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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Julia Magallanes


6-Does a great job in explaining disengagement theory and how it affects the elderly - 0 views

    Title:What is disengagement theory? Author:Cristen Conger Date published: n.d. Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it describes disengagement theory. The elderly begin to withdraw from activities they love because of an illness, for example. Little by little, they lose their independence and remove themselves from social networks. How this influenced my thinking:It's is sad to think that some elderly will withdraw themselves from society when they lose independence. It is important that as family, we keep in touch with our elderly family members and keep them as close to society as possible. Whether it be taking them to the park, grocery store, or just talking to them on a daily basis. Credibility of source: Seems credible. It includes all its sources.

6-Great information on the basics of diabetes - 0 views

    Title:Diabetes basics Author:none Date published: n.d. Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses diabetes, which could affect a person in middle adulthood. Diabetes can be affected by age, race, gender and family history. How this influenced my thinking:In terms of age, race and gender, this hits home because this affects my dad. Now that there is a history of it, I need to work on preventing this from happening to me. Credibility of source:Credible, it's from the American diabetes association

5-A woman's body at 50 - 0 views

    Title:Maintaining good health at 50 and over Author:Jane Harrison-Hohner Date published:2011 Why relevant and summary:This page is relevant because it discusses the health of a 50 year old woman. Women 50 and over should maintain stroing bones, a healthy heart, and seek preventative exams. How this influenced my thinking:It's important to have a proper inkate of calcium and vitamin D, but also doing weight-bearing exercises for strong bones. Credibility of source:Credible, it's from WebMD

6-What Japanese value in their culture - 0 views

    Title:Japan:values, proverbs and language Author:Kristina Lazos, Elizabeth Donnellon, Corey McConnell Date published:2001 Why relevant and summary:This page is relevant because it discusses the Japanese culture. The Japanese see the elderly and ancestors as being wise. The elderly hold knowledge that is valuable for future generations. How this influenced my thinking:It's amazing to see how much the Japanese respect their elders and ancestors. They hold great knowledge which is necessary to pass on to the next generations. Credibility of source:It is from an education site.

4-Discusses importance of religion(outdated) - 0 views

    Title:Why religion matters Author:Patrick F. Fagan Date published: 1996 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses the importacne of religion in family, relationships, personal health. However, it is very outdated. How this influenced my thinking:Having a connection with God and the church is very beneficial. It can make you a better person by trying to do good for others, yourself and family. Credibility of source:Seems credible from an organization website.

6-Great information on puberty for females - 0 views

    Title:Female reproductive system Author:Steven Dowshen Date published: 2010 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses the female reproductive system in detail, menstruation, and problems that can arise. How this influenced my thinking:I'm coming to the realization that it is important to not only discuss with children about puberty but also discuss basic anatomy. This could really help them by building their knowledge and confidence for open communication. Credibility of source:Credible

6-Raising a child when there is divorce - 0 views

    Title:Helping your child through a divorce Author:Michelle New Date published: 2011 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses how parents can help their children cope with a divorce. It discusses how to break the news to them, giving them consistency, how to parent as single parents, and not bringing arguements to them. How this influenced my thinking:I believe that it is very important to never argue in front of children. When this happens, children may feel like they need to choose sides. If at all possible, parents should try and be civil with one another and hopefully end the marriage on good terms. Credibility of source:Credible

6-Helping kids with bullying - 0 views

    Title:Helping kids deal with bullies Author:D'Arcy Lyness Date published: 2010 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses how parents can help their children with bullying. It discusses why kids bully, signs of bullying, and strategies to stop bullying. How this influenced my thinking:I love that this article says to be brave and walk away. Never confront the bully. Sometimes, the bully is just looking to get a reaction out of you. Credibility of source:Credible

5-Basic information on parenting styles - 0 views

    Title:The four styles of parenting Author:Kendra Cherry Date published:no date Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses the four styles of parenting. It also states the impacts these various parenting styles have on children. How this influenced my thinking:Parenting styles differ because it is based on culture, family size, personality, SES, education and religion. Credibility of source:Credible

6-Things to expect between 30-36 months of age - 0 views

    Title: Your child's development: 30 to 36 months Author: Rebecca Parlakian and Claire Lerner Date published: 2008 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it gives highlights of what occurs between 30 to 36 months in a toddler. Toddler can now pedal trycicles and dress themselves with help. They also use language to express themselves. They have a better memory and love to play with other people. How this influenced my thinking:Well this stage is a great time to teach toddlers how to express their feelings properly and how to talk things out and take turns. Credibility of source:Very credible, as it is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics

5-Schema - 0 views

    Title:What is a schema? Author:Kendra Cherry Date Published:n.d. Why Relevant and Summary:This article is relevant because it describes what a schema is. This goes into the discussion of cognition and toys and how infants learn from their environment. Children make schemas, how we organize and process information, in order to make sense of things. However, for children, assimilation and accomodation are necessary since they are constantly learning and can confuse things. How This Influenced My Thinking:Schemas are a good learning tool, but can also make learning difficult. It is important to be open minded in order to take in new information. Otherwise, a person's schema may be flawed. Credibility of Source:Credible from with references.

