Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeff Johnson
The Rush for '21st-Century Skills' - - 0 views
It wasn't the weightiest observation, but it connected theory with the real world, which is exactly what "21st-century skills" -- this year's educational buzz phrase -- is all about, and why Manassas is trying to make it the core of its curriculum. President-elect Barack Obama (D) called for a "21st-century education system" in naming his new education secretary last month. The phrase "21st-century skills" gets 232,000 hits on Google. Problem is, not everyone is sure what the phrase means.
When glaciers disappear, the bugs move in (ENN) - 0 views
We've all been stunned by images showing the dramatic retreat of mountain glaciers. Yet few of us have given much thought to what happens next. Now the first study to look at how life invades soil immediately after mountain glaciers melt has an answer. Primitive bacteria step in to colonise the area, enrich the soil with nutrients, and even cement the ground, preventing landslides, say researchers who have studied the process in the Peruvian Andes.
Marine Turtle Conservation Moves into High Gear (EEN) - 0 views
Bali/Bangkok, 20 August 2008 - An innovative regional agreement is beginning to turn the tide for the 'ancient mariners' of the world's oceans. Marine turtles traverse the seas for thousands of kilometers, returning after decades to nest in the same area where they entered the world as tiny hatchlings. They are threatened by degradation of critical habitats on land, interaction with fishing gear at sea, and excessive harvesting of eggs and for meat.
World Water Week 2008 (EEN) - 0 views
We are in the midst of World Water Week. The 2008 theme is "Progress and Prospects on Water: For a Clean and Healthy World with Special Focus on Sanitation." World Water Week is a international conference focused on collaboration and the promotion of work that advances environmental and humanitarian development. The United Nations proclaimed 2008 the International Year of Sanitation. With a focus on the Millennium Development Goals, the theme for World Water Week was chosen to draw attention to sanitation needs and the effect of poor sanitation worldwide. Goal seven - the goal of ensuring environmental sustainability- poses an enormous challenge, as do the sub goals, or target indicators. World Water Week highlights a target set by the MDG's that calls for the reduction, by half, of the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water.
The Ethics of Climate Change: Pay Now or Pay More Later?: Scientific American - 0 views
What should we do about climate change? The question is an ethical one. Science, including the science of economics, can help discover the causes and effects of climate change. It can also help work out what we can do about climate change. But what we should do is an ethical question.
Weighing our own prosperity against the chances that climate change will diminish the well-being of our grandchildren calls on economists to make hard ethical judgments
"The Persistence of Memory" (January 4, 2008) - 0 views
Computer scientist Gordon Bell is at the vanguard of a movement called "lifelogging," digitally recording every moment of his day in an effort to create a complete virtual memory of his life. But why? We talk with Bell and also technology writer Clive Thompson about the implications.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - ICT Literacy Maps - 0 views
In collaboration with several content area organizations, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills developed a series of ICT Literacy Maps illustrating the intersection between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy and core academic subjects including English, mathematics, science and social studies (civics/government, geography, economics, history). The maps enable educators to gain concrete examples of how ICT Literacy can be integrated into core subjects, while making the teaching and learning of core subjects more relevant to the demands of the 21st century.
An Inconvenient Truth > Carbon Calculator - 0 views
We all contribute to global warming every day. The carbon dioxide you produce by driving your car and leaving the lights on adds up quickly. You may be surprised by how much Co2 you are emitting each year. Calculate your personal impact and learn how you can take action to reduce or even eliminate your emissions of carbon dioxide.
Carbon Footprint - Calculate, Reduce and Offset - What Is A Carbon Footprint? - 0 views
A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.
Carbon Counter - Fight Climate Change - 0 views
Every time we drive, fly, run appliances at home and keep our houses lighted, warm and cool, we emit carbon dioxide, trapping heat in the atmosphere. Be part of the solution and offset your emissions! Your tax deductible donation contributes to the development of new technologies and alternative energy that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Take the first step, and calculate your carbon footprint.
Intercultural E-mail Classroom Connections - 0 views
IECC is dedicated to helping teachers connect with other teachers to arrange intercultural email connections between their students. A new service, IECC-INTERGEN, helps teachers and their classrooms create intergenerational partnerships with volunteers who are over 50 years of age. Created in 1992 by three professors from St. Olaf College in Minnesota, IECC was one of the first services on the Web to facilitate international pen-pal exchanges between teachers and classrooms around the globe
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Jeff Johnson
I have been a Professional Services Engineer (PSE) with JAMF Software since 2012. Prior to that, I was a K-12 technology coordinator/director in three different school districts between 1996 and 2012 and a middle and high school science/chemistry teacher from 1983 to 1996. I like dogs, photograph...