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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrew Barras

Andrew Barras

Video Games Win a Beachhead in the Classroom - - 0 views

    Long article about using videogames to teach kids
Andrew Barras

The Ed Tech Journey and a Future Driven by Disruptive Change -- Campus Technology - 0 views

  • What is “disruptive change”?
  • On April 28, 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Music Store, and on April 3, 2008, less than five years later, it became the largest music retailer in the US, with 50 million customers and 4 billion songs sold. Then about two years down the road, this past February, Apple more than doubled that sales figure to 10 billion songs. This is what I consider to be disruptive change.
  • As educators, we must ask: Could there be a parallel in our own industry, or the potential for other disruptive changes ahead? What might higher education look like in a future filled with disruptive change?
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  • a quick historical review of the digital revolution shows us: huge increases in data speeds and transfer rates, exponential growth in computer power, massive increase of storage capacity—again, all while the technology is getting cheaper and smaller.
  • In a 1960s lecture hall you might typically find TV monitors
  • Then if you jump 30 years into the future, to the 1990s, you find that analog technology was replaced by digital technology: projection systems that were considered very, very sophisticated at that time.
  • ask yourself: What did not change? The instructors still lectured, delivering in a broadcast/absorb model the very same way they did in the 1960s. In terms of learning, this was just a little bit of a shift. While the digital revolution disrupted so much of our society and our lives, it impacted education only in small, incremental ways. And generally, that is still true today in 2010.
  • I often make the argument that over the past 50 years, we’ve been primarily focused on automating education
  • but we haven’t really geared up to change or transform the basic way we’re teaching
  • Open Education Trends
  • At the core of the open content movement in higher education are illustrious efforts that have been going on now for almost a decade, to make high-quality university-level course materials free and openly available to the world, via the web.
  • Connexions has focused on building an environment that allows experts to collaborate on developing textbook content.
  • People have raised questions about the sustainability of open content models.
  • But what we’re starting to see now—and it is still relatively early in the unfolding story of open content—is a commercial ecosystem beginning to grow up around existing open content.
  • Impact of Open Content
  • We’re on the verge of seeing the cost of education content fall dramatically. The $150, $200 textbook model, I believe, is simply unsustainable, and we are going to see that model fall apart in the not-too-distant future.
  • I also think we may see an important movement toward best-of-breed content.
  • For example, I might put out a particular piece of educational material. Someone may take that material, modify or tweak it, and bring his own innovation to it. Over a relatively short period of time, we end up with high-quality, innovative, best-of-breed materials.
  • We’re entering an age when it’s becoming more and more ridiculous that our faculty are, every year, re-creating Econ 101 over and over again at our institutions.
  • largest population of users of MIT/OCW materials are not educators, and they’re not students. They are self-directed learners. They’re people who are coming to MIT because they have a passion to learn something.
  • Personal and Open Learning
  • Let’s move on and look at learning technology trends, especially the emergence of the personal learning environment [PLE] and the open learning network [OLN], e-portfolios, and the semantic web.
  • you’re probably aware of the “post-LMS era” that people feel we’re entering.
  • I have yet to find a standard definition of the PLE, but some of its characteristics include that it tends to be a highly customized environment, built by the learner himself.
  • Learners use web 2.0 tools to aggregate content and connections—so you can gather information from many sources, while at the same time making connections with other people around that content.
  • we see that while the LMS has been out there and in development for 10-20 years or so, it has really been built just to support status quo teaching—lecturing and very traditional forms of education—while personal learning environments like mine tend to be much more open and participatory, as well as learner-centric.
  • The question becomes: Will the LMS and the PLE diverge?
  • The idea here is to leverage some of the open standards that are emerging—the IMS Common Cartridge and Learning Tools Interoperability standards, plus standards outside of education like the open social API standards from Google—and to use these standards to allow us to mash up the LMS and personal learning environment.
  • Next, electronic portfolios: Since 2003, the use of e-portfolios on our campuses has tripled.
  • Reflection is a critical component of any really good e-portfolio implementation; it’s a great way for students to engage in learning.
  • A missing piece, I would argue, especially on the reflective side of e-porfolios, is a credentialing model. A new credentialing model will open the doors for better uses of e-portfolios, and possibly unlock the floodgates of disruption in fundamental education practices.
    Great article about disruptive change in education!
Andrew Barras

