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Gary Patton

Contentment With Power - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    Philippians 4: 11-13 makes clear that a Jesus Follower can "put up with" anything ...because of the power-source that lives within us. Please note that Paul confirms that he was "content with" not "content in" his circumstances. A Jesus Follower should never be "under the circumstances" in Christ! A great companion for this passage is Holy Spirit's similar promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 where the Greek also means "trial" as well as "temptation". gfp(2012-02-25) Striving to better oneself is NOT unBiblical and is encourages in many places provided we do it in Christ (John 15:5).
Gary Patton

Rick Warren's Tower of Babel - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      How the so-called "America's pastor" could feel that Christians and Muslims believe in the same God and promote peace simply illustrates the power of politically-correct denial operating in North American including within the traditional church.  That a high-profile U.S. Christian could be so misled by Muslim "taqiyya" ("liefare") would be scary except Jesus warned us to beware of false teachers and our God IS in control. gfp (2012-03-01)
    • Gary Patton
      Allah or Allāh is the Arabic word for the so-called One God of Islam. Because Christians and Muslims say the each worship One God is not the same as saying we worship the "same God". He is not YHWH of the Hebrew Pentateuch (Jewish Torah / Muslim al-Tawrāt), nor of the Jews' larger Bible, nor the "God" of the Christian Bible.   A Jesus Follower or Jew who actually reads the Qur'an, the chief Islamic Holy book will quickly discern that Allah is not the Judeo-Christian Almighty God because: * he is not a god with whom one can have a personal relationship as Our's is. * he is fickle and judgemental as Our's is not, and * he allows devout Muslims into his paradise only on the basis of their individual "good works" including murderous jihad e.g., Surah:Ayat 3:97-1040 while Our's requires only faith in His grace as it says at . And these are only three key traits that distinguish the Muslim deity, Allah, from the God of Jews and Christians. To argue, that he is is a lie from the pit of Hell. And please don't be fooled by some Muslim or Christian "false teacher" telling you that the name Allah was used by Christians in some cultural groups hundreds of years before Muhammad came on the scene. That may be true, but, the issue is: "Is Allah a Christian's Almighty God. 
    • Gary Patton
      The few loving, peaceable and early Qur'anic passages e.g., 2:256, 50:45 & 109:1-6 were laid down when Muhammad was at Mecca and weak. The latter hateful, violent ones e.g. (Qur'an 4.76, 9:5-6, 9:29, & 60:4) were "received" when he was strong and expanding later. The Islamic "Principle of Abrogation is supported by EVERY Islamic "School of Jurisprudence". It states that later, seemingly contradictory verses abrogate and replace earlier ones because in Qur'an 2:106, Allah specifies:      "Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?"
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    • Gary Patton
      One could wonder if Mr. Warren is using the Islamic principle of "taqiyya" in denying proven facts. a-Taqiyya is the Arabic word for intentional lying and dissimilitude to advance the cause of Islam. I call it "liefare". It is approved by both Muslim Holy Books, the Qur'an and the a-Hadith. One or more of Qur'an 2:173, 2:185, 4:29, 16:106, 22:78, 40:28, are the verses usually cited by Muslim Imams, Mullahs and all Islamic "Schools of Jurisprudence" as justifying taqiyya. 
    How the so-called "America's pastor" could feel that Christians and Muslims believe in the same God and promote peace simply illustrates the power of politically-correct denial operating in North American including within the traditional church. That a high-profile U.S. Christian could be so misled by Muslim "taqiyya" ("liefare") would be scary except Jesus warned us to beware of false teachers and our God IS in control. gfp (2012-03-01)
Gary Patton

Luther's 95 Theses - 0 views

  • Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences
  • Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences
    Here's what Master Luther nailed up on the Church door at which prompted a splintering of the Roman Catholic Church and the birth of Protestantism during what became known as "The Reformation:.
Gary Patton

Passion - 0 views

    This graphic on the power of passion demonstrates the truth of what Jesus says at .
Gary Patton

