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Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Visual Thinking Archive - 0 views

    This group of visuals has been designed and produced by me (David Armano). You are welcome to use the visuals for presentations, slideshows and blogs posts. Please provide proper attribution and a link is always appreciated.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics - 0 views

    Information graphics, visual representations of data known as infographics, keep the web going these days. Web users, with their diminishing attention spans, are inexorably drawn to these shiny, brightly coloured messages with small, relevant, clearly-displayed nuggets of information. They're straight to the point, usually factually interesting and often give you a wake-up call as to what those statistics really mean.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Libro de Tendencias Universidad 2020 - 2 views

    La Oficina de Cooperación Universitaria, OCU, ha iniciado la distribución del libro Tendencias Universidad 2020. Se trata del informe final del proyecto de prospectiva que lleva ese mismo nombre, que ha sido coordinado por OCU y ha contado con la participación de numerosos expertos en el ámbito de la educación superior de varios países. En el libro se reflejan las opiniones de los expertos con relación a distintos temas concernientes al futuro de las universidades, tanto desde el punto de vista de las áreas de gestión (gobierno universitario, docencia, gestión académica, gestión económica, investigación, etc.), como desde el punto de vista de aspectos estratégicos que inciden de forma transversal en esa gestión universitaria, como por ejemplo, la internacionalización, calidad, cooperación y movilidad, entre otros. El estudio se ha realizado siguiendo la Metodología Delphi, en la que un grupo de expertos opina sobre unas hipótesis específicas y se sigue una dinámica de consultas posteriores a un grupo más amplio de personas.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

20 Useful Specialty Search Engines for College Students - 0 views

    You might use ordinary search engines for business or personal use, but they're not very useful to find academic research papers, scholarly articles nor primary sources. The following 20 useful specialty search engines can help to find those resources quickly so you can complete your project faster. From simple searches to libraries and on to archives, the following links are listed alphabetically within categories.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Gamestorming A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers - 0 views

    Great things don't happen in a vacuum. But creating an environment for creative thinking and innovation can be a daunting challenge. How can you make it happen at your company? The answer may surprise you: gamestorming. This book includes more than 80 games to help you break down barriers, communicate better, and generate new ideas, insights, and strategies. This unique collection of games encourages engagement and creativity while bringing more structure and clarity to the workplace.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Blog: Una Infografía al día - 0 views

    Este blog nace de una afición personal: Las infografías. La primera vez que ví una me pareció algo fabuloso, un modelo de plasmar la información concreto, visual y gráfico. He de reconocer que me he convertido en una especie de coleccionista de infografías. Mi objetivo es compartir esta afición con todos vosotros publicando una infografía al día. Espero poder conseguirlo y llegar a tener una buena biblioteca de estas pequeñas obras de arte. Si queréis colaborar en el blog, podéis mandarme vuestras infografías a javier @ unainfografiaaldia . com
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Where ideas come from - Steven Johnson TED Talk - 0 views

    Youtube video TED Talk.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Where Ideas Come From - Steven Johnson (video) - 0 views

    YouTube video ...
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Death of the university? Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation... - 0 views

    "The disintermediation based on the digital technology has transformed different environments, from banking to media, education and sales. This paper explores a new kind of disintermediation or re-intermediation; also called cyberintermediation. The paper analyses how the revolution of information and communication technologies provides new alternatives of disintermediation in the generation and distribution of knowledge. The authors raise questions such as: To what extent is this phenomenon reshaping the traditional role of the university? Will it cause a crisis in the educational institutions? Will this disintermediation of the education evolve towards the disappearance of institutions like schools and universities? The researchers propose a table that integrates and recombines the knowledge generation and knowledge distribution dimensions with Boyer's key functions of scholarship. Finally, the concept of knowledge broker is introduced to enrich the discussion about reintermediation. Beyond the prophecies, which announce the "death of the university", the authors discuss and suggest new agents, actions and transactions that are useful to think about the educational institution of the new century".
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

El origen de las ideas (1a. Parte) - 0 views

    En su último libro -Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (2010)- Johnson nos lleva al mundo de la innovación, un universo poblado por inventores y creadores de todo tipo. Inspirado desde la primera página por los modelos biológico-evolutivos, Johnson se propone el ambicioso objetivo de explicar cómo y por qué surgieron las grandes innovaciones que cambiaron el mundo. Compartiendo muchos argumentos con el reciente libro de Kevin Kelly ("What Technology Wants"), Johnson no construye un amplio fresco a 360º como Kelly sino que prefiere centrarse en el tema de la emergencia de nuevas ideas.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

MIT Convergence Culture Consortium - 0 views

    The Convergence Culture Consortium (C3) explores the ways the business landscape is changing in response to the growing integration of content and brands across media platforms and the increasingly prominent roles that consumers are playing in shaping the flow of media. C3 connects researchers and thinkers from MIT's Comparative Media Studies program with companies looking to understand new strategies for doing business in a converging media environment. The consortium provides insights into new ways to relate to consumers, manage brands, and develop engaging experiences, strategies to cut through an increasingly cluttered media environment and benefit from emerging cultural and technological trends. We aim to expand the role of industry leaders by bridging the gap between academic and market research; Partners gain access to both broad-perspective thought leadership and focused analysis on events and campaigns.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

conversation matters: A Model Lessons Learned System - The US Army - 0 views

  • The US Army Lessons Learned system has evolved over 40 years to become a model lesson learned system. What began as an AAR process in the 1970s has become a robust system of identifying, collecting, analyzing, transferring, and moving lessons learned at all levels of command.
    Knowledge management in the US Army
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Welcome to CCK11 ~ CCK11 - 0 views

  • Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is an open online course that over 12 weeks explores the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. Participation is open to everyone and there are no fees or subscriptions required
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

mloss | All entries - 0 views

    Machine Learning Open Source SOftware
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