Can Video Games Be Good For You?| The Committed Sardine - 0 views

  • Can a videogame teach you to be a better person? Given that many centre around shooting people in the face, that might seem ridiculous. But games have been used for centuries to teach skills: it is theorised that chess was developed as a training tool for Persian army officers.
    Interesting, if standard article about video games and learning from them
Andrew Barras

Beautiful Landscape In HDR - 0 views

    Amazing HDR images
Andrew Barras

YouTube - Kodak 1922 Kodachrome Film Test - 0 views

    One of the earliest color films in existance.
Andrew Barras

The Gettysburg Address without and with Powerpoint on Vimeo - 1 views

    Very clever demonstration about how powerpoint can kill a presentation
Andrew Barras

Gamasutra - News - UK Experts Say Game Education Could Help Lacking Tech Curriculum - 0 views

  • Information and communication technology (ICT) education is failing UK students and the country's technology industry as a whole, but a curriculum that includes video game-related subjects could help resolve the matter, experts say.
    A report indicates that teaching about video game technologies can help in high tech education
Andrew Barras ~ University lectures: Why they're not the best way to learn - 0 views

  • The lecture format is an institution at most universities and as money gets tight, it’s also is a favourite way for schools to spread thin resources. Despite its long history, University of Guelph business dean Julia Christensen Hughes argues the traditional lecture is not the best way to learn, pointing to decades of research.
  • What’s wrong with lectures?
  • When the lecture model began, the Internet didn’t exist or even the printing press. It was an oral tradition for transferring knowledge. Now information is ubiquitous. If you are curious about something you just Google it.
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  • So are you calling for the death of the lecture?
  • Not at all.
  • A lecture done well can be motivating or energizing if the faculty member is communicating their passion.
  • What are common problems?
  • We try to stuff too much in a lecture.
  • If it doesn’t work, why are universities and professors so fond of the format?
  • it is important to recognize this challenge has been going on for more than 100 years.
  • What’s the answer?
  • You have to look at the education of faculty.
  • they haven’t been taught anything about how people learn.
  • Is it realistic to expect change when universities are scrambling to balance budgets?
  • Given the cost of university, the expectations of students and their families are shifting, as well. They want to know there is a rich learning environment.
    Article about why university lectures aren't effective
Andrew Barras

Blogs Wikis Docs Chart - 0 views

    Great comparison chart of Blogs and Wikis
Andrew Barras

From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • While most of our classrooms were built under the assumption that information is scarce and hard to find, nearly the entire body of human knowledge now flows through and around these rooms in one form or another, ready to be accessed by laptops, cellphones, and iPods. Classrooms built to re-enforce the top-down authoritative knowledge of the teacher are now enveloped by a cloud of ubiquitous digital information where knowledge is made, not found, and authority is continuously negotiated through discussion and participation.
  • This new media environment can be enormously disruptive to our current teaching methods and philosophies.
  • Our physical structures were built prior to an age of infinite information, our social structures formed to serve different purposes than those needed now, and the cognitive structures we have developed along the way now struggle to grapple with the emerging possibilities.
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  • Stadium seating, sound-absorbing panels and other acoustic technologies are designed to draw maximum attention to the professor at the front of the room.
  • The “message” of this environment is that to learn is to acquire information, that information is scarce and hard to find (that's why you have to come to this room to get it), that you should trust authority for good information, and that good information is beyond discussion (that's why the chairs don't move or turn toward one another). In short, it tells students to trust authority and follow along.
  • Most of our assumptions about information are based on characteristics of information on paper.
  • Even something as simple as the hyperlink taught us that information can be in more than one place at one time
  • Blogging came along and taught us that anybody can be a creator of information.
  • Wikipedia has taught us yet another lesson, that a networked information environment allows people to work together in new ways to create information that can rival (and even surpass) the content of experts by almost any measure.
  • Our old assumption that information is hard to find, is trumped by the realization that if we set up our hyper-personalized digital network effectively, information can find us.
  • It is like continuously working with thousands of research associates around the world.
  • Unfortunately, many teachers only see the disruptive possibilities of these technologies when they find students Facebooking, texting, IMing, or shopping during class.
  • We have had our why's, how's, and what's upside-down, focusing too much on what should be learned, then how, and often forgetting the why altogether.
  • All of this vexes traditional criteria for assessment and grades. This is the next frontier as we try to transform our learning environments.
  • Content is no longer king, but many of our tools have been habitually used to measure content recall.
    Great article about the abundance of information
Andrew Barras