Jesus' Cousin John Baptizes Him - Matthew 3 VOICE - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 3 (The Voice)
  • Jesus is the living Branch, the branch of David that extends the reach of the tree of Israel eventually to foreigners and outsiders.
  • a man called John[a] began to travel, preach, and ritually wash people through baptism in the wilderness of Judea. John preached a stern but exciting message.
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  • Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is near.
  • John’s proclamation fulfilled a promise made by the ancient prophet Isaiah, who had said, “There will be a voice calling from the desert, saying,Prepare the road for the Eternal One’s journey
  • The Anointed One, whose way John comes to prepare, will call humanity away from comfort and status; He will call His followers to challenge their assumptions and the things they take for granted.
  • But John is not exactly warm to all those who come to him seeking cleansing.
  •  If you think that simply hopping in the Jordan will cleanse you, then you are sorely mistaken.
    • Gary Patton
      As John said 2000 years ago to religious people, then, turning from sinful violations of God's commands is the key to eternal life ...not, baptism, sitting in a church building regularly or reading the Bible! Only Jesus can empower a person to do what's needed for salvation from the coming horrible wrath of God against sinners on earth or at the door to heaven if you die first!
  • God can adopt as daughters and sons anyone He likes
  • To be made right with God, one must truly repent. It means to turn completely away from sin and completely toward God.
  • I ritually cleanse you through baptism[d] as a mark of turning your life around. But someone is coming after me, someone whose sandals I am not fit to carry, someone who is more powerful than I. He will wash[e] you not in water but in fire and with the Holy Spirit. 12 He carries a winnowing fork in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor; He will gather up the good wheat in His barn, and He will burn the chaff with a fire that cannot be put out.
  • then, the One of whom John spoke—the all-powerful Jesus—came to the Jordan from Galilee to be washed[f] by John
  • Jesus emerged from His baptism;[h] and at that moment heaven was opened, and Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon Him, alighting on His very body. Voice from Heaven: 17 This is My Son, whom I love; this is the Apple of My eye; with Him I am well pleased.
    Jesus thought Baptism was crucial. gfp
Gary Patton

"Hell's Best Kept Secret" - 0 views

    Ray Comport explains in a powerful video how one uses the Old Covenant Law as the only way to share Jesus' "Good News".
Gary Patton

"One Biblical Account of Jesus' Crucifixion" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • So the soldiers took charge of Jesus.
  • Here they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle
  • Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: jesus of nazareth, the king of the jews.
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  • written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek.
  • When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes
  • This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled which said,“They divided my garments among them    and cast lots for my clothing.
  •  Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
  •  Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath
  • one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
  • These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,”[b] 37 and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”[c]
    "One Biblical Account of Jesus' Crucifixion" John 19:16-42 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) describes the death of Yeshua (Jesus) on His cross. He voluntarily, as God the Son, Emmanuel, God in flesh and bones. He dis so to redeem all who will believe in Him and His sacrifice for them as God from their violation of God the Father's laws and their sin nature by means of the saving power of Gog the Holy Spirit.
Gary Patton

