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Gary Patton

10 Commandments List of the Bible - 0 views

  • many Christians take these special ten commandments for granted
  • The 10 Commandments of the Bible
  • These 10 commandments are good, basic, moral laws that will help keep us out of trouble with ourselves, family, friends, and neighbors
Gary Patton

"How to Have Consummate Peace" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 4:4-9
    • Gary Patton
      "How to Have Consummate Peace" If you want to always sleep sweetly, live your life moment-to-moment as Holy Spirit commands through the Apostle Paul, a sent-out one, in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) Verses below. And after 25 years of taking my worries, fears and F-E-A-Rs (False-Evidence-Appearing-Real) to God, I can guarantee that His way works ...every time! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-07-24)
  • whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things
    • Gary Patton
      Before you speak or even reflect: T - is it TRUE? H - is it HELPFUL? I - is it INSPIRING? N - is it NECESSARY? K - is it KIND?
  • Rejoice in the Lord always
    • Gary Patton
      "Dour Christians", i.e., those who are "relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance", need to take this admonition to heart!
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
    • Gary Patton
      Do this and you WILL succeed ...and without fretting!
  •  Do not be anxious about anything,(C) but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
    • Gary Patton
      Now, hows that for a simple, easy-to work formula, eh? And the secret to how and why this works you can find outlined in Philiippians 4:11-13 at , just a few verses later.
  • And the peace of God,(E) which transcends all understanding,(F) will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    • Gary Patton
      This is what I call: "God's Perpetual Promise of Peace" In late 1998, Karen, my wife, and I were dealing with life-threatening cancer in her colon. At the same time, I was totally disabled having been totally unable to work for the prior 3 1/2 years. I had serious Chronic Fatigue and Immune Deficiency Syndrome. We'd had no income coming in for over three years. This Verse describes perfectly what occurred in Karen's and my lives when we took our absolute terror about our diseases and what might happen to us in the future to our Heavenly Father! You can read more about our experience at or Website "Are You Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired" at .
    If you want to always sleep sweetly, live your life moment-to-moment as Holy Spirit commands through the Apostle Paul, a sent-out one, in Phillipians 4:4-9.
Gary Patton

Why Evangelism Can Be a Long-term Prospect - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 1 Corinthians 2:12-16
    • Gary Patton
      1 Corinthians 2:14, in context below, explains why some unbelievers remain in denial about the truth about Jesus and resist the Gospel. Some BibleGateway Resources listed below, except for Matthew Henry, don't even mention the evangelistic application of this passage, i.e., Asbury Commentary. Might this be because "the natural/carnal man" is considered by many scholars, unBiblically I believe, to be a two-natured Christian? This is not what Bill Gillham believes the Bible says as he shares in his powerful article on this issue ( ). gfp (2012-02-19)
  • But [b]a (D)natural man (E)does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are (F)foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually [c]appraised.
    • Gary Patton
      The Scripture that buids on this concept, which is NOT mentioned in the helpful cross-references below is 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. Between them, this verse and that powerfully reinforce the truth of John 15:5 ( ).
  • we have the mind of Christ
    • Gary Patton
      We have Messiah's mind provided we ask for wisdom and, then, listen. (James 1:5-8) Holy Spirit will tell us when and how to best approach another with the Gospel. As Matthew Henry shares about verse 13 above: "The Spirit of God knows much better how to speak of the things of God than the best critics, orators, or philosophers."
    1 Corinthians 2:14 in context below explains why some see unbelievers remain in considerable denial about the truth about Jesus and resist the Gospel.
Gary Patton

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012 :: Raymond Ibrahim - 0 views

  • Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012
    Christians must always remember that Scripture clearly tells us that our real enemies are not Islamists, Islam or Muslims or others that persecute and kill us. Our R-E-A-L enemies are diabolical spirits as outlined in . They are motivated by Satan and his hordes of demons in opposition to anything that is of God. The statement of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aur
Gary Patton

Gratitude, Its Distress Power: Tips to Bolster Thankfulness | Positive Impact Magazine ... - 0 views

  • Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as a manifestation of virtue and as an important factor in our health and well-being.
  • Science is increasingly revealing the importance of gratitude in people’s lives.
  • the feeling of appreciation is the most concrete and the easiest positive emotion for individuals to self-generate and sustain for long periods.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Gratitude is an expression of the heart and it is a powerful and positive emotional energy that can add hope and resilience in your life,
  • experts say that the act of simply recalling a time of feeling sincere appreciation and then intentionally focusing on that feeling for a few moments can reduce emotional stress
  • In HeartMath study it was observed that just five minutes of genuinely feeling a positive emotion such as appreciation, care and or compassion can give a beneficial boost to the immune system.
  • positive emotions like appreciation can increase heart-rhythm coherence. Coherence is a balance or smoothness in one’s heart rhythms.
  • Blessing Reminders
  • if someone finds it initially difficult to self-generate a feeling of appreciation in the present moment then they can recall a past memory that elicits a warm feeling. With practice, most people will find that they can self-generate feelings of appreciation in real-time.”
  • Positive emotion-refocusing techniques, like those researched and developed by HeartMath, can create a physiological shift in individuals such as changing one’s heart rhythms to a healthier pattern. The techniques can also help individuals effectively replace stressful thoughts and emotional patterns with positive perceptions and emotions like appreciation. HeartMath experts say this is a fundamental step in improving one’s overall health and sense of well-being.
  • Take your gratitude practices further with these tips:
  • Gratitude in Focus
  • researchers found that those patients who acknowledged benefits from their heart attack, such as becoming more appreciative of life, experienced a lower risk of having another heart attack.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal
    In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, the Holy Spirit of God commands Jesus Followers to always give thanks to their heavenly Father ...regardless of how we feel or our circumstances. We are never to be "under the circumstances" as the expression says. This article outlines the scientific research that demonstrates for Believers & doubting non-Believers that God knows how He designed us to live best. HeartMath's brain/heart connection research has proven that the Bible's emphasis on 'heart' as well as 'mind' is a scientifically, proven certainty. As is the fact the former drives the latter rather than what is argued by many Bibles teachers. See the documented research. ( gfp (2011-11-12)
    Thankfulness is the key to a joyous, stress-optimized and successful life of peace and prosperity! gfp
Gary Patton

Modern Wheat Is A Stealth Killer - 0 views

  • This is a way to obtain the rich flavors and textures of cocoa, the health benefits (e.g., blood pressure reduction, antioxidation) of cocoa flavonoids, while obtaining none of the sugars/carbohydrates . . . and certainly no wheat!
  • Pumpkin pie is one of those fixtures of Thanksgiving dinner that, when recreated without wheat, can be enjoyed without worry.
  • Sadly, cholesterol values can be a crude and often misleading set of measures.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • conventional cholesterol values are next to useless. Tracking the right data is crucial.
  • most people don’t measure this
  • small LDL is the #1 most common cause for heart disease in the U.S., not “high cholesterol.” Wheat consumption increases small LDL particles; wheat elimination is the most powerful tool available for reduction of small LDL particles, particularly when combined with weight loss.
  • CRP and other measures of inflammation drop to the floor with wheat elimination.
  • Wheat products are a convenient source of indigestible fiber. But the idea that you must have whole grains from wheat to obtain sufficient fiber is pure fiction. There are plenty of other foods that are rich in fiber.
  • non-wheat fibers low in carbohydrates, especially flaxseed and chia.
  • They do not have any effect on blood sugar.
  • wheat consumption changes the bacterial composition of your intestinal tract. Taking a probiotic for a few weeks can provide organisms like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium that help regain normal bacterial populations.
  • So going wheat-free does not mean a lifetime of pushing and straining,
    Modern wheat, especially whole wheat contributes to the pandemic of arthritis, cancer, Type II Diabetes, obesity and all lifestyle diseases. And when it doesn't, wheat is still a "Stealth Killer" of men, women and our children and grandchildren Ours is NOT the wheat our Grandmas used to bake with! And this is true no matter where you live in the world because Canadian-designed hybridized-wheat has been spread everywhere ...even into isolated areas of China because of it's yields! It's additional huge benefit (pun intended) is "Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight"! gfp (2011-11-26)
    The Bible says our bodies are "the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So, we're wise to care as best we are able for it. And modern wheat, especially whole wheat, contributesr to the pandemic of arthritis, cancer, Type II Diabetes, obesity and all lifestyle diseases. And when it doesn't, wheat is still a "Stealth Killer" of men, women and our children and grandchildren. gfp
Gary Patton

