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Bryan Alexander

Citizen Sort - 2 views

    Citizen science game for plant and animal identification.
Ed Webb

CIR's Hairnet Hero Turns School-Lunches Journalism Into Game For Kids - Eric Johnson - ... - 1 views

  • Center for Investigative Reporting
  • It’s an interesting twist on “advergaming” — think Chipotle’s buzzy Scarecrow game — in which games are served up with a targeted message, explicitly or implicitly. Unlike edutainment (another unwieldy portmanteau), the goal isn’t to teach a skill, but rather to sell a brand’s value. In CIR’s case, that’s trustworthy donation-funded journalism.
  • sometimes investigative pieces like the ones found at CIR also pertain to children. To get those same facts across in a kid-friendly format, the nonprofit is this week rolling out a game, Hairnet Hero, with the help of a Berkeley, Calif.-based animation studio, Coco Studios.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Noting that CIR is “aware of the digital divide,” Farnsworth said that a physical card-game adaptation will also be distributed in some California schools.
Ed Webb

How to make a Twitter bot - 0 views

    Learn to code!
Ed Webb

BBC News - Minecraft game adds Ordnance Survey GB terrain data - 2 views

    "I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this country as yet to compare with our own Ordnance Survey Maps..."
Ed Webb

BBC News - Why Minecraft is more than just another video game - 2 views

    Nice. One of the few games my children play together.
Todd Bryant

Papers Please - 1 views

    journalism in dystopia
    How is it? Worth the price?
Bryan Alexander

Beyond gamification: reconceptualizing game-based learning in early childhood environments - 2 views

    The recent promotion and adoption of digital game-based learning (DGBL) in K-12 education presents compelling opportunities as well as challenges for early childhood educators who seek to critically, equitably and holistically support the learning and play of today's so-called digital natives.
Ed Webb

Two Excellent Tools to Create Educational Games for your Class ~ Educational Technology... - 5 views

    Game Maker is a much more complex - and hard to learn - tool than Kodu, but the kinds of games you can make with it are more varied, too.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Is it something a small college can handle?
    I'd say yes, depending on where in the curriculum you're looking to insert it. My CS colleague here does work with his students on Unity, which is FAR more complex than Gamemaker. But I wouldn't recommend trying to get students to make games with GM unless you're going to contribute a lot of your class time to it: demos, how-tos, workshops, and assignments (all multiple). With Kodu, you probably could get away with one longer class, two shorter ones, or an out of class evening workshop, and then just let them play with it. So as always, it's what you're hoping to accomplish with the assignment of the tool that will drive which tool you choose. :) For me, GM is really for people who want to make games they plan to circulate among people outside your class; Kodu could be that or could be to help learn the fundamentals of game design (or other procedural concepts).
    Good to know, Brett; thanks. Now, isn't Kodu aimed at the XBox platform?
    It was originally, but now you can download it for Windows. I /believe/ you can then export your games to a public platform as well, but they may only be available to others with Kodu installed.
    For Windows? That changes things a great deal.
Bryan Alexander

'StarCraft' Gameplay Boosts Mental Flexibility, Says Study - 0 views

    By Riva Gold Playing StarCraft can boost problem solving and creative thinking, according to a new study by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and University College London. Researchers found that those who engaged in the real-time military strategy game improved their "cognitive flexibility," or the ability to adjust their thinking to meet different situations.
Bryan Alexander

Norwich gets contract for cyber war game - 0 views

    NORTHFIELD - A nonprofit organization controlled by Vermont's Norwich University is getting a $9.9 million federal contract to continue work on a cyber-warfare gaming system that helps financial institutions and others learn how to respond to attacks on their computer networks, officials said Thursday.
Ed Webb

1984 | Sawbuck Gamer | The Gameological Society - 3 views

    Too bad: "ERROR - This project has been removed by the author. It may return later."
Bryan Alexander

One simulation exercise - 1 views

    Nice example of building on preexisting work.
Ed Webb

Rats in a cage: how games will teach us to love the police state | The Verge - 3 views

    I wonder what an overall survey of all current offerings from the gaming industry would reveal. Index each game along a continuum from Big Brother to V for Vendetta.
    If I get tenure, I might just write that article.
    Yeah! Would be fun for a class project, too.
Bryan Alexander

US Department of State launches educational game about 'American English' language and ... - 2 views

    Interesting political/cultural game concept.
Ed Webb

Released: Slavoj Žižek Makes A Twine Game | this cage is worms - 4 views

    Somewhat more rewarding than reading Zizek.
Brett Boessen

Depression Quest: An Interactive (non)Fiction About Living with Depression - 1 views

    Found this game after reading about Slavoj Zizek Makes a Game (posted to the Diigo group by Ed Webb).
Bryan Alexander

Bringing new life to a 'dead' language | News Center | Wake Forest University - 0 views

    Published: April 19, 2013 Role-playing game energizes Latin class Choose your character, write spells, map the dungeon and move up levels. It sounds like Dungeons and Dragons, but it's not. It's Latin class. Each student plays a hero from Graeco-Roman myth with a backstory, personality and actions determined largely by the student.
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