"Arguing About Theology and Jesus Is Sin" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
    • Gary Patton
      Disputes by Jesus Followers with one another, in person or online, simply confirm what many in the world already believe ...we're hypocrites because we talk about Jesus' love and then don't obey Him! Duh! What they believe is too often correct, eh?
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-26
    • Gary Patton
      "Christian Arguments about Theology Are Unwise" 2 Timothy 2:22-26 says that when Jesus Followers argue with one another about theology its stupid because it's sin! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-03)
  • the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful
    • Gary Patton
      How many preachers, small group leaders and, especially, so-called evangelists violate there commandments when they're "doing their thing" on behalf of Jesus. Duh! How much must does their sin grieve the Holy Spirit? And how about you when you're "sharing Jesus" which is a form of teaching?
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  • Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth
    • Gary Patton
      Are you gentle when your discussing what you believe with others? Please don't miss who the Persuader really is. And it ain't you and me! Our job is ONLY to share ...not convince!
  • that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil,(G) who has taken them captive to do his will.
    • Gary Patton
      Please also don't miss why many people are not able to hear the 'truths' you share! Scripture makes clear that other people are not our real enemies. Satan and his demonic hordes, operating all around Jesus Followers and others all the time, are our R-E-A-L enemies (Revolting / Enervating / Authoritarian / Loathsome & Limiting). But, how we are to deal with, protect ourselves from, and defeat the demonic is clearly outlined in . In Ephesians 6:10-19 at the last link, Holy Spirit clearly describes "A Jesus-following Warrior's Unbreachable Armour". (I do not feel that many Jesus Followers will ever have to deal directly with Satan. He has none of the key attributes of the Almighty Godhead {Omniscience, Omnipotence, nor Omnipresence} ). The Devil does not know everything, isn't all-powerful, and especially, can only be in one place at one time. He is very busy and probably has bigger fish to fry than me and you. Nonetheless, Satan's demons, like God's Angels, are VERY powerful. They also are well-trained by the "Father of Liars" and have had a great deal of experience in hurting us. Finally, there are lots of them. So, every Jesus Follower is wise to understand how to stand on their protection that our Heavenly Father has given to each of us ...but NOT to non-Followers. We're also wise to realize that Jesus Followers and non-followers trap ourselves by are own choices as confirmed in Proverbs 5:22 at . Beware that the "Sin of Quarrelling" doesn't allow the demonic to trap you.
    "Christian Arguments about Theology Are Unwise" 2 Timothy 2:22-26 says that when Jesus Followers argue with one another about theology its stupid because it's sin! Disputes with one another simply confirm what many in the world already believe ...we're hypocrites because we tal about Jesus' love and then don't obey Him! Duh! What they believe is too often correct, eh?
Gary Patton

Why Evangelism Can Be a Long-term Prospect - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 1 Corinthians 2:12-16
    • Gary Patton
      1 Corinthians 2:14, in context below, explains why some unbelievers remain in denial about the truth about Jesus and resist the Gospel. Some BibleGateway Resources listed below, except for Matthew Henry, don't even mention the evangelistic application of this passage, i.e., Asbury Commentary. Might this be because "the natural/carnal man" is considered by many scholars, unBiblically I believe, to be a two-natured Christian? This is not what Bill Gillham believes the Bible says as he shares in his powerful article on this issue ( ). gfp (2012-02-19)
  • But [b]a (D)natural man (E)does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are (F)foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually [c]appraised.
    • Gary Patton
      The Scripture that buids on this concept, which is NOT mentioned in the helpful cross-references below is 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. Between them, this verse and that powerfully reinforce the truth of John 15:5 ( ).
  • we have the mind of Christ
    • Gary Patton
      We have Messiah's mind provided we ask for wisdom and, then, listen. (James 1:5-8) Holy Spirit will tell us when and how to best approach another with the Gospel. As Matthew Henry shares about verse 13 above: "The Spirit of God knows much better how to speak of the things of God than the best critics, orators, or philosophers."
    1 Corinthians 2:14 in context below explains why some see unbelievers remain in considerable denial about the truth about Jesus and resist the Gospel.
Gary Patton