Congo's Chaotic Past - 0 views

  • Although the Congo has vast mineral resources and tremendous agricultural potential, it is one of the poorest counties in the world.
  • The Congo’s fertile fields and tropical forests cover an area larger than the combined areas of California, Oregon, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. The Congo is rich in diamonds, gold, copper, uranium and other precious metals. The huge Congo River has the potential to generate enough hydroelectric power to provide all the electrical needs of the entire continent.
  • Literally millions of Congolese have been massacred, often by the very soldiers and police who were meant to be protecting them.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Immediately after independence in the 1960’s tens of thousands of Christians and hundreds of missionaries were martyred, particularly in the Communist Simba rebellion of 1964.
  • Documenting the human rights abuses and persecution of Christians in the Congo can be overwhelming.
  • forces from Communist
  • Soon the armies of eight other nations were embroiled in the conflict in the Congo.
  • corruption has continued to cripple the country,
    • Gary Patton
      For the opposite perspective, see the research article, "Economic growth with endogenous corruption: an empirical study" by Mushfiq Swaleheen of Florida Gulf Coast University ( In it he postulates that a measure of corruption in deeply corrupt countries such as Congo actually enhances economic growth ...perhaps by helping companies sidestep onerous rules. But that's only at the extreme; for a country with average endemic corruption, a one-standard-deviation increase in corrupt incidences depresses per-capita GDP growth by 0.12 percentage points, he has found. gfp
  • the Christian church has emerged as the only viable national structure to survive the general social, political and economic collapse of the country. The growth of the church in the Congo over the last century has been dramatic. The number of Christians in the Congo has grown from 1.4% of the total population in 1900 to over 90% professing Christianity today.
    • Gary Patton
      Sicne Jesus went back to heaven, His "Body on earth", "The Church" has continued to thrive best when persecuted. The Congo is typical. So are Canada & the U.S where the Body has become flacid and is disappearing ...down to less than 3% by some estimates. gfp
    • Gary Patton
      Since Jesus went back to heaven, His "Body on earth", "The Church", has continued to thrive best when persecuted. The Congo is typical. So are Canada & the U.S typical of what happens to the Body without real persecution. It has become flacid and is disappearing ...down to less than 3% by some estimates. gfp
    • Gary Patton
      1 Chron. 16:24-25 is a powerful Scripture regarding God's glory & my role in proclaiming it that I have quoted in my Spiritual Mission Statement.
  • 1 Chronicles 16:24 – 25
    • Gary Patton
      is a powerful Scripture regarding God's glory & my role in proclaiming it that I have quoted in my Spiritual Mission Statement.
  • Estimates exceed a million AIDS and war orphans.
  • Just about the only functioning schools are church run. The Catholics have dominated the education field, but Protestants are increasingly striving to rise to the challenge as well.
  • There is a famine of Christian literature and an intense hunger for Christian books.
  • Many nominal Christians have no clear grasp of repentance and faith in Christ. Animism, witchcraft and syncretism are also major problems. The vast swamp lands north east of Kinshasa include many communities which have never been effectively evangelized. The half a million Swahili speaking Muslims need to be reached with the Gospel. Despite the Muslims mounting considerable efforts to spread Islam in the Congo, very little has been done to try to reach Muslims for Christ.
  • Despite the small Pygmy peoples of the Congo rain forests being despised and abused by the Congolese, there has been a tremendous turning to Christ amongst them. Nominally 30% of the Pygmies claim to be Christian.
  • Much of the country needs to be re-evangelized.
  • The “Democratic Republic of the Congo”, in its 46 years of independence from Belgium, has never been a democracy.
    • Gary Patton
      The Congo's past may soon be duplicated by numerous new, allegedly democratic nations that are merging in the Middle East following the so-called "2011 Arab Spring" i.e. Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Yemen for starters. Democracy has never flourished, or even survived, when radical Islamists can gain control of a country & implement Islamic Sharia Law. Even the perdominately Muslim people of the previously relatively-free and secular Turkey have handed control of their country over to an Islamist dominated government in 2011. gfp
    Here's how God arranged to effect from communist chaos to Christ in the Congo. gfp (2011-10)
Gary Patton

Why Use the Septuagint? | Logos Talk: The Logos Bible Software Blog - 0 views

  • The Septuagint was the Old Testament of the early Greek-speaking church, and it is by far the version of the Old Testament most frequently quoted by Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament.
  • I thought it might be helpful to provide a practical example where the Septuagint explains what seems to be a New Testament theological blunder.
  • The New Testament writers weren’t nitwits or dishonest. They were using the Septuagint.
    Some New Testament references have provided fodder for biblical critics who want the New Testament to be guilty of either an outright error in thought, or just contriving a doctrinal point out of thin air. The New Testament writers weren't nitwits or dishonest. They were using the Septuagint. Find out why in this short article by a Biblical scholar. Polish your apologetics with a key issue of modern scholarship. gfp (2011-11-18)
Gary Patton

