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Tami Brass

57 Useful Google Tools You've Never Heard Of | College@Home - 2 views

  • Reader: Reader is a Web-based news aggregator
  • iGoogle: Create a custom designed home page with iGoogle.
  • Picasa: This Google program makes it easy to manage your photos online and off.
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • Docs: You no longer need desktop publishing applications installed on your computer to type out documents or create spreadsheets, you can do it entirely online with Google.
  • Notebook: Research can be easier with this Web clipping application from Google.
  • Desktop: Make it easy to find everything on your desktop with this application from Google.
  • Ride Finder: Hook up with taxi, limousine and shuttle services through this search tool which uses GPS data from vehicles in 14 US cities.
  • Transit: Those taking public transportation will appreciate this mapping tool which helps users to plan a trip via the local public transportation options by using Google Maps.
  • Mars:
  • Users can see the elevation, infrared data and photos of Mars through the site.
  • It provides easy access to images from the Hubble telescope through the Space Telescope Science Institute, allowing users to look through planets, stars, galaxies, satellites and more.
  • Sky: T
  • uses satellite imagery and mapping technology to allow you to find and see any location in the world through an attractive and easy to use interface.
  • SketchUp: SketchUp is a simple but effective 3D drawing tool designed for both Macs and PCs that can be a handy tool
  • Checkout: Designed to simplifying the process of paying for things online,
  • Web Accelerator: Make webpages load a little faster by making use of this tool. It uses data compression, prefetching of content, and shared cached data to make even slow Internet connections less painful to use.
  • FeedBurner:
  • manage a variety of RSS feeds
  • Web History:
  • Base: This tool from Google is an online database in which any user can add content– text, images, documents and webpages.
  • Co-Op: Co-Op allows web developers to feature specialized information in Google searches
  • App Engine: Developers can build and host websites on Google servers using this tool.
  • Website Optimizer:
  • Browser Sync:
  • Click-to-Call:
  • Page Creator:
  • Orkut: This social networking service used to be invitation only, but since 2006 has been open for anyone to join.
  • Android: Android is an open source mobile phone platform
  • Send to Phone: Send yourself a message from the Web with this tool.
  • Shared Stuff: Google offers this free Web page sharing system that allows users to save and share pages they find interesting on the Web with others.
  • Talk: You may have heard of Google Talk but did you know that it’s not only a chat tool but can be used for VoIP conversations as well?
  • Dodgeball: This social networking site was created for use on mobile phones
  • Friend Connect: This new feature offered by Google allows users to easily add social networking functionality to their sites.
  • GrandCentral: GrandCentral is a VoIP service that allows customers to link several phone numbers.
  • Sites: Create and collaborate on shared websites with this tool from Google.
  • Scholar: Google Scholar provides a great way to search through the full text of scholarly literature from all fields and formats.
  • Patent Search:
  • allows you to enter a few items of a set into a search query and the site will try to predict other items in the set.
  • Sets:
  • Catalogs:
  • Search by Number:
  • Accessible Search:
  • Trends: Get easy to read graphs of Web trends over time with this tool.
  • Book Search: Formerly known as Google Print,
  • News Archive Search:
  • Special Searches:
  • Google Pack:
  • Gadgets:
  • Pinyin IME:
  • Image Labeler:
  • Code Search:
  • Alerts:
  • Apps:
  • GOOG-411:
  • Google Moblizer:
  • Gears:
  • Simply Google: This site provides access to all of Google’s specialized searches in one easy-to-use place.
  • Googlematic: With this helpful tool, you’ll be able to search Google using AIM or MSN Messenge
  • Cooking With Google:
  • Babelplex:
    What most people don't know, however, is just how many useful tools Google has out there than can make everything from tracking a package to creating and publishing webpages a breeze.
Ginger Lewman

Google Code University - Google Code - 7 views

  • This website provides tutorials and sample course content so CS students and educators can learn more about current computing technologies and paradigms. In particular, this content is Creative Commons licensed which makes it easy for CS educators to use in their own classes. The Courses section contains tutorials, lecture slides, and problem sets for a variety of topic areas: AJAX Programming Algorithms Distributed Systems Web Security Languages In the Tools 101 section, you will find a set of introductions to some common tools used in Computer Science such as version control systems and databases. The CS Curriculum Search will help you find teaching materials that have been published to the web by faculty from CS departments around the world. You can refine your search to display just lectures, assignments or reference materials for a set of courses.
    "This website provides tutorials and sample course content so CS students and educators can learn more about current computing technologies and paradigms. In particular, this content is Creative Commons licensed which makes it easy for CS educators to use in their own classes. The Courses section contains tutorials, lecture slides, and problem sets for a variety of topic areas: * AJAX Programming * Algorithms * Distributed Systems * Web Security * Languages In the Tools 101 section, you will find a set of introductions to some common tools used in Computer Science such as version control systems and databases. The CS Curriculum Search will help you find teaching materials that have been published to the web by faculty from CS departments around the world. You can refine your search to display just lectures, assignments or reference materials for a set of courses."
Javier Mejia Torrenegra

