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8 K-12 tech tools to watch in 2015 - 1 views

    Over the last few years, technology has reshaped the classroom in many ways - and is continuing to do so. From digital textbooks and platforms that make teaching often-complex STEM subjects simpler to deep data analytics that measure and predict student achievement, ed tech is addressing a number of issues in the nation's schools.

5 Videos on making flipped video lessons - 0 views

    A handy how-to for flipped classrooms
    Thanks for sharing this; it's great information!

15 Best Google Drive Add-Ons for Education - 4 views

    Google Drive has enabled Google Add Ons and there are some that you and your students will want to enable right away. Others may appeal more to professional developers or those who work remotely . How To Enable Add Ons for Google Drive Here's a tutorial on enabling add ons.

Chabad - 0 views

shared by ctureff on 02 Feb 15 - Cached
    Official homepage for worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement that promotes Judaism and provides daily Torah lectures and Jewish insights. Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. Chabad is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.

Sinai and Sunna - Moving Torah - 0 views

    This is a great organization that really helps students to connect to the weekly parasha through movement. They also do wonderful work with Jewish/Muslim relations.

Torah Tots - The Site for Jewish children - HOME PAGE - 1 views

    This is a great website for some quick information for young children. It explains the parasha simply and has some cute activities for young children.

Builders of Jewish Education - 0 views

    • ctureff
      This is a great resource for me in the LA area. It is especially helpful in allowing me to see programs that are relevant to my students.

Bible and Mishneh Torah for All - Jews and Gentiles / Mechon Mamre - 1 views

    This is a great resource when you need to have an English source sheet. It is very helpful also if you need English/Hebrew texts.

Schools, learning, innovation and student futures - 1 views

    For all of us, learning was an innate part of life. It was something we just did, that was as natural to us as breathing. If not for this innate desire to learn and with it the ability to do so, we would never learn to walk, or speak or interact with others.

Access to Encyclopedia Judaica - 1 views

    Encyclopedia Judaica is made available to the community through the generosity of the Bureau of Jewish Education in Central Indiana and its donors. To show your appreciation for this resource, please consider making a donation to the Bureau of Jewish Education.

Home | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner - 0 views

    To what extent and in what ways do trips to Israel by Jewish high school students influence their decisions, years later, to marry a Jewish person and raise Jewish children? Understanding the import and value of teen trips to Israel will play an important role in determining the nature and level of anticipated increased support for such endeavors.

Jewish Education | Facing History and Ourselves - 0 views

    Jewish Education Program Since 1990, our Jewish Education Program has worked with educators and young people to connect the past to the present. Through the integration of history and ethics, this program promotes an understanding of how Jewish values can inspire students to combat prejudice with compassion and indifference with participation.

You searched for scapegoat - G-dcast - 0 views

    eScapegoat is a great way to use the web for teaching at High Holy Days. buy a mini goat, and when Elul comes start placing your sins on it, head to

Ritualwell - 0 views

    Ritualwell: Ritual for Jewish holidays and life cycles, including Shabbat, the New Year, baby namings, weddings, healing and mourning. This is a great resource for those who want to customize Jewish traditions to meet their unique needs.

Rosh Pina Cornerstone - 1 views

    Rosh Pina is new Jewish organization, providing assistance & certification for schools and other Jewish institutions striving for inclusivity. (Full disclosure: the brilliant founder of said organization is my sister-in-law.)

The Brick Testament - 1 views

    Creative, brilliant, and use with caution! Lego expert and self-appointed "reverend" Brendan Powell Smith has created scene-by-scene recreations of most of the narrative parts of Tanakh, plus the Christian Bible as well, using legos and his own modern translation of the Bible. His goal was to expose people to the "real" Bible, so be careful, certain scenes (clearly labeled) are NSFW. (From The Brick Testament is the largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible in the world with over 4,500 illustrations that retell more than 400 stories from The Bible.)

Meaningful Jewish Screentime - Godcast - 0 views

    One of the more creative & modern approaches to parshanut, holidays,Torah, rabbinic literature, and more. Videos are mostly free, with inexpensive downloadable teachers' guides for support. Also have apps, mostly for younger kids. (From Jewish questions? Don't know where to get started? We've got you covered. Videos, apps, and interactive experiences for everyone.)

JPS Tagged Tanakh - 0 views

    Despite the fact that the site is not currently supported by JPS (or anyone), the full modern (1985) JPS translation of the Tanakh is available, and searchable, online. (From The Tagged Tanakh is a collaborative platform around the Jewish Bible, brought to you by JPS)
1More : a Living Library of Jewish Texts Online - 0 views

    An incredibly useful site for creating legally procured texts for source sheets. (From We are building a free living library of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation. Our scope is Torah in the broadest sense, from Tanakh to Talmud to Zohar to modern texts and all the volumes of commentary in between. Sefaria is created, edited, and annotated by an open community.)
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