God's Incredible & Unfathomable Love For All Wo(men) In Predestination - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Romans 8:28-39
  • For I am convinced that neither (AE)death, nor life, nor (AF)angels, nor principalities, nor (AG)things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from (AH)the love of God, which is (AI)in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    • Gary Patton
      WOW, eh! And this promise comes as the icing on the cake of those in verses 31-37!
  • all things work together for good
    • Gary Patton
      Either wording works for me as a guarantee that God's "got my back", regardless of what he allows to "come down the track", plus He will work everything to "my best"! How about you?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Romans 8:28-39
  • Romans 8:28-39
    • Gary Patton
      God's Incredible & Unfathomable Love For All Wo(men) Romans 8:29-30, in the context of the entire passage of verses 28-39, is the New Covenant's clearest statement of what theologians call the "Doctrine of Predestination". I will outline one position on this controversial and emotionally-charged word below. Predestination is a highly contentious word both inside and outside the organizational church. This contention flows almost completely from how one defines the word. The promise tucked inside of verse 28 is also a fantastic one as I note in the e-Sticky Note on that verse. Your heavenly Father starts by telling you how He handles it when we screw up. Then finally nearer the end of the passage, God explains, using an incredible metaphor, how much He loves all humankind, irrespective of their current state of "election", and without us having to earn His love in any way, shape or form. gfp (2012- 05-05 )
  • What then shall we say to these things? (L)If God is for us, who is against us?
    • Gary Patton
      As also confirmed in Verse 33, no person or being in this world nor in the spirit realm can condemn God's "elect", at any time nor in any way. This is God's promise here regardless of his/her character, or sin, or current level of their conformity to Jesus' image. The fantastic promises regarding the breadth, depth and height of God's unfailing and unending love for us, outlined in verses 32-39 below, are NOT dependent on our loving God or even seeking Him, first.
  • Who will bring a charge against (O)God’s elect? (P)God is the one who justifies;
    • Gary Patton
      As confirmed in Verse 31, no person or being in this world nor in the spirit realm can condemn God's "elect", at any time nor in any way. This is God's promise here regardless of the elect person's character, or sin, or current level of their conformity to Jesus' image.
  • New American Standard Bible (NASB)
  • God causes (A)all things to work together for good to those who love God
    • Gary Patton
      Followers of Jesus have this incredible promise from their heavenly Father God to depend on when confronted with any and every trial in their lives matter how dis-stressing! It's a fantastic encourager during tough times and a wonderful companion to the promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 at . Don't let anyone try to convince you of the lie that you have to love God first and seek Him before He will save you. The Bible says in Romans 3:3 that "no one seeks God". The only thing you need to do to know that you know you're saved is outlined simply in Romans 10:9-10 at and 1 John 4:15-17 at .
  • those who are (B)called according to His purpos
    • Gary Patton
      Here is another clear promise of the surety of a Jesus Follower's salvation in Christ and the truth of the doctrine that we are "once saved and always saved". Or guaranteed salvation is also promised in John 10:22-30 at, Philippians 1:6 at as well as here at Romans 8:28-39 at . Please never forget that God elected those He has "predestined" to spend eternity with Him now and in the life after this one as it says in verses 29-30 immediately below. This predestined election applies regardless of one's current state of conformity to Jesus' image. God loves all his creation, especially we humans, more than we can ever understand in this life. Incredibly, your heavenly Father picked His elect for salvation before we were ever born. He did so at the beginning of time. And He did it pre-knowing we would be sinners and hate Him as it says in Romans 5:8 at plus elsewhere in the Bible.
  • those whom He (C)foreknew, He also (D)predestined to become (E)conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the (F)firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He (G)predestined, He also (H)called; and these whom He called, He also (I)justified; and these whom He justified, He also (J)glorified.
    • Gary Patton
      Followers of Jesus have this incredible promise from their heavenly Father God to depend on when confronted with any and every trial in their lives matter how dis-stressing! It's a fantastic encourager during tough times and a wonderful companion to the promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 at . Don't let anyone try to convince you of the lie that you have to love God first and seek Him before He will save you. The Bible says in Romans 3:3 that "no one seeks God". The only thing you need to do to know that you know you're saved is outlined simply in Romans 10:9-10 at and 1 John 4:15-17 at . e-Sticky Note #1 on Verse 28 "those who are called" Here is another clear promise of the surety of a Jesus Follower's salvation in Christ and the truth of the doctrine that we are "once saved and always saved". Or guaranteed salvation is also promised in John 10:22-30 at, Philippians 1:6 at as well as here at Romans 8:28-39 at . Please never forget that God elected those He has "predestined" to spend eternity with Him now and in the life after this one as it says in verses 29-30 immediately below. This predestined election applies regardless of one's current state of conformity to Jesus' image. God loves all his creation, especially we humans, more than we can ever understand in this life. Incredibly, your heavenly Father picked His elect for salvation before we were ever born. He did so at the beginning of time. And He did it pre-knowing we would be sinners and hate Him as it says in Romans 5:8 at plus elsewhere in the Bible. e-Sticky Note on Verse 29-30 Predestination mentioned here is a key part, some would say the most, key part, of the theology (beliefs about God) of those people who call themselves 'Calvinists' or sometimes people of the "Reformed Tradition". For these and other folks who reject bo
    Romans 8:29-30, in the context of the passage from Romans 8:28-39, is the New Covenant clearest statment of what theologians call "Predestination" ...that God elects one some people to spend eternity with Him and the rest will be separated from him.
Gary Patton