How to Bookmark and Share Specific Portions of an Online Video - 1 views

  • You might come across a video that drags on for several minutes before anything cool and funny happens. In such videos, it’s better to bookmark that point where the fun begins and then share it. This is what Blipsnips does.
  • The tool requires registration to begin with.
    Looks to be very useful to anyone teaching a film course!
Andrew Barras

After Watching This Video, You Will Like to Be an Astronaut Too - 0 views

  • I've never seen anything like this: The Earth captured in time lapse by an astronaut at the International Space Station, cruising at 17,239 miles per hour—that's 7.7 kilometers per second, or 4.7 miles per second.
    This is mostly for Joe but these vids are amazing!
Andrew Barras

Project-Based Learning Strategies and Research for Educators - 0 views

  • This resource will direct you to a variety of resources on this approach, the research behind it, and how you can use it in your class to transform your students into engaged and interested independent thinkers.
    A page with lots of links to PBL pages
Andrew Barras

Collaborative highlighting in documents - Official Google Docs Blog - 0 views

  • You can now see the text that other editors are highlighting as they select it. So if someone is about to delete something on your screen or drag text somewhere else, you’ll see them highlight that text before anything changes.
    Maybe a good way to deal with lit reviews and such?
Andrew Barras

Derek's Blog » Creativity vs. stress - 0 views

  • an article from Newsweek titled “the Creativity Crisis“. It begins with the assertion that for the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining.
  • The Newsweek article cites a recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the No. 1 “leadership competency” of the future. And yet it is declining (apparently), both in society as a whole, and in our schools in particular. The authors identify two of the possible reasons for the decline…
  • the impact of television and the number of hours kids now spend in front of the TV and playing videogames rather than engaging in creative activities
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  • the lack of creativity development in our schools, there’s no concerted effort to nurture the creativity of all children.
  • n her writing about The Neuroscience of Joyful Education, Judy Willis highlights the importance of novelty in our teaching, stress-free classrooms, and pleasurable associations linked with learning as essential pre-cursors to joyful learning and the development of creativity. She goes on to suggest that when planning for the ideal emotional atmosphere we should be mindful of the following;
  • Allow independent discovery learning – students are more likely to remember and understand what they learn if they find it compelling or have a part in figuring it out for themselves.
  • Give them a break – students can reduce stress by enjoying hobbies, time with friends, exercise, or music.
  • Create positive associations – by avoiding stressful practices like calling on students who have not raised their hands, teachers can dampen the stress association.
  • Prioritize information – helping students learn how to prioritize and therefore reduce the amount of information they need to deal with is a valuable stress-buster.
  • Make it relevant – when stress in the classroom is getting high, it is often because a lesson is overly abstract or seems irrelevant to students.
  • Others, including Richard Millwood who has written about ‘delight’ in learning, emphasise similar conditions for learning – minimising stress and allowing for more risk-taking, learning from mistakes, discovery and so forth.
    Nice article about classroom environments
Andrew Barras

WoWinSchool: A Hero's Journey - Anatomy of a Typical Week - - 0 views

  • So, what in the world does this look like?  How is the Moodle set up?  Though we’re not quite ready to offer guest access to the Moodle yet, I thought I’d give a sneak-peak of some examples of what we’re doing.
  • One feature we’ve added recently, and as instructors are having a blast with, is in-class achievements.  For example, we challenged students to successfully “friend” each of their classmates in the game.
    A look at producing a Moodle module using World of Warcraft
Andrew Barras

Augmented Reality in Education - WikEd - 0 views

  • Augmented reality (AR) according to Ronald Azuma, Research Leader at Nokia Research Centre, is "an environment that includes both virtual reality and real-world elements. For instance, an AR user might wear translucent goggles; through these, he could see the real world, as well as computer-generated images projected on top of that world." (Azuma, 1997).
    Great article from a wiki on augmented reality
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