Collaboration and Knowledge Management - 0 views
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya on 21 Apr 14Most companies today struggle with their rapidly growing volume of critical corporate knowledge. A large amount of useful information is trapped in information silos, such as email inboxes. There is also a gap in understanding and knowing where organizational expertise and talent reside in the organization. Add to this the loss of organizational knowledge when employees leave the company. The paradox of this is the increased dependency on information and knowledge technology for innovation and building value. The Enterprise Social Media market has grown rapidly in the few years and the rate of growth is accelerating. Companies are adopting cloud technologies to reduce the costs of maintaining larger and larger sets of data. Cloud technologies also facilitate the use of mobile platforms and tablet devices, which are providing employees with unprecedented access to information. The rapid pace of change, the need to innovate quickly, dispersed and remote workforces, and increased customer demands make capturing and utilizing corporate knowledge even more challenging. A strategic approach to providing both knowledge management and collaboration is needed. It should be seamless and an integral of business operations. Knowledge Management / Collaboration is not just technology. It is not just storing documents. It is not having an internal social media site or utilizing instant messaging. It is about sharing and collaborating. That is frequently the most difficult challenge. It is often a cultural challenge.