"Doctrine of Retrobation" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He (B)hardens whom He desires.
    • Gary Patton
      Briefly, the doctrine of predestination teaches that God, in his sovereignty, elects those who will receive the benefits of salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ and passes over the rest, who by their sin and rebellion against the holy commands of God, will be sentenced to eternal damnation. This key verse, 18, in the context of the whole passage, seems to many Jesus Followers, to be the other side of the coin from Predestination of "the 'Elect of God" i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". Some Christian theologians call the exercise of God's sovereignty by Him in pre-deciding who will, and, therefore who will not, spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom, "Double Predestination". In using this term, they refer mainly to Romans 8:29-30 in the context of a passage about God's love at . The reason some add the adjective 'double' to the doctrine of Predestination is because God's 'choosing' or 'election' of some individuals includes His 'non-election' of others definition they say. These Christians also, and harshly some say, call the doctrine of 'non-election' the "Doctrine of Divine Reprobation" (God passing over the reprobate*). Those who use the term argue that, given the eternal consequences of not choosing the Gospel of Jesus (also called Yeshua), a clear warning is crucial to help people better understand the consequences of spending eternity separated from God. Divine Reprobation according to this theology's supporters seems to be Biblical based on the following passages besides this one in context: * Matthew 11:25-26; * Romans 9:17-22; * 2 Timothy 2:19-20; * Jude 4; * 1 Peter 2:8. So Biblically speaking, they argue, anyone who rejects the doctrine that God 'dis-elects' the reprobate has a problem explaining the above passages in Scripture in any other context. * 'Reprobate' is both a noun and a verb. "A reprobate" is an evil person. "To reprobate" is to "condemn to damnation" as explained in the dict
  • For (E)who resists His will?
    • Gary Patton
      There are generally "Two Views of Onus in Human Salvation" as I understand the theology of Christian salvation. (For me, theology is simply "what a person believes about God.) Some argue that because God is omniscient*, He knew before the beginning of time who would choose to believe in The Gospel Of Jesus (Yeshua) at all points in the future, He elects them for salvation and empowers their salvation by giving them the faith to do so. Those who follow "reformed theology" reject this theorem because, they say, it denies God's absolute sovereignty and puts the control in salvation in a wo(man)'s choice and hands. (Some call this latter theory re the preeminence of man in salvation "Armenianism".) However, others argue that Romans 3:11 seems to clearly say that "no one seeks God" of their own will. Therefore, some folks believe that anyone who becomes saved does so only because of God's loving grace for that person. God chooses for His own sovereign reasons to gracefully gift those the New Covenant (Testament) calls "the elect" with the faith they need to be saved. Only this way will we choose to believe the Gospel of Jesus and follow Him. In the opinion of some Jesus Followers, it is not our desire that is the onus in salvation and long-term destiny according to Ephesians 2:8-10 at .
  • Romans 9:17-22
    • Gary Patton
      The Lost Are Truly Lost ...But Are The Damned Truly Damned? Romans 9:17-18 and 21-22 in the context of the whole passage is the other side of the coin from Predestination of the 'Elect' i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". gfp (2011-11-21)
    Romans 9:17-18 and 21-22 in the context of the whole passage is the other side of the coin from Predestination of the 'Elect' i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". gfp (2011-11-21)
Gary Patton

Jesus Promises to Send Holy Spirit - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
  • After a little while (G)the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me
  • you will know that (J)I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Gr Paracletos, one called alongside to help; or Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor
  • John 14:15-21
  • If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
    In John 14:15-21 Jesus comforts his first Followers by sharing with them that after His death, resurrection and return to heavenly Father that God will send Holy Spirt to be with them forever by living in them to empower them so Yeshua/Jesus can continue to live his life on earth through them.
Gary Patton