Sin Management: Bad Idea! | Viral Jesus - 0 views

  • Sin Management: Bad Idea!
    • Gary Patton
      When we substitute our strength for Holy Spirit's by trying to manage our fleshly sin, watch out! The demons have got you! gfp (2012-03-19)
  • the point of Christianity is about being good.
  • It isn’t. That’s a byproduct; an important byproduct but a byproduct nonetheless.
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  • When we start thinking in terms of behaving correctly we are, in essence, trying to live the Christian life in our own ability.
  • By “taking control” of our sin life, we push the Holy Spirit (and His power) out of the way and start trying to be good in the weakness of our own human flesh.
  • This, in turn, just drives the Spirit farther from us because we have lost contact with our own reality, let alone His. What I’m describing here is hypocrisy. Ask yourself, how did Jesus feel about religious hypocrites?
  • We also have a community were rules (and keeping them) are more important than true spirituality,
  • Because the assumption is that keeping rules will keep us holy. When, in fact, trying to gain God’s approval through rule keeping drives His Spirit away.
  • If you have a bunch of people acting like this (a spiritual community/church) what do we end up with? We end up with fear;
  • The end result is a community of judgment because phonies would rather try to control other’s sins than deal with themselves.
  • Most people who experience it only stay (if they can really stand it) because they know nothing else or they assume that that is the only place they can find Jesus.
    • Gary Patton
  • Jesus’ Spirit may not be there in any great measure in the first place. He is replaced with talk about Jesus. It’s not the same thing.
  • the only way to combat sin is to be controlled by the Spirit of God. We can’t do it ourselves no matter how hard we try. Have you ever honestly, truly been in a community like that?
    • Gary Patton
      Both contenders in Galatians 5:19 are heavy-weights, so we're wise to ensure we do a 5:25!
  • Have you ever wondered how the first generation of Christians was so powerful without yet having the written New Testament? Does asking such a radical question mean I don’t think the Scriptures are important?
    When we substitute our strength for Holy Spirit's by trying to manage our sin, watch out! gfp(2012-03-19)
Gary Patton

The Only Way To Serve - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 2:3-11
  • Do nothing [a]from [b](A)selfishness or (B)empty conceit, but with humility of mind (C)regard one another as more important than yourselves;
  • do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
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  • Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He (G)existed in the (H)form of God, (I)did not regard equality with God a thing to be [d]grasped, 7 but [e](J)emptied Himself, taking the form of a (K)bond-servant, and (L)being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, (M)He humbled Himself by becoming (N)obedient to the point of death, even (O)death [f]on a cross.
  • at the name of Jesus (S)every knee will bow, of (T)those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is (U)Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
    "The Only Way To Serve " Philippians 2:3-11 talks about how Jesus Followers can know that they are serving with the right attitude of heart in the power of Holy Spirit ...not their flesh. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-22)
Gary Patton

Jesus IS God - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • See to it that no one takes you captive through (B)philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men
  • in Him all the (D)fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form
  • He is the head [c]over all (G)rule and authority;
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  • He (N)made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, 14 having canceled out (O)the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and (P)He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross
  • having been (J)buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also (K)raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who (L)raised Him from the dead.
  • Colossians 2:8-14
    "Jesus IS God" Colossians 2:8-14 makes some compelling claims about the Deity of Jesus and His resurrection power. gfp (2012-06-03)
Gary Patton

"Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    "Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " In James 1:2-4, Holy Spirit shares the secret power of trails that many Christians just "don't get! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-08-29)
Gary Patton

"Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • James 1:2-8
  • Trials and Temptations
  • Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds
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  • because you know that the testing of your faith(B) produces perseverance.(C) 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature(D) and complete, not lacking anything.
  • If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,(E) who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.(F) 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,(G) because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded(H) and unstable(I) in all they do.
    "Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " In James 1:2-8, Holy Spirit shares the secret power of trails that many Christians just "don't get"! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-08-30)
Gary Patton

Gratitude, Its Distress Power: Tips to Bolster Thankfulness | Positive Impact Magazine ... - 0 views

  • Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as a manifestation of virtue and as an important factor in our health and well-being.
  • Science is increasingly revealing the importance of gratitude in people’s lives.
  • the feeling of appreciation is the most concrete and the easiest positive emotion for individuals to self-generate and sustain for long periods.
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  • Gratitude is an expression of the heart and it is a powerful and positive emotional energy that can add hope and resilience in your life,
  • experts say that the act of simply recalling a time of feeling sincere appreciation and then intentionally focusing on that feeling for a few moments can reduce emotional stress
  • In HeartMath study it was observed that just five minutes of genuinely feeling a positive emotion such as appreciation, care and or compassion can give a beneficial boost to the immune system.
  • positive emotions like appreciation can increase heart-rhythm coherence. Coherence is a balance or smoothness in one’s heart rhythms.
  • Blessing Reminders
  • if someone finds it initially difficult to self-generate a feeling of appreciation in the present moment then they can recall a past memory that elicits a warm feeling. With practice, most people will find that they can self-generate feelings of appreciation in real-time.”
  • Positive emotion-refocusing techniques, like those researched and developed by HeartMath, can create a physiological shift in individuals such as changing one’s heart rhythms to a healthier pattern. The techniques can also help individuals effectively replace stressful thoughts and emotional patterns with positive perceptions and emotions like appreciation. HeartMath experts say this is a fundamental step in improving one’s overall health and sense of well-being.
  • Take your gratitude practices further with these tips:
  • Gratitude in Focus
  • researchers found that those patients who acknowledged benefits from their heart attack, such as becoming more appreciative of life, experienced a lower risk of having another heart attack.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal
    In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, the Holy Spirit of God commands Jesus Followers to always give thanks to their heavenly Father ...regardless of how we feel or our circumstances. We are never to be "under the circumstances" as the expression says. This article outlines the scientific research that demonstrates for Believers & doubting non-Believers that God knows how He designed us to live best. HeartMath's brain/heart connection research has proven that the Bible's emphasis on 'heart' as well as 'mind' is a scientifically, proven certainty. As is the fact the former drives the latter rather than what is argued by many Bibles teachers. See the documented research. ( gfp (2011-11-12)
    Thankfulness is the key to a joyous, stress-optimized and successful life of peace and prosperity! gfp
Gary Patton

Anger Management | Ten Essentials to Consider - 0 views

  • Anger is healthy
  • It’s what we do with our anger that makes all the difference to the maintenance of our own health
  • Anger arousal symptoms
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  • warning to keep our mouth shut and think
  • soul solitude time will allow us to trace and track the origins of the triggers so we can understand them
    • Gary Patton
      My problem with Rhoberta's psychology when she points to "understanding" the roots of anger/rage as a route to healing is that it cannot produce freedom from your bondage. (I know this because I knew the emotional and spiritual roots of my rage for the full 25 years that I struggled with my it and that understanding didn't help me one bit. Only knowing "truth" can set you free. Understanding our past pain's roots doesn't produce truth or "freedom" from the pain. Only the truth that Jesus talks about at can do that. gfp
  • trouble in relationships
    • Gary Patton
      I taught "anger management techniques" and knowing tips like this S-M-A-R-TTip didn't help me: "Relationships can only thrive when one party, at least, knows how to back off!" (Rhoberta is more blunt in her Esstenial #1 when she says: "Shut your mouth!") But, bluntness in my teaching wasn't the lack! Teaching "techniques" rather than "spiritual truth" was! Here's truth . gfp
  • one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves
  • We have to learn to manage incoming anger, too.
  • you may not have any boundaries
  • Anger is healthy. It is natural. It is a gift of perception, experience and biology
    Anger is one of the most powerful emotions and the most challenging one to manage for most people. Some of us can't "manage" it all. At best, some of us can ONLY moderate our reaction to our amygdala's response to our perception of a violation of our so-called rights. That's why Essential #1 is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently when I re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) You may enjoy my Tweet for 2011-08-27 apropos Essential #1: "A relationship can only thrive when at least one party knows when to back off!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp
    Essential #1 in this article is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently. I have now re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) gfp
Gary Patton

