How to Become a Google Certified Trainer [infographic] | Shake Up Learning - 10 views
Kasey Bell on 05 Mar 16"One of the most common questions I receive is about how to become a Google Certified Trainer. So I have put together an infographic detailing the five steps to becoming a Google for Education Certified Trainer. I have been a Google Certified Trainer for a couple years, and it was a game-changer for my career. I have also delivered a face-to-face Google Certification Boot Camps, a prep course to prepare educators to pass the exams and apply for certification. I have helped several hundred educators across the U.S. reach their goal of becoming a Google Certified Trainer. But that's not enough! I want to help everyone reach their goal of becoming a Google Certified Trainer. So to kick things off, I have put together this infographic detailing the five-step process."