The Great Commission is For ALL Believers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 28:18-20
    • Gary Patton
      Christian: Jesus' (Yeshua's) Great Commission contains a confusing translation. Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It is the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It simply says that Jesus Followers must share Jesus' love in their own way as they are led by Holy Spirit to let Him do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through His Followers. You'll discover that the poor translation, as others would call it is explained in my Note on Verse 19. It has led many into believing something that Jesus (Yeshua) NEVER said. This mistranslation, I believe, has negativity impacted the sharing of His love with Jesus Followers' neighbours.
  • All authority has been given to Me
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus is the ONLY One who builds His Kingdom here on earth as He says here. A Jesus Follower does NOT convert ...anyone. Jesus, in the person of Holy Spirit living in you, will draw to Himself those He brings across your path that He wants to save as He makes clear in John 15: 5 at . And if what you are doing seems like hard work, stop, because you're probably doing something wrong, e.g., not prayed for the person by name sufficiently, invested quality time in the person, nor built enough trust ...or you have the wrong heart about sharing Jesus.
  • make disciples
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus Followers are not to convert others! We are to let Jesus do it by living His life out through us as we invest time in others and share His love with them. A Jesus Follower's real role is to be "a discipler"! A discipler acts like a farmer. S(he) simply plants, waters, weeds and, then, collects the harvest given to them by Holy Spirit. But instead of sticking your crop in a barn or building, a holding tank most Christians call "the church" and turning them over to paid professionals, Jesus says clearly that you are to help your disciple grow. You are to be a support to Holy Spirit Who is "the Sanctifier" of every disciple that He allows you to protect and assist until they reasonably mature and "grow out" into the world. Plus, you are commanded to do so until you have assisted your disciple to be ready to reproduce him/herself by "mirroring" Jesus to another and reproducing themselves by letting Jesus live is life out through them you modeled for them and taught them to do. This simple process God designed as His "Plan 'A'" to be a constantly repeating one that each Jesus Follower performs as s(he0 is going along where God has planted them at that time ...until Jesus returns or takes them home. It's called "spiritual multiplication". And Jesus has NO "Plan B'"! And yes, with prayerful practise, you can work with more than one Disciple at a time.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • o therefore
    • Gary Patton
      While the common, traditional translation of the King James Version (KJV) of the Christian Bible, plus many more modern translations uses the word, there is NO action verb "go" in verse 19 in the original Greek. The NASB alternate translation at (a) below is a better and more accurate rendering of the Greek. But, it still can be misunderstood to mean "Go over there" somewhere. For even better and more accurate clarity, I prefer: "As you are going along, make disciples ..." This rendering is best because it makes clearest that the Great Commission is the calling and commanded mandate of every person who has Holy Spirit living in them ...NOT just paid, professional preachers, pastors and evangelists... as too many Christians believe. For further documentation of the impact of the poor translation, here is what another Greek expert says: * "The sole imperative and central activity in the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28 is to " Make Disciples." "Go," could be translated " going" or "as you go," but takes any imperatival force it may have from the main verb. * "Baptizing" and "teaching" are also participles-not "decisions" or "converts" or "believers" or "acceptors," but "disciples." It goes without saying that the decision-making, conversion, belief, and acceptance are all involved, but the objective of the Great Commission is that we Make Disciples (followers, adherents, learners, and students) of the Lord Jesus. * Hesselgrave, David J., "Scripture and strategy: The Use of the Bible in Postmodern Church and Mission", Pages 106-07 John A. Finton makes a powerful case in his article at for a poor translation in Matthew 28:19. Because of my evangelism experience, I believe this inappropriate translation has incorrectly preconditioned many English-speaking members of the Body of Christ since at least the publishing of the KJV.
    Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It's the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It says just share Jesus' love in your own way as led and let Holy Spirit do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through you. gfp (2011-09-18)
Gary Patton

The Full Armour of God - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • For our (E)struggle is not against [a](F)flesh and blood, but (G)against the rulers, against the powers, against the (H)world forces of this (I)darkness, against the (J)spiritual forces of wickedness in (K)the heavenly places.
    • Gary Patton
      A Jesus Follower's real enemies are the demons that inspire and motivate sinful people and the truly evil ones with who we must fight while on this earth.
  • Put on the full armor of God
  • be strong in the Lord and in (B)the strength of His might. 11
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • able to stand firm
  • so that you will be able to (M)resist in (N)the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm
  • the (V)sword of the Spirit
  • The Armor of God
    • Gary Patton
      You will be intrigued by what you can discover about the relationship between 'insurgency' and a Jesus Follower's warrior-interaction with and commanded-response to present Spiritual Warfare even in the short introduction to: "The Lling and The Stone ...On war in the 21st century". Hammes, Col. Thomas X, USMC. Hardcover Book, 2006. at . If you have any Muslim Friends or neighbours, you also will find helpful the author's insider-based comments on the reality of modern warfare and especially modern, violent, Islamist Jihad around the world. gfp (2011-09-15)
  • Ephesians 6:10-17
    • Gary Patton
      Ephesians 6:10-17 describes the Spiritual Weapons that a Jesus Follower is to use while waging peace on the earth as Jesus commands in Matthew 5:38-45 at
    Ephesians 6:10-17 describes the Spiritual Weapons that a Jesus Follower is to use while waging peace on the earth as Jesus commands in Matthew ? at ?. The awesome power of these weapons is outlined in 2 Corinthians 10:17- at
Gary Patton

