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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lolo Miller


5-More elderly parents living with adult children - 0 views

    Title: More elderly parents living with adult children Author: Ryan Malone Date Published: 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: This is an article about a particular family where the elderly parent moves in with her daughter. It tells some of the struggles of associated with careing for your parent who lives with you as well as gives some statictics about elderly living with their children How This Influenced My Thinking: I didn't realize how common it was for elderly parents to live with their children. I thought the trend would have decreased over the years but it has actually increased Credibility of Source: It is an article from MSNBC

5- What Happens to a Women's Body as she Ages? - 0 views

    Title: What Happens to a Women's Body as she Ages? Author: Cecilia Kirkpatrick Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: In this newspaper article Cecilia talks about the changes a woman undergoes as she ages. This is perfect for my paper since it tells me exactly what I need to know. She goes from physical changes all the way to the changes on the inside of the body and mentally as well. How This Influenced My Thinking: This just enlightened me on all the changes that I am eventually going to go through as I age. Credibility of Source: It is a newspaper article with an author and date and information seems accurate as it complements our textbook.

5-When parents and teens clash over religion - 0 views

    Title: When Parents and Teens Clash over Religion Author: Victoria Clayton Date Published: April 4, 2005 Why Relevant and Summary: This is an article regarding parents problems with their children when there is debate about the beliefs of their religion and when the child doesn't believe the same as the parents. There is some advice given to those parents as well as some facts regarding benefits and drawbacks of growing up with a religion. How This Influenced My Thinking: I have always believed growing up with a religion is important and that it does make a person more likely to associate their lives with positive things, but it is interesting to read and learn about some of the drawbacks Credibility of Source: this is an article from ABC news and it involves a person's actual experience.

7-Piagets Stages of cognitive development - 0 views

    Title: Piagets stages of development Author: Roy Benaroch Date Published: 1012 Why relevant and summary: This artice reviews all four stages of piagets theory and elaborates on each one. it gives exampels of each stage and also the ages each stage happend Influenced my thinking: this gave me a better understanding of how children think at each particular agge of their development Credibility of Source: This page is written and reviewed by an MD and it also contains references for where the informayion is coming from. it all relates to out textbook as well.

7 - The Effects of Divorce on Children - 0 views

    Title: Effects of Divorce on Children Author: Lesley Foulkes-Jamison Date Published: 2001 Why Relevant and Summary:This article focused on children and their behaviors and reactions after divorce. It also gave some good insight on what parents could do to make their child feel less confused about the divorce. How This Influenced My Thinking: I learned about statistics of how likely children are to behave in negative ways after divorce and also gave me good advice on how to help your child cope. Credibility of Source: Lesley is a psychologist and has a Ph.D and all of her information seemed to be very accurate.

6-Diana Baumrind & Parenting Styles - 0 views

    Title: Diana Baumrind & Parenting Styles Author: Diana Baumrind Date Published: 1967 Why Relevant and Summary: This provided excellent original excerpts from her research and studies, it goes over all of the different parenting styles as well as what to expect from the children after being parented a certain way. How This Influenced My Thinking: This mademe aware of the different styles and how it could effect children, so it made me know which parenting style I would like to take on. Credibility of Source: This is credible due to the citations and that it comes from an original source document.

6-ADHD & Causes, incidence, and risk factors - 0 views

    Title: Causes, incidence, and risk factors of ADHD Author: A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia Date Published: March 25, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article tells you everything you need to know about ADHD including symptoms, signs, tests, treatment, and medications. It also gives important statistics about kids and how often they are diagnosed with this disease. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article got me thinking about children with ADHD and how much more common it is these days. Also I learned that this disease could start as soon as the brain begins developing which was very surprising. Credibility of Source: This article contains references to give credit to all the facts regarding ADHD and it has also been reviewed by numerous MD's.

5- Parenting a toddler - 0 views

    Title: Praise, encouragement, and rewards while raising your toddler Author: Raising Children Network Date Published: 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives multiple ways to connect and help the social development of your toddler. It gives examples of how a parent should praise, encourage, and reward their children. I also like this website because it included videos and demonstrations of what a parent could do while raising their toddlers. How This Influenced My Thinking: This reinforces my understanding of how much attention toddlers need from their parents during their development in order to increase their own development. Credibility of Source: I browsed the whole website and all information seems accurate and it has a lot of good examples and ideas.