Repositorios digitales: un concepto, múltiples visiones - 2 views

    Desde hace unos años los repositorios digitales se han convertido en un tema de mucha importancia y el concepto es del mismo es muy amplio, podríamos definirlo como un depósito o archivo de un sitio web centralizado donde se almacena y mantiene información digital, habitualmente bases de datos o carpetas informáticas. Cualquier contenido digital, una imagen, un documento Word o Excel, un documento digitalizado, un libro electrónico, una página html, etc. forman parte del "repositorio digital" de una organización. Pueden contener los archivos en su servidor o referenciar desde su web al alojamiento originario.
    biblioteca 2.0, educators, web 2.0 school, classroom 2.0,
Jeff Johnson

13 Alternative Search Engines That Finds What Google Can't | - 1 views

    Google has become the standard search engine of virtually every web-goer on the internet today. In fact "to Google" is pretty much synonymous with "to search". But that certainly doesn't mean that other search engines can't do a decent, if not better, job and this list has been compiled for just this reason. So check out this catalog of awesome alternative search engines that are certain to help you search faster and more efficiently on that World Wide Web
Fred Delventhal

LabPixies - Home - 18 views

    "LabPixies is a leading publisher of web and mobile applications. Add cool and useful gadget applications to your home page, mobile phone or public profile. Simply click the 'add to' button of your favorite application for a whole new online experience!"
Javier Mejia Torrenegra


    A partir del 2004, la penetración de servicios Web 2.0 a través de Internet, posibilitó una segunda generación de comunidades basadas en la Web y de servicios residentes en ella; tales como sitios que permiten generar redes sociales que facilitan la creatividad, la colaboración y que ofrezcan a los usuarios la posibilidad de compartir entre ellos contenidos y otros recursos, sin importar su diversidad o ubicación geográfica. Uno de los servicios más exitosos de la Web 2.0 son los denominados Wikis. Basta con mencionar a Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre y de construcción colectiva, como el ícono de lo que representa las posibilidades de esta tecnología informática en Internet.
Chris Betcher

Search Features - 13 views

    In addition to providing easy access to billions of web pages, Google has many special features to help you to find exactly what you're looking for. Some of our most popular features are listed below.
Henry Thiele

Tips & Tricks: Sharing Google Docs Like a Pro - Official Google Docs Blog - 13 views

    • Henry Thiele
      Use this for training.
  • In your document list, you’ll notice various icons and descriptions listed next to the title of each doc. Here’s a general overview:A lock icon means “Private” A lock icon in front of a globe means “Anyone with the link”A globe means “Public on the web”
    In your document list, you'll notice various icons and descriptions listed next to the title of each doc. Here's a general overview: A lock icon means "Private" A lock icon in front of a globe means "Anyone with the link" A globe means "Public on the web"
Jeff Johnson

Google Apps: Should You Switch? - 0 views

  • Google Apps Premier Edition is a collection of office tools for businesses -- word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, calendar and web page creator -- all of which are accessible through a web browser. Pricing is set at $50 per user per year, less expensive than Microsoft Office but with much the same functionality. Microsoft has its own web-based suite of tools in Office Live, but the company's offering doesn't match Google's. And Google isn't going after Office Live, it's going after Office.
Jeff Johnson

Google will try to outshine Microsoft's Internet Explorer with new Web browser called '... - 0 views

    Google Inc. is releasing its own Web browser in a long-anticipated move aimed at countering the dominance of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer and ensuring easy access to its market-leading search engine. The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor Day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival. The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.
Dean Mantz

Google For Educators - Web Search - 0 views

  • Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom. The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.
Jackie Gerstein

Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum - Know your web - Good to Know - Google - 2 views

    Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum
Chris Betcher

Search Education - Google - 31 views

    Web search can be a remarkable tool for students, and a bit of instruction in how to search for academic sources will help your students become critical thinkers and independent learners. With the materials on this site, you can help your students become skilled searchers- whether they're just starting out with search, or ready for more advanced training.
Susan Oxnevad

Google Search Education - 13 views

    Searching for information and making sense of it is a process that involves critical thinking. Google has many tools to help students sift through the overwhelming abundance of web content , but those tools are often not utilized by students and teachers. Google recently announced the launch of Search Education .
Chris Betcher

google-blockly - A visual programming language - Google Project Hosting - 35 views

    Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming language. Users can drag blocks together to build an application. No typing required.
Pavlína Hublová

Stavějte si z Lega, umisťujte své výtvory do mapy světa [experiment pro Chrom... - 0 views

    "Nejnovější experiment od Googlu, který opět má pomoci s propagací prohlížeče Chrome, má potenciál zabavit vás na delší dobu než všechny předchozí dohromady. Nelze se divit, vždyť Lego nás už v dětství bavilo dlouhé hodiny, kdy jsme se od kostek nedokázali odtrhnout. Populární stavebnice si našla cestu na web. Jedná se rovněž o propagační materiál pro nadcházející film The Lego Movie. Dost bylo zbytečného řečnění, raději do adresního řádku zadejte a začněte stavět."
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