Reinterpreting the Great Commission - 0 views

  • Missional Discipleship: Reinterpreting the Great Commission
    • Gary Patton
      Jonathan Dodson adds exciting new dimensions to the standard interpretations of Jesus' "Great Commission" in the article. It is the first of two parts. gfp (2012-03-03)
  • In evangelical subculture the ubiquity of the Great Commission is matched by the poverty of its interpretation.
    • Gary Patton
      The only greater "poverty" is its lack of application in their lives by so-called Christians. In North America, a too-common and oft-heard phrase exchanged between so-called Christians is: "I'd din't know you were a Christian!" "Lord, please forgive us although we know what we're doing! gfp"
  • The OT commission, frequently referred to as the creation or cultural mandate, was issued by God before the Fall of humanity, emphasizing creative activity with the following verbs: be fruitful, multiply, rule, and subdue (Gen 1.27-28).2 By producing more creators who rule and subdue the elements of the earth,
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • A surface reading of these Old and New Testament texts places them at odds with one another.
  • These impoverished readings call for reinterpretation, one that that allows both Genesis and the Gospels to speak.
  • we will be challenged to understand and embrace discipleship as more that "spiritual disciplines" or an evangelistic program.
  • following after Jesus that requires redemptive engagement not just with souls but with creation and culture.
  • the command is to make disciples of all nations not from all nations.
  • The Great Commission is not about soul-extraction, to remove the disciple from his culture,
    • Gary Patton
      To often in the past ...and still..., so-called Christian Missionaries who "went" and "go" into other cultures try to shape their disciples in the image of the Missionary's culture, i.e. they "clothed the naked", literally, instead of providing what's need in the moment by the individuals they encounter which is what Jesus meant. 
  • the many-splendored new humanity of Christ.
  • Where Matthew emphasizes the action of making distinctive disciples, Mark stresses the importance of preaching to all creation.
  • When Jesus used the word "preach" he did not mean converse. The Greek word for preach always carries a sense of urgency and gravity, as though what is to be proclaimed is of great importance
    • Gary Patton
      A better translation of the Greek, that captures it's sense and is not intentionally designed by the translator to reinforce "Sunday morning church activity", is "herald"! 
  • Paul perceives himself as an announcer of a worldly Christ-centered gospel,
  • While this worldly gospel saves, it also condemns.
  • For some it brings life; for others it brings death, but all are to be given the opportunity to be written into the story of God's redemption of all creation.
    • Gary Patton
      This is not a particularly "Calvinistic statement, i.e., those saved are pre-ordained (Romans 8:28) but probably accurate because we'll never know 'till we get to heaven whether Holy Spirit used us to touch the "right" people and bring them "one step closer to Jesus". 
  • Humanity was charged with the task of caring for the earth and creating culture, making the uninhabitable habitable.
  • Jesus preached a worldly gospel, a restorative message that put the creation project back on track. His glorified, resurrection body is clearly proof of the new creation to come.
  • Jesus told those who believe that they will be given power to heal the sick, restore the demon-possessed, and to speak new languages (Mk. 16:17-18). This worldly gospel is for the redemption and renewal of the earth, the body, the heart, the mind, and the cultures of the world. It is a saving message that rescues people from their unbelief, not their world,
  • we are called to preach "repentance and forgiveness of sins." A social gospel will not suffice.
    • Gary Patton
      And a "social gospel" approach is also not excluded.
  • What does it mean to be "witnesses of all these things"? Well, at the very least it means sharing Jesus' self-sacrificing offer of forgiveness,
    • Gary Patton
      And witnessing includes, I suggest, the practical and explanatory sharing of the blessings that have enriched the life of the witnesser as a result of their forgiveness and Jesus coming to live His life out through them by sharing what Christians call "their testimony". 
  • The problem with many of our stories is that they contain all spirit and very little flesh.
  • People want to touch redemption, which means they need to see resurrection power in our personal struggles.
  • The stories we tell should boast of Jesus' death and resurrection, of his forgiveness of sin and of his restoration of sinners — reconciled families and marriages, restored and housed homeless, renewed life among AIDS orphans, and so on.
    • Gary Patton
      And make sure these resurrection-power stories, if not about yourself, are about other you KNOW personally ...otherwise they can be considered so much fluff!
  • Whereas the previous gospel writers emphasized Jesus' command to make distinctive disciples, preach a worldly gospel, and witness a fleshly Jesus, John stresses Jesus sending his disciples.
  • According to John Piper, we are either goers, senders, or disobedient, but according to Jesus we are all the sent.
    • Gary Patton
      And I agree with Jesus. It's clear notwithstanding Mr. Piper's opinion, that Jesus clearly tells all his followers that we are to "go along", i.e., herald Jesus where He plants us". It's not wrong to help a Brother or Sister "go" somewhere else but Jesus never said or giving money to a so-called missionary could replace His Followers heralding Him where they are in the moment".
  • All followers of Jesus are called to live as missionaries in their culture
  • Our paradigm for living a sent life, a missionary life, is the sending of the Son by the Father.
  • So, within reason we should take on the trappings of our culture in order to contextually relate the gospel.
    • Gary Patton
      And for this reason, it's not wrong to accompany your work colleagues after work for a "drink" at a local strip club ...just don't oggle the strippers or get drunk! We can only earn their trust so they'll "as the reason for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15-17) when we're not the typical judgemental Christian or pushy Televangelist-type they have been warned to avoid by those judged by those folks.
  • It leads us to immerse ourselves into the humanity of our neighborhoods and cities in order relate the gospel to people and their needs.
    • Gary Patton
      And this doesn't mean that we're more spiritual if we leave our middle-class lifestyle and neighbourhood and move into an inner-city slum or evangelize street people on weekends unless Holy Spirit makes clear that role is His will for you at that point in your life!
  • The power of missional living does not spring from cultural savvy or social sensitivity; it requires the otherworldly, utterly personal power of the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit of God can make men new.
    • Gary Patton
      Amen to that!! A Lone Ranger Christian carries a notch-less gun in his "heralding holster". 
  • The "good news" of Genesis 1-2 is that God created all things to be enjoyed, managed, cultivated, and recreated by humanity.
    • Gary Patton
      And applying 1 Corinthians 6:12 is the wise person's context for ALL her/his behaviour... not just the limited ones involving "food" and "sex" mentioned by Paul in the immediately surrounding verses of this passage.
  • This fruitful multiplication continues both physically and spiritually through the reproducing ministry of missional disciples, who increase in number and good works (Acts 6:7; Col. 1:6, 10). These good works include ruling and subduing creation through the careful, creative arrangement of the elements of the earth into art, technology, infrastructure etc. for the flourishing of humanity.
  • Retaining the cultural impulse of Genesis, the Gospels call us to a missional discipleship that entails creation care, cultural engagement, social action, and gospel proclamation. Missional disciples will not content themselves by preaching a culturally irrelevant, creation indifferent, resurrection neglecting message.
Gary Patton