7-Babies and Brains: Habituation in Infant Cognition and Functional Neuroimaging - 0 views

    Title: Habituation in infant cognition Author:Nicholas Turk-Browne, Brian Scholl, and Marvin Chun Date Published: Dec. 2, 2008 Why Relevant and Summary:This research article goes over the basic principles of habituation and dishabituation. It also covers experiments performed and breaks them down to show how infants react to stimuli for periods of time. How This Influenced My Thinking: This reinforced my beliefs on habituation and dishabituation and increased my knowledge on the subject. Credibility of Source:Uses references and research so it is pretty reliable

7-Piaget and Cognitive delelopment - 0 views

    Title: Piagets Codnitive Developmental Theory Author:Kathleen M. Thies and John F. Travers Date Published:2001 Why Relevant and Summary:This book I found online goes over all of Piegets stages of development and touches on all the substages as well. I used it specifically for definitions such as mental structures and schemes, but it is useful for understanding every aspect of the theory. How This Influenced My Thinking: This enhanced my understanding of piagets theory and gave me good examples to relate the theory to. Credibility of Source: it is an online textbook, which has been analyzed and published so I think it is pretty reliable.

6-Benefits of cosleeping; What research shows - 0 views

    Title: Benefits of Cosleeping Author: API Staff Why Relevant and Summary: This article shares the benefits of cosleeping long term and short term. They also back up their information with research and scientific studies. How it Influenced My Thinking: I always thought cosleeping was unusual and did not know of many benefits, but this article changed my mind. Credibility :This is an international parenting group that does research on many child rearing and development topics.

6-Benefits of Natural Childbirth - 0 views

    Title:Benefits of Natural Childbirth Author: Lilian Presti Date Published: June 30, 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives benefits of natural childbirth. It compares these benefits to pregnancies using technology and drugs which I thought was helpful. How This Influenced My Thinking: I always thought I would do pregnancy with drugs, but after researching and reading this article I am considering natural childbirth! Credibility of Source: The article has an author and date so it shoudl be pretty reliable. It also has references to ferer back to.

7-Genes vs. Environment - 0 views

    Title: Genes vs. Environment Author: University of Edinburgh Date Published: May 16, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article provides information on over 800 sets of experiments that were done to prove how genes played a more important role in development than the environment. How This Influenced My Thinking: This made me want to conduct my own research or do my own study on twins who were separated at birth to see how identical their characteristics were after five or ten years of being apart. That would help me see for myself if genetics really do have a greater inpact than environment does on development. Credibility of Source: This source is credible because the information was derived from universities, journals, and other research organizations and they have references to all the information they used.

7-Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory - 2 views

    Title: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Author: Dede Paquette and John Ryan Date Published: 7/12/2001 Why Relevant and Summary: This paper breaks down Bronfenbrenner's theory while giving examples of each of the five systems of the theory. Not only does the paper breakdown all five steps and give examples in each step, but it also goes on to talk about nature Vs. nurture and the implications for practicing this theory. How This Influenced My Thinking: This paper has influenced my thinking in that it made me realize how this theory could be brought into real life. I did not fully understand the concept of actually practicing this theory until reading this paper. Credibility of Source: This source is reliable because it was written and revised at a university, and also there are resources backing up all the facts stated in this paper.

7-Identity Formation in Adolescence: Change or Stability? - 0 views

    Title: Identity Formation in Adolescence: Change or Stability? Author:Klimstra, Hale, Raaijmakers, Branje, and Meeus Date Published: February 27, 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: This is a relevant article because it shows research done on comparing weather identity formation is stable in adolescence or is it progressively changes. It refers to Erikson's theory as well as theorys from Waterman and Van Hoof. How This Influenced My Thinking: This has influenced my thinking by introducing me to new identity theories and exploring those theories and ideas more indepth. Credibility of Source: This is a credible source since it has many references to all the information provided and the article tells who the authors are and dates published.
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