5-Babies recognize mom's voice - 0 views

    Title:What babies learn in the womb Author:Laura Flynn Mccarthy Date Published:nd Why Relevant and Summary:This article is relevant because it discusses how newborns prefer mom's voice over someone elses, proving that infants can distinguish between voices. This article discusses a study done on one day old newborns. They are given pacifiers and depending on the sucking pattern, they start the recording of mom's voice or another person's voice. After twenty minutes, they learned to use the sucking pattern that started the recording of mom's voice. How This Influenced My Thinking:Babies are born learning. Clearly they understand more than people realize. It is up to us to stimulate and progress their learning. Credibility of Source:This comes from so I seems credible, however, their are no citations or references.

5-Promoting brain development - 0 views

    Title:Wired for learning: promoting infant brain development Author:Kathryn Vaughn Date Published:nd Why Relevant and Summary:This article is relevant because it discusses ways to promote brain development in infants. Babies brains are made for learning. Brain development is based both on genes and the stimulation and care given to the infant. Parents should interact with their baby by talking to them. Use a high pitched voice. Let your baby explore their environment and play with your baby. How This Influenced My Thinking:It's amazing to know that with each experience a baby encounters, it only aids in brain development. Credibility of Source:It seems to be credible from an .edu site with plenty of references.

7-Benefits of breastfeeding and developing countries - 0 views

    Title:In tea country, Indian mothers learn the importance of breastfeeding Author:Angela Walker Date Published:June 24, 2010 Why Relevant and Summary:Talks about breastfeeding in India. Angawadi health workers hold monthly meetings to teach on the importance of breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months. Before the health workers, mother's gave their infants goat's milk. They threw away the colostrum believing it was dirty. At first the women would not listen. The Angawadi health workers had to gain their trust. The health workers speak to all family members. Almost 2 million children die in India each year before age 5, mostly because of preventable diseases. How This Influenced My Thinking: Sometimes it just takes some educating and informing people on simple steps that can prevent infant and childhood death. Credibility of Source:Credible since it is from UNICEF

6-Learning in the womb - 0 views

    Title:Babies Listen and Learn While in the Womb Author:Denise Mann Date Published:Jan. 3, 2013 Why Relevant and Summary:It discusses learning in the womb. Babies begin to absorb language within the womb in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy. In a study, infants only hours old sucked on a pascifier more often when they heard vowels sounds in their native language than when hearing vowel sound in a foreign language. The mother's body amplifies her voice so the baby cannot hear dad's voice. How This Influenced My Thinking:I never knew that a newborn could differentiate between a mother's voice. When I have kids, I will definitely be talking to them the last weeks of pregnancy. Credibility of Source:Veyr credible since it came from WebMD

7-How to determine and classify congenital malformations - 0 views

    Title:Environmental Causes of Human Congenital Malformations: The Pediatrician's Role in Dealing With These Complex Clinical Problems Caused by a Multiplicity of Environmental and Genetic Factors Author:Robert L. Brent Date Published:April 1, 2004 Why Relevant and Summary: Contains information on teratogens from various kinds to what malformations they can cause in the body. This article starts off by describing the criteria to be classified as a teratogen. There are three categories of congenital malformations: unknown, genetic, and environmental. The severity of effects of teratogen are determined by time of exposure and amount of exposure or threshold dose. How This Influenced My Thinking: There are specific criteria in order to be classified as caused by teratogen. Credibility of Source: The source is highly credible. It comes from the Journal of American Academy of Pediatrics.

7- Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory - 0 views

    Title: Urie Bronfenbrenner and Child Development Author: Angela Oswalt Date Published: Jan. 17, 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: This page is relevant because it speaks of Urie Bronfenbrenner's model of development. The main focus is on child and adolescent development. It compares Urie's model to other theoris of development. This is a great starting point if you want to learn about Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg and Urie Bronfenbrenner. How This Influenced My Thinking: From this model I understood that how a child develops is influenced from the systems in the child's life. However, when taking microsystem into consideration and the important people in the child's life, the way the child acts towards the microsystem (people) also influences how those people will act towards the child. Credibility of Source: No citations or references. Came from a mental help site.

5-Factors affecting prenatal development - 1 views

    Title: Beginnings, Growth and Development Author: Dr. Mark Hill Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: Many factors contribute to prenatal development: nutrition, health, environment, drug use, illness. Abnormalities are at greater risk of occurring during critical periods of development. This period is highest during the embryonic stage. By gathering research on what affects prenatal development, we can pinpoint when pregnant women are most at risk and the factors, thereby preventing congenital problems. How This Influenced My Thinking: It's very surprising how a span of 6 weeks can have such a life changing impact on a person before they're even born. It's crucial that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant be informed and get the proper care needed before and during a pregnancy. Credibility of Source: The publication comes form The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. This seems to have been created by one of the professors.
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