Jesus Warns Great Evil Exists Around Us & Tells Us What To Do - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • beware of men, for they will hand you over to the (G)courts
  • as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles
  • do not worry
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and (M)children will rise up against parents and [b]cause them to be put to death
  • I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so [a]be (E)shrewd as serpents and (F)innocent as doves.
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus Followers are commanded here to exercise discernment and wisdom, in the context of our Master's over-arching command to demonstrate and exercise gentle, peaceable love, while relating to family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues throughout our daily lives. We must love others regardless of what they do or say as noted in John 13:34-35 at . This is especially true when dealing with those of other faiths and sharing Jesus' Gospel because we are His ambassadors here on planet earth. We must NEVER forget that we live in a foreign Kingdom under the influence of Satan who hates everybody, especially Jesus Followers. Jesus' command and why He shares it here is important to remember, every day, in view of the aggressive and widespread advance of radical, violent Islam throughout the world and the current Islamization of Canada and the dangers here of Islamism that Prime Minister Harper warned about in his Sept. 9, 2011 interview on CBC TV at . Abroad also, Christians worldwide are currently experiencing organized and Government-sponsored or, at least, unopposed genocide in most Muslim-dominated countries. Christians are persecuted heavily by Hindus in some countries, like India, as well. For more information to pray and give effectively to support persecuted brothers and Sisters I recommend as a trust-worthy organization. They specialize in helping the persecuted church. Jesus' warning takes on a powerful and troublesome other dimension in the modern world. Many Christians do NOT appreciate it because they forget the companion warning to this one that our God left for Jesus Followers. Holy Spirit inspired Jude to caution the Body of Christ (Messiah) about rwhat he and other Bible writers called "false teachers" at . Anti-Christ, false teachers often were, Jude warns, in the pulpits and pews of some First Century gatherings ('churches' in mistranslated Greek in
  • Matthew 10:15-21
    • Gary Patton
      Christian: Great Evil Lurks Around You ...Know What To Do? In Matthew 10:16-18 of the God's New Covenant, Jesus (Yeshua) warns His first plus His present day Followers that the world is filled with demonically-inspired evil and evil people. And this situation may be even worse in our modern world for many reason including the greater nearness of the end-of-days and Satan's desperation to keep as many as possible separated from Father God. Overt persecution is a current, ever-present experience in Canada for Christians ...especially active Jesus Followers. This is also true in the U.S. The Lord shares here how Jesus Followers should behave in dealing with others in the cruel and hostile environment in which they must live and work as ambassadors of God's loving Kingdom that will come in its fullness some day ...sooner than many Christians believe. We are to do so, however, in the context of Jesus' over-arching command to love others. gfp (2011-11-02+)
  • Matthew 10:15-21
    Jesus warns His Followers how to deal with others and to be wary in the world. We are to do so, however, in the context of Jesus' over-arching command to love others ...regardless of what they do or say. gfp (2012-02-28) 2012-02-28
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