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jdr santos

Box2D - Home - 0 views

    Box2D is a 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the game world more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is just a system for procedural animation. Box2D is written in portable C++. Most of the types defined in the engine begin with the b2 prefix. Hopefully this is sufficient to avoid name clashing with your game engine.
Igor S

The Easiest Game Programming Book Ever - 1 views

    Using Game Maker software and this easy book you can make your own games without writing a single line of code.
jdr santos

Kambi VRML game engine - 1 views

    Kambi VRML game engine is a free/open-source 3D (game) engine. The engine is written in clean Object Pascal code, and we have an excellent support for the VRML / X3D 3D data (although other 3D model formats are also supported).
Fabien Cadet

Designing Emergent AI, Part 1: An Introduction @ Christopher M. Park's Blog - 0 views

    A lot of people have been curious about how the AI in AI War: Fleet Command works, since we have been able to achieve so much more realistic strategic/tactical results compared to the AI in most RTS games. Part 1 of this series will give an overview of the design philosophy we used, and later parts will delve more deeply into specific sub-topics. * Decision Trees: AI In Most RTS Games * Decentralized Intelligence * Strategic Tiers * Sub-Commanders * Fuzzy Logic * Intelligent Mistakes * Skipping The Economic Simulation * Asymetrical AI
Robert Fohr

TurboSquid: Kujisha - 0 views

    My 3d game models for sale.
jdr santos

Novelty - Visual novel maker - 0 views

    Novelty is a free game maker tailored for making visual novels. Contrary to most other visual novel makers, Novelty is designed for people without any experience in scripting or programming.

Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL and C++ Tutorials - 0 views

  • screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
    • metacipher
      You should note that this tutorial fails to free the memory it created. You should call SDL_FreeSurface(screen) when quitting, to free the display surface created.

Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL and C++ Tutorials - 0 views

    • metacipher
      These tutorials are really old, but they still hold some good information. I don't recommened using Dev-C for development, but rather using CodeBlocks (google it). You should also note that some of the techniques used within these tutorials are bad.
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