Who Is Working to End the Threat of AI-Generated Deepfakes - 0 views
ata poisoning techniques to essentially disturb pixels within an image to create invisible noise, effectively making AI art generators incapable of generating realistic deepfakes based on the photos they’re fed.
Higher resolution images work even better, he said, since they include more pixels that can be minutely disturbed.
Google is creating its own AI image generator called Imagen, though few people have been able to put their system through its paces. The company is also working on a generative AI video system.
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Big data to create 1.9M IT jobs in U.S. by 2015, says Gartner - Computerworld - 0 views
The Derfner Judaica Museum, Louise Braverman Architect, world architecture news, archit... - 0 views
accessible spaces that are architecturally comfortable, curatorially comprehensible and technologically equipped to meet the needs of both the current and future elderly.
The Pink Collar Future - 0 views
Million American Jobs Project - 0 views
Mental health & middle management: How to support employees without overstepping - 0 views
people quit bosses, not jobs
In a Gallup poll released last fall, managers’ levels of stress, physical well-being, and work-life balance were, in some cases, reported to be even worse than their direct reports’. Thirty-five percent of people managers reported being burned out “very often” or “always,” compared to just 27% for individuals.
Now We Know What Happened to Those Workers Who Dropped Out During the Pandemic. | Econo... - 0 views
rior research estimating that if the trends in place before March 2020 continued, 2.4 million fewer people would have retired.
oth genders became more likely to be occupied with home care/family care concerns during the pandemic. Since early 2021, this tendency has been declining again.”
21.5% of females cited care as the reason for being out of the workforce, similar to the 20.8% pre-pandemic, while for men the numbers were 5.1% and 4.2%, respectively.
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Can New York's imminent salary transparency law pierce the art world's smokescreen? - 0 views
Wage transparency laws are a trend in the liberal states of the US. Seven states have now passed laws requiring employers to list salary ranges in job postings.
Hiring algorithms, artificial intelligence risk violating Americans with Disabilities A... - 0 views
The Biden administration is concerned that the widely used technology can screen out people who have disabilities that do not affect their ability to do the job; gamified personality tests could select against even slight mental disabilities, while software that tracks speech and body language could discriminate against physical disabilities that may be invisible to the naked eye.
A week ago, the EEOC filed its first algorithmic discrimination case — an age-discrimination suit naming several Asia-based companies operating in New York under the brand name iTutorGroup.
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