - 0 views

    The result of the common registration assessment for pharmacists, held jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), have been published with an overall pass rate of 80 per cent. A total of 2,697 candidates sat the registration assessment in four countries on 29 June and 2,147 candidates passed the assessment. This summer's pass rate has fallen to 80 per cent compared with the 82 per cent pass rate for the summer 2021 registration assessment, and the 61 per cent pass rate for the Autumn 2021 registration assessment. GPhC chief executive Duncan Rudkin said: "We would like to congratulate the successful candidates and we look forward to them joining our register and continuing to the next stage of their career. "However, we appreciate that the June registration assessment was a difficult and stressful experience for many - and we are extremely sorry about the problems faced by a number of candidates on the day. "For those who did not pass, there is a guide on our website [PDF 255 KB] outlining all the options that may be available, such as provisional registration and the right to appeal. There are also links to organisations and resources that can provide support with mental health and wellbeing.
drschluter schulter

Tulsa Chiropractor | Schluter Chiropractic Meet The Doctors » Tulsa Chiropractor... - 0 views

    Chiropractic physicians are licensed to provide non-surgical and drug-free treatment to correct conditions relating to the spine and extremities. A minimum of three years of pre-medical college studies is required for acceptance into chiropractic college. After an additional four years of study, including several hundred hours of clinical work, at an accredited chiropractic college, the Doctor of Chiropractic degree is earned. All chiropractic physicians are then required to pass four parts of the National Board Exam and often a physiotherapy part and in Oklahoma a State Board Exam to be licensed to practice. Dr. Eric Schluter             Dr. Jason Schluter            
Sundhar krishna

Cost Effective Treatment for Cross Eye India - 0 views

    Strabismus or cross eye is a failure of the two eyes to maintain proper alignment and work together as a team.
Desmond Morris

Awareness with Breastlight - Why To Attend Breast Screening Sessions? - 0 views

    Screening can be defined as the tests or exams that are used to find a disease which apparently has no symptoms of that disease. The basic purpose of screening such as mammogram is to catch the cancer at primary stage when it does not start causing any symptoms of the disease similarly breast cancer screening is used to detect the cancer earlier to treat it successfully.
Desmond Morris

Why to Perform Self Breast Exam? - 0 views

    Women occupying this earth are at life time risk of developing breast cancer and there is nothing to diminish the riskself breast examination completely, however the risk can be reduced by taking certain precautionary measures. The risk to develop the breast cancer can be reduced as well as it can be controlled and successfully treated in case of early detection.
Desmond Morris

Breast Exam In Relation To the Early Detection of Breast Cancer - 0 views

    It is estimated that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life time because they are at life time risk of breast cancer and the risk becomes lower and higher in relation to the certain risk factors, but there is not a single woman in any corner of the world that is risk free so every woman regardless of her age should be vigilant about the health of breasts and the risk factors so they need to maintain a contact with breasts on regular basis.
achraf mejgou

Compare Instant Online Quotes For Term Life Insurance Today - 0 views

    Get and compare instant online quotes for term life insurance today for the protection you and your family need. Cheapest term life insurance term life insurance indiana term life insurance quote easy term life insurance term life insurance definition texas term life insurance! Smoker term life insurance rate 30 insurance level life term year term life insurance quote comparison cheap floridainsurance life term. Term life insurance without medical exam term life insurance quote company term life mortgage insurance rate.Term life insurance price quote!
Chelsea Lindau

Get Exclusive Local Deals and Offers in Chatsworth, CA on Save Local Now - 0 views

    Find and enjoy amazing online deals and list of local businesses in Chatsworth, CA area on food & drink, services, health and beauty, activities and more on Save Local Now. Get special discounts on facial services, eyebrow, waxing, nail salons, hair style, makeup service, chiropractors, health and wellness, dental exam, restaurant, lunch specials, pizza, buffet, appetizer, pickles, dinner special, snacks, fire department, first aid training, dance class, consultation services, cleaning service, solar loans and lot more. Checkout our site and save money on your favorite deals.
Richard  Joseph

Eyeglasses & Sunglasses in St.Louis | Maryland Heights - 0 views

    You simply come in for a routine eye exam or you are seeking treatment for an eye disease or condition, we are here to serve you. We happily accept vision insurance and work hard to make sure your eye care needs can be met within your budget.
Zorba Yoga

Yoga For Student - 0 views

    Students constantly face distractions and lack of motivation, especially during exams. These asanas will help increase concentration, focus and memory.
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