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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lisa Levinson


CEP | Time for a Gold Standard of Use | The Center for Effective Philanthropy - 1 views

    Impact evaluations are important because they provide evidence about what works and does not work. It looks at what caused the improvement, or lack there of. This article from the Center for Effective Philanthropy talks about evaluation from the policy, practice, as well as philanthropy perspective.

California Community Colleges Success Network |  California Acceleration Pro... - 0 views

    Large research studies inside and outside California have established that the more levels of developmental courses a student must take, the less likely the student is to ever complete college courses in English and Math. The California Acceleration Project stresses that we can't keep attributing this problem to students' low skills or low motivation.

The Case and Practical Tools for Accelerated Developmental English and Math | The RP G... - 0 views

    This resource contains the article "Exponential Attrition and the Promise of Acceleration in Developmental English and Math," which makes the case that high attrition rates are structurally guaranteed in long developmental sequences and that open-access accelerated courses are a promising way to increase completion rates in college-level English and Math.

"Improving Student Transfer From Community Colleges to Four-Year Institutions," - 0 views

    "As many as four out of five community college students in the United States want to transfer to a four-year institution so they can obtain a bachelor's degree, according to a report released Thursday by the College Board."

4 Out of 5 in Community College Want to Transfer, Report Says - - 1 views

    NYTimes: The Choice: As many as four out of five community college students in the United States want to transfer to a four-year institution so they can obtain a bachelor's degree, according to a report released Thursday by the College Board.

Center on Education and the Workforce - - 0 views

    The Undereducated American is a report from the Center on Education and the Worforce that highlights how America has not been producing enough highly skilled college-educated persons for the workforce.

The relative benefits found for students with and without learning disabilities taking ... - 0 views

    Positive outcomes have been reported for university preparation courses for students without disabilities. Little is known about whether these courses can offer the same benefit to students with learning disabilities and whether the inclusion of psychosocial factors, in addition to academic skills, would benefit both groups.

Personality Psychology and Economics - 0 views

  • The predictive power of personality measures is compared with the predictive power of measures of cognition captured by IQ and achievement tests. For many outcomes, personality measures are just as predictive as cognitive measures, even after controlling for family background and cognition. Moreover, standard measures of cognition are heavily influenced by personality traits and incentives. Measured personality traits are positively correlated over the life cycle. However, they are not fixed and can be altered by experience and investment. Intervention studies, along with studies in biology and neuroscience, establish a causal basis for the observed effect of personality traits on economic and social outcomes. Personality traits are more malleable over the life cycle compared to cognition, which becomes highly rank stable around age 10. Interventions that change personality are promising avenues for addressing poverty and disadvantage.
    This paper explores the power of personality traits both as predictors and as causes of academic and economic success, health, and criminal activity.

McGraw-Hill Research Foundation Policy Paper Cites Urgent Need For Investment In Adult ... - 0 views

    This research paper from the McGraw-Hill Research Foundation's paper, The Return on Investment (ROI) from Adult Education and Training contends that billions of dollars could be earned, saved and pumped back into the struggling economy as a result in investments in effective and efficient workforce development programs.

The Return on Investment (ROI) from Adult Education and Training | Research Foundation - 0 views

    The pdf download of the report from the McGraw-Hill Research Foundation.

Is Remedial Education Always Necessary? A New Report Raises Questions About How Assessm... - 0 views

    "Some of the conclusions from the review include: * Assessments appear to be more successful in placing academically prepared students than in placing academically underprepared students. * Students who narrowly miss an assessment "cutoff" score and who complete remedial courses are no more likely to complete credit coursework than students with similar scores who continue straight to credit coursework without taking remedial classes first. * Multiple measures for placement, such as high school transcripts and written essays in addition to assessments, may improve placement accuracy, as might the use of more diagnostic and affective assessments. "What we found is that assessment does not appear to be an effective means of placement for all students," said Dr. Hughes. "States may want to do more research in this area before relying too much on one measure, an assessment score in this instance, for placing community college students.""

Developing Discipline-Based Critical Thinking Skills via Use of Interactive Technologie... - 0 views

    "This article provides a rationale for incorporating the development of critical thinking skills into the online learning environment. The author also presents possibilities for building these cognitive skills into online classes. She maintains that incorporating critical thinking skills is a necessary component of learning; these skills assist learners to evaluate and link the abundance of information and ideas that is available via information communication technologies (ICTs). "

Promoting Learner Transitions to Postsecondary Education and Work: Developing Academic ... - 0 views

    This brief addresses the current and projected need for skilled workers and the skills immigrants will need to be able to take these positions. These skills are based in academic and higher level thinking skills. The authors provide the rationale and research underlying the need to incorporate these skills into ESL classes, regardless of the level or purpose of the courses (e.g., beginning, life skills). These skills will assist them in transitioning to postsecondary work training, academic settings, or navigating life in general. They address the following skills as being essential to incorporate into the classroom: reading and listening, note taking and organizing information, and critical thinking.

Crossing the Bridge: GED Credentials and Postsecondary Educational Outcomes - Workforce... - 0 views

    This is the first year report of a three year longitudinal study by the American Council on Education to understand the effects of obtaining the GED on postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and completion. This study supports transitioning adult learners without a high school diploma to the GED credential and into postsecondary with accelerated learning. This first year study used the information gathered at the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). The NSC holds 93 percent of postsecondary student enrollment. The study focused on adults who acquired the GED credential in 2003. The pilot study founded credential recipients had a significantly higher enrollment rate into postsecondary than non-passers; females enrolled more than males; there is no significant ethnic difference between enrollees and non-enrollees.

Reassurance About College Transition Could Raise Black Students' GPA's - Students - The... - 0 views

    When black students reflected on the idea that everybody, regardless of race or ethnicity, initially struggles to adjust to college, their academic performance and longer-term well-being benefited, according to a paper published on Thursday in the journal Science.

Beyond Basic Skills - 1 views

    From CLASP: Beyond Basic Skills describes strategies that can be used to strengthen connections between basic skills education and postsecondary education to help lower-skilled adults and out-of-school youth attain the postsecondary credentials they need to advance in the labor market. This includes state-level innovations such as: instructional strategies that provide a strong foundation in occupational skills required for jobs in the local economy; acceleration strategies that help students progress further and more quickly in education and training programs in a shorter period of time than traditional approaches, and funding formulas, assessment policies, and other administrative policies that support a statewide vision to provide adults and youth with pathways to better jobs through postsecondary education. The report also includes examples of states and local institutions that are effectively implementing one or more of these innovations.

Assessment Insights: January 2011 | Research Insights - 2 views

    Automated essay scoring (AES) has many benefits such as immediate grading, reliable reporting, and diagnostic feedback. While automation poses certain operational and technical challenges, more states are adopting AES for both formative and summative assessments. This presentation presents empirical data from the state of West Virginia online writing assessments on the reliability and validity of machine scores.

Assessment Insights: September 2010 | Research Insights - 0 views

    This article explores the difficulty in setting standards using cutscores. Although focused on K-12, it has some interesting observations about policy decisions, cut scores, standard setting, and measuring proficiency.

For-profit college risk: Huge debt, questionable degree - - 0 views

    Stories of students with huge debt loads and a degree no one recognizes after attending a private, for profit, college. One school, Westwood College, has a class action suit against it.

Award-winning teachers dole out advice on fixing public schools - - 0 views

    Teachers tell how to improve public schools.
    Amazing what happens when you ask teachers about improving schools. They have concrete, doable suggestions!
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