The future belongs to Islam- Culture - Books - 0 views

  • Likewise, the salient feature of Europe, Canada, Japan and Russia is that they're running out of babies
  • the salient feature of Europe, Canada, Japan and Russia is that they're running out of babies.
  • Sept. 11, 2001, was not "the day everything changed," but the day that revealed how much had already changed.
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  • start with demography, because everything does:
  • Greece has a fertility rate hovering just below 1.3 births per couple, which is what demographers call the point of "lowest-low" fertility from which no human society has ever recovered. And Greece's fertility is the healthiest in Mediterranean Europe: Italy has a fertility rate of 1.2, Spain 1.1. Insofar as any citizens of the developed world have "big" families these days, it's the anglo democracies: America's fertility rate is 2.1, New Zealand a little below. Hollywood should be making My Big Fat Uptight Protestant Wedding in which some sad Greek only child marries into a big heartwarming New Zealand family where the spouse actually has a sibling.
  • this isn't a projection: it's happening now
  • Experts talk about root causes. But demography is the most basic root of all.
  • Demographic decline and the unsustainability of the social democratic state are closely related.
  • Age + Welfare = Disaster for you;Youth + Will = Disaster for whoever gets in your way.
  • By "will," I mean the metaphorical spine of a culture.
  • Islam has youth and will, Europe has age and welfare.
  • We are witnessing the end of the late 20th- century progressive welfare democracy.
  • But there is a correlation between the structural weaknesses of the social democratic state and the rise of a globalized Islam. The state has gradually annexed all the responsibilities of adulthood -- health care, child care, care of the elderly -- to the point where it's effectively severed its citizens from humanity's primal instincts, not least the survival instinct.
    • Gary Patton
      This is an insightful and interesting thesis!
  • Which brings us to the third factor -- the enervated state of the Western world, the sense of civilizational ennui, of nations too mired in cultural relativism to understand what's at stake.
  • For states in demographic decline with ever more lavish social programs, the question is a simple one: can they get real? Can they grow up before they grow old?
  • They corrode the citizen's sense of self-reliance to a potentially fatal degree
  • may talk about "winning" the Cold War but the French and the Belgians and Germans and Canadians don't. Very few British do. These are all formal NATO allies -- they were, technically, on the winning side against a horrible tyranny few would wish to live under themselves.
    • Gary Patton
  • it's hard to credit the citizens of France or Italy as having made any serious contribution to the defeat of Communism. Au contraire, millions of them voted for it, year in, year out. And, with the end of the Soviet existential threat, the enervation of the West only accelerated.
    • Gary Patton
      Harsh, like Mr. Steyn often is to grab one's attention! But also true!! gfp
    • Gary Patton
      An interesting observation about which I hadn't reflected before. gfp
  • in the old days, the white man settled the Indian territory. Now the followers of the badland's radical imams settle the metropolis.
  • Thomas P. M. Barnett's book Blueprint For Action, Robert D. Kaplan, a very shrewd observer of global affairs, is quoted referring to the lawless fringes of the map as "Indian territory."
  • In the old days, the Injuns had bows and arrows and the cavalry had rifles. In today's Indian territory, countries that can't feed their own people have nuclear weapons.
  • Though Eastern Europe and Latin America and parts of Asia are freer now than they were in the seventies, other swaths of the map have spiralled backwards.
  • The enemies we face in the future will look a lot like al-Qaeda: transnational, globalized, locally franchised, extensively outsourced -- but tied together through a powerful identity that leaps frontiers and continents. They won't be nation-states and they'll have no interest in becoming nation-states, though they might use the husks thereof, as they did in Afghanistan and then Somalia. The jihad may be the first, but other transnational deformities will embrace similar techniques. Sept. 10 institutions like the UN and the EU will be unlikely to provide effective responses.
    • Gary Patton
      This is the thesis of what one portion of the U.S. military calls Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) i.e. what unfolded in Iraqafter the Liviatan defeat of Sadam Hussein when the U.S. did not pursue an effective nor efficient strategy of "waging peace" as strategy as argued in Chapter one of Dr Barnett's "Action Plan".
  • Four years into the "war on terror," the Bush administration began promoting a new formulation: "the long war."
    • Gary Patton
      Thomas Barnett's thesis in "Blueprint for Action" by the US is that the long war is waged as a "war for peace" fought by a powerful and numerous SysAdmin force of multinationals after the "hot war' is won by the US military 'Liviathan'. Iagrree that makes more sence than a 4GW approach which kees the West always in a "hot war". gfp
    Article on the dangers of spreading Islam | 2011-06.
Gary Patton

