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An innovative way/script for getting more website visitors automatically - 5 views

    In fact getting target website traffic is very important for any online business. Since most of businesses heavily depend on online advertisement, we can say that getting website traffic is essential for any business.\nSo, in this post I will explain about innovative script which can give more traffic to your website.\n\n-In this Social networking era, people want to get real time update including the latest information in Search results.\n\n- And people tend to know/read the news which is being searched by large number of people at that time.\n\n
David McGavock

Google Plus Best Practices | Social Media Today - 17 views

  • Here are the 10 top mistakes on Google+. 
  • Set up a business page if you using Google+ for your company.
  • include your business keywords in your tagline and introduction.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • nclude all your other social site links.
  • Include your website, and location
  • get creative and make your cover image something to talk about.
  • generate Circles for in-store customers; online customers; partners; industry leaders; business friends; coworkers; etc.
  • Make sure you use them. And then, make sure you use them well.
  • Write targeted updates to send out to targeted groups
  • Using Circles can extend the life of your updates (and blog posts), and can your them to resonate better with each of your segmented connections.
  • Don’t post your update to them AND send them an email to notify those in your Circle about your recent post:
  • The email option lets you make sure an important post will reach the Circles you need it to (like to customers, if you’re posting about a social contest marketing campaign, for example).
  • But don’t overuse this function! It’s particularly annoying if your Circles have not asked you for continual updates! It’s spam.
  • People do not like to hangout with people who only talk about themselves.
  • 80% of your posts should be about lifestyle, customers and stuff other than you; 20% should be about you and your products.
  • Another big no-no is not addressing negative comments on your posts. Bad comments will happen. It’s an open forum, and not everyone is going to agree with you, or even like what you do.
  • judge how to respond to comments on your updates.
  • If it’s an inappropriate comment - delete it, but I’d try to tell the commenter first - not doing so can lead to even more PR problems for you...)
  • Find communities that suit your business niche, and join them.
  • join a few business-related ones - start to network, and you never really know where those connections will lead you.
  • Engage, share others’ posts, comment. Treat Communities like a networking breakfast, or trade show. These can be your customers! Give them respect and interest, and they will likely reciprocate!
  • Do not post a link - and not include at least a brief comment!
  • Make sure your product pages, blog post pages, website and other other relevant landing pages have an easy to click G +1 button!
    Good tips for using google+
Pavlína Hublová

5 Google Apps for Education PD resources for busy teachers - Edgalaxy - 24 views

    "a list of 5 great resources to learn more about Google Apps for Education"
Maryann Angeroth

8 Classroom Management Tips--From Google? - 21 views

    Here are 8 things that teachers can learn from the business world, as they would be applied in a classroom. Specifically, these traits are from Google's own highly effective managers 8 Habits of Highly Effective Google Managers.
David McGavock

What's included in my edition of Gmail? - Google Apps Administrator Help - 14 views

    Compare Google for Business, Education, Non Profits and Free
Michelle Krill

Google Apps for Education Certified Partners and Trainers: Program Details - 26 views

    "This program is designed for companies and individuals who provide professional training and support to schools using Google Apps Education Edition. The Google Apps for Education Certification is an official "stamp of approval" from Google, and gives you access to additional marketing support, training opportunities, and business visibility in the Google Apps marketplace. Meanwhile, your customers can be assured that your expertise and learning materials meet high quality standards set by the Google Apps team."
Jeff Johnson

Google Apps: The Missing Manual | O'Reilly Media - 0 views

    This comprehensive and easy-to-follow new book teaches you how to use the new web-based applications from Google that are providing a viable alternative to Microsoft Office for many businesses. While Google's office suite shows a lot of promise, navigating...
Jeff Johnson

Google's culture 'not fit' for enterprise apps - 0 views

    Anyone hoping that Google Apps can rival Microsoft's products in the enterprise marketplace will have pause for thought after reading the astonishing testimony of development manager Sergey Solyanik, who has just gone back to Microsoft after a stint working at Google. In the best-informed blog on software-as-a-service and on-demand business applications, Phil Wainewright cuts through the vendor spin, analyzes the trends to watch and adds his thought-provoking insights.
Ginger Lewman

Webinars - Google Apps for Education - 48 views

    This page includes Apps for Business events, as many topics apply equally to all Apps editions. For more videos and webinars, visit the Google Apps YouTube channel.
Dennis OConnor

Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone - - 0 views

  • Right about now, Apple probably wishes it had never rejected Google Voice and related apps from the iPhone. Or maybe it was AT&T who rejected the apps. Nobody really knows. But the FCC launched an investigation last night to find out, sending letters to all three companies (Apple, AT&T, and Google) asking them to explain exactly what happened.
  • The FCC investigation is not just about the arbitrary rejection of a single app. It is the FCC's way of putting a stake in the ground for making the wireless networks controlled by cell phone carriers as open as the Internet.
  • On the wired Internet, we can connect any type of PC or other computing device and use any applications we want on those devices. On the wireless Internet controlled by cellular carriers like AT&T, we can only use the phones they allow on their networks and can only use the applications they approve.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Google must secretly be pleased as punch. It was only two years ago, prior to the 700MHz wireless spectrum auctions, that it was pleading with the FCC to adopt principles guaranteeing open access for applications, devices, services, and other networks. Now two years later, in a different context and under a different administration, the FCC is pushing for the same principles.
  • FCC cites "pending FCC proceedings regarding wireless open access (RM-11361) and handset exclusivity (RM-11497). That first proceeding on open access dates back to 2007 when Skype requested that cell phone carriers open up their networks to all applications (see Skype's petition here). Like Google Voice, Skype helps consumers bypass the carriers. The carriers don't like that because that's their erodes their core business and turns them into dumb pipes. But dumb pipes are what we need. They are good for consumers and good for competition because they allow any application and any device, within reason, to flower on the wireless Internet.
  • The FCC also wants Apple to explain the arbitrariness of its app approval process: 4. Please explain any differences between the Google Voice iPhone application and any Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications that Apple has approved for the iPhone. Are any of the approved VoIP applications allowed to operate on AT&T?s 3G network?5. What other applications have been rejected for use on the iPhone and for what reasons? Is there a list of prohibited applications or of categories of applications that is provided to potential vendors/developers? If so, is this posted on the iTunes website or otherwise disclosed to consumers?6. What are the standards for considering and approving iPhone applications? What is the approval process for such applications (timing, reasons for rejection, appeal process, etc.)? What is the percentage of applications that are rejected? What are the major reasons for rejecting an application?
  • Why does it take a formal request from a government agency to get Apple (and AT&T) to explain what the rules are to get on the wireless Internet?
    Opening the iPhone would make educational apps much easier to publish. Apple's monopoly means e-text-book readers and classroom use of hand held computers (which is what the iPhone and iPod reall are) have to pay a toll to Apple. Right now, Apple's approval system is cloaked in mystery. Developers have no way to market their products without 'official' approval. Opening up the iPhone and by extension opening up wireless networks around the country will drive down high prices and bring connectivity to more inexpensive computing devices. I hope this FCC investigation is the domino that kicks open the door to the clouds of connectivity that are already out there!
Maryann Angeroth

6 Ways To Use Google Hangouts In The Classroom | - 22 views

    "Google's suite of technology products has far-reaching followings in the social and business sector, but did you know nearly all of their products are easily integrated into the classroom?"
Susan Oxnevad

5 Ways to Use Google Docs in the Classroom - 35 views

    Google Docs is a user friendly suite of online collaborative tools that come with tremendous potential for use in the classroom. Last year all of the students in our school  received Google Docs accounts and I was kept quite busy getting students and teachers up and running with the new tools, then discovering innovative ways to use them as effective tools for learning. Here are some of the favorites.
Susan Oxnevad

Back to School with Google Docs - 56 views

    Last year all of the students in our school district received Google Docs accounts and I was kept quite busy all year getting students up and running and then finding innovative ways to use the tools for learning. Upon reflection,if I got the opportunity to do it all over again there are three things I would make sure to do at the start of the year to kick off Google Docs.
Liane St. Laurent

Use Chromebooks for Student Assessments - Chrome for Business and Education Help - 16 views

    How to set up chromebooks to securely deliver assessments.
Fred Delventhal

mapspread : Create, edit, share and publish your business data as an interactive mappin... - 5 views

    Import your data from spreadsheets, maintain it with fun tools, share with coworkers and friends, publish to the world. * Create a rich locator application * Create and view sales territories, analyze trends, and evaluate performance by geography with your own data. * Quickly visualize GIS datasets from Shapefiles, MapInfo files * Share geo-data among members of your organization * Geocode lists of addresses via
    Beta is currently free.
Jeff Johnson

Google Apps: Should You Switch? - 0 views

  • Google Apps Premier Edition is a collection of office tools for businesses -- word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, calendar and web page creator -- all of which are accessible through a web browser. Pricing is set at $50 per user per year, less expensive than Microsoft Office but with much the same functionality. Microsoft has its own web-based suite of tools in Office Live, but the company's offering doesn't match Google's. And Google isn't going after Office Live, it's going after Office.
Jeff Johnson

Google will try to outshine Microsoft's Internet Explorer with new Web browser called '... - 0 views

    Google Inc. is releasing its own Web browser in a long-anticipated move aimed at countering the dominance of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer and ensuring easy access to its market-leading search engine. The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor Day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival. The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.
Dennis OConnor

Search Engines List - Listed by Types of Searches and Categories | Professional Web Ser... - 38 views

    Knowing where to look is an essential aspect of information fluency.  Google, Yahoo, Bing are just the top of the pyramid.  Here's a list of search engines.  How many have you even heard of, let alone used?
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