Contents contributed and discussions participated by Gina Hall
Zócalo Public Square :: Why On Earth Am I Looking At This? - 0 views
Most Museums Have Trouble Connecting To the Public. Maybe It's Time For Some New Ideas.
underprepared for their pending encounter with the visual arts
many audience members seem intuitively aware of what is missing: more access to the story explaining how and why a work has arrived at this place for their enjoyment.
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NASA's Curiosity Rover Checks In on Mars Using Foursquare - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - 0 views
Back here on Earth, Foursquare users will be able to earn a Curiosity-themed badge on the social media platform for check-ins at locations that generate an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Available late this year, this new badge will encourage Foursquare users to explore science centers, laboratories and museums that pique scientific curiosity.
Google Launches Field Trip App For Android | WebProNews - 0 views
your guide to the cool, hidden, and unique things in the world around you
Field Trip can help you learn about everything from local history to the latest and best places to shop, eat, and have fun. You select the local feeds you like and the information pops up on your phone automatically, as you walk next to those places.”
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Learning | TeachThought - 0 views
Who Would Choose a Lecture as Their Primary Mode of Learning? « User Generate... - 0 views
Homepage | Market Makeovers - 0 views
Public Matters LLC » World - 0 views
Future - 0 views
Learning 2025 - 0 views
Is the Educational Revolution About Videos: Ted-Ed and Khan Academy? « User G... - 0 views
Tinkering and experimenting; engaging in the arts; going out into the community; tapping into students’ talents, interests and passions are not part learning process.
it does not honor learning-by-doing
I think that the flipped classroom is an interesting idea if you want to do learning that is largely based on presentation.
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A Future Full of Badges - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views
What is a digital badge, exactly? The MacArthur foundation says it's "a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest," Students will be able to customize learning goals within the larger curricular framework, integrate continuing peer and faculty feedback about their progress toward achieving those goals, and tailor the way badges and the metadata within them are displayed to the outside world. Students won't just earn badges-they'll build them, in an act of continuous learning.
Why It's Time to Eliminate Class Schedules - Education - GOOD - 0 views
What if we removed the passive course-to-course drudgery of the school day? What if there was no schedule?
What if teachers were seen as mentors for projects designed to help students meet those benchmarks?
What if the students initiated these projects and the teachers spent their time recording TED-style talks that would serve as inspiration and help students generate benchmark-related ideas?
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