The Tongue Is Big Problem - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Let not many of you become teachers
    • Gary Patton
      Please do noy believe that this verse is a command to not share with those whom Holy Spirit brings across your path. That's a lie from the pit of Hell! You are clearly commanded to "make disciples as you're going along" by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:18-20 at . This verse is ONLY a warning to coach/communicate/share/teach CAREFULLY and in the power of Holy Spirit. Please also do not believe that this verse says that you should only teach in the Body of Christ if you are a Pastor (Reverend, Minister, Bible School- or Seminary-trained graduate, etc.) That's a lie from the pit as well.The role of Teacher of the Body is open to anyone who is acknowledged by their fellow Believers as possessing the Gift of Teaching and s(he) teaches in the power of Holy Spirit.
  • James 3:1-10
    • Gary Patton
      All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. This is clearly stated in James 3:1 below. And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, our intentional & non-interntion errors of ommission or commission actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
    All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. It is is clearly stated in James 3:1 . And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, error actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
Gary Patton

Jesus Lives His Life Out Through His Followers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    In John 14;12, in context, Jesus explained to his first Disciples, and through them to us, how after His resurrection they and we would do "greater things". This is because as He promises in ?, He would come to live in them through the power of Holy Spirit living in them and us.
Gary Patton

Jesus Promises to Live His Ongoing Life Out Through the Lives Of His Followers - Bible ... - 0 views

  • Do you not believe that (C)I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? (D)The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that (E)I am in the Father and the Father is in Me;
    • Gary Patton
      Jusus blows His first Disciples minds by telling them CLEARLY that He is God!
  • he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and (G)greater works than these he will do; because (H)I go to the Father.
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus shares an seemingly impossible truth with His first disciples and through them with us, that all His Followers will do "greater things" than He Himself had done. In the following verses here, He explais how that mystery will occur through the power of His name and the truth that He will live forever in them and us! Hallelujah!
  • so that (J)the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything (K)in My name, I will do it.
    • Gary Patton
      It's all about God in us ...NOT about us or what we seem to be doing!
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a](M)Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17 that is (N)the Spirit of truth, (O)whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
    • Gary Patton
      Here it is! The promise that Holy Spirit will continue to live in each person, Jew and Gentile (non-Jew), who belives in Jesus and a mysterious but simple truth ...when we believe Jesus Followers are a "new creation" as it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 at ...not a made-over one.
  • After a little while (R)the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; (S)because I live, you will live also. 20 (T)In that day you will know that (U)I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
    • Gary Patton
      In case Jesus' first Disciples, and we, Hislater ones, missed it, Jesus confirms a second time that He will live in His Followers and live His life out through us in the power of Holy Spirit. He does so as the ONE Who does the "greater things" ...NOT us! Again, Yeshua (Jesus) also says clearly that He IS God, incarnate for them in the moment, and, while returning to His Father, continuing present on earth as He had been in Holy Spirit since the beginning of time. In these verses is a clear statement of what Jesus Followers and religious Christians call the Trinity" ...One God existing simultaneously everywhere in three unique personalities. Jesus Followers "know Him", in intimate, personal relationship. Religious Christians only "know about Him".
  • John 14:8-21
    • Gary Patton
      In John 14:12, in context, Yeshua (Jesus) explained to His first Disciples, and through them to us, how after His resurrection they and we would do "greater things". Then, in verses 16-21 He explains to them the mystery of how this will happen. gfp (2012-02-08)
    In John 14:12, in context, Jesus explained to his first Disciples, and through them to us, how after His resurrection they and we would do "greater things". In verses 16-21 He explains to them the mystery of how this will happen. gfp (2012-02-08)
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