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BluEnt Global

Search Engine Optimization Toronto - 0 views

    BluEnt helps businesses like yours get found online through search engine optimization. We offer SEO consulting services to small, medium and enterprises in Toronto.
arnie Grossblatt

A.P. Cracks Down on Unpaid Use of Articles on Web - - 0 views

  • aking a new hard line that news articles should not turn up on search engines and Web sites without permission, The Associated Press said Thursday that it would add software to each article that shows what limits apply to the rights to use it, and that notifies The A.P. about how the article is used.
  • the company’s position was that even minimal use of a news article online required a licensing agreement with the news organization that produced it.
  • Search engines and news aggregators contend that their brief article citations fall under the legal principle of fair use.
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  • Each article — and, in the future, each picture and video — would go out with what The A.P. called a digital “wrapper,” data invisible to the ordinary consumer that is intended, among other things, to maximize its ranking in Internet searches. The software would also send signals back to The A.P., letting it track use of the article across the Web.
    AP gets ready to play rough with news aggregators and search engines - and with the notion of fair use.

Search Engine Marketing Course | SEM Training in Hyderabad - 0 views

    Digital Marketing school offers professional training programmes in Search engine Marketing. Providing best training in ppc, adwords and sem etc
Thelisha Woods

Did Bing Just Leapfrog Yahoo Search? - - 0 views

    Data from monitoring service StatCounter suggests that Bing , Microsoft's new search decision engine, has overtaken Yahoo Search as the number two search service in the U.S. and worldwide in large part thanks to stealing market share from leader Google.
arnie Grossblatt

Getting Google to notice your ebook - 0 views

  • but Google eBookstore suddenly gives booksellers a reason to at least wade into SEO.
  • But what about new books and ebooks? How does Google determine which new titles, and the more than 15 million books that have been scanned, float to the top of its search results pages: in the web search box and in the ebookstore. The challenge, for Gray and other Google engineers on the Books project, is that the best known component of Google's algorithm for determining the the value of a web resource -- the number of links to it by others -- does not apply to books and ebooks. Although it is possible to link to a selection in certain books on Google Books (here's a hyperlink into the aforementioned Galbraith title) people don't generally create links to the contents of a book or ebook. So linking is not a reliable indicator of quality.
  • One strategy that Google employs is to tap into the book industry's "rich tradition of metadata.
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  • Google also looks at what Gray referred to as "market signals:" how often a book has been reprinted, web searches, recent book sales, the number of libraries that hold the book, etc.
  • 2. Create quality content outside the book
  • 1. Use descriptive titles and chapter headings
  • 3 best practices for getting Google to notice your book
  • 3. Book covers matter
    With the opening of the Google Bookstore, it's time for publishers to start thinking about search engine optimization (SEO)
Thelisha Woods

The AP's Desperate Attempt To Outlaw Search Engine Links : RushPRnews - Newswire & Pres... - 0 views

    An AP win could kill "fair use" and change the Internet as we know it. NEW YORK (RPRN) 04/07/09-
arnie Grossblatt

AP goes to war with search engines and blogs - 0 views

    • arnie Grossblatt
      Don't the courts decide fair use claims?
  • Let’s just call it the Fast Track to AP Irrelevance. 
  • Besides, the AP doesn’t get to determine what “fair use” means
Thelisha Woods

DeepDyve :: DeepDyve Unveils Suite of Tools for Publishers - 0 views

    Here's more info about one of the "Deep Web" search engines I spoke about in my presentation. Deep Dyve just released some new search tools that publishers may consider using to increase their web presence.
Kristen Reynolds

Searchme Visual Search - Beta - rev. 2.0.2 - 0 views

shared by Kristen Reynolds on 24 Sep 08 - Cached
    In class we talked about making things catchy or coming up with inventive strategies for attracting customers that are constantly bombarded by "cool." I tihnk this relatively new search engine might be on to a way to give customers a reason to use their product over the other guys that are trying to do the same thing.
arnie Grossblatt

The Future for Online Dictionaries - 0 views

    Online dictionary sites depend on advertising revenue but this model is in jeopardy as search engines extend functionality
Derik Dupont

Murdoch could block Google searches entirely |Media | - 0 views

    Rupert Murdoch says he will remove stories from Google's search index as a way to encourage people to pay for content online
BluEnt Global

The Truth About Your SEO Contract That Could Save You Big Dollars - 0 views

    BluEnt reveals the top three factors impacting search engine optimization contract. Achieve the highest possible ROI with the best SEO pricing plan.
Thelisha Woods

How Does Google News Rank Stories - 0 views

    For Google News publishers, getting high placement in Google News can be great. Most publishers would love to see prime time placement of their stories on the main Google News home page, but many settle for ranking well in Google......
Derik Dupont

A Very Short List: Publishers That Have Actually Told Google to Take a Hike (photo) // ... - 0 views

    Publishers love to gripe about Google. But they almost never, ever, do the one thing that could put their money where their mouth is: Tell the search giant to
Derik Dupont

Media News: Why News Corp. and Murdoch Won't Quit Google - Advertising Age - Digital - 0 views

    Pulling media sites out of Google search results is a bold idea, but there are many reasons to think it's not the future of the web.
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