Top 8 GAFE Resources for Educators - 24 views
45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions! - Shake Up Learning - 20 views
45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions! #edtech #chrome #aussieED Worth favouriting - 45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions! 45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions! 45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions!#GAFE Great list. 45 Fantastic Chrome Apps and Extensions! #edtech
Free Technology for Teachers: How to Create Contact Groups to Make Sharing Google Docum... - 23 views
"A couple of days ago I received a question about sharing Google Drive files. The person who emailed me wanted to know if there is an easier way to share with a group than typing each person's email address individually. The answer is yes. The method is to create a contact group in your Gmail settings (personal Gmail or GAFE). "