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kynan robinson

Education in the Age of Globalization - 1 views

    Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and speaker. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate global competence, developed computer games for language learning, and founded research and develop institutions to explore innovative education models. He has published over 100 articles and 20 books, including Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization and World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Student
Con Rigopoulos

Skratch Publishing - 0 views

  • Skratch Publishing is a Social Venture in Reading
    Skratch is a simple program for children to use and track what books they have finished reading online.
Kristen Swenson - Be a publisher - 0 views

    Create online newspapers 
Andrew Williamson

Motivating Boy Motivation and Engagement of Boys - Australia - 0 views

  • "Meaning is made in ways that are increasingly multimodal – in which written linguistic modes of meaning are part and parcel of visual, audio, and spatial patterns of meaning. Take for instance the multimodal ways in which meanings are made on the World Wide Web, or in video captioning, or in interactive multimedia [e.g. mobile phones], or in desktop publishing, or in the use of written texts in a shopping mall. To find our way around this emerging world of meaning requires a new, multimodal literacy. "
  • The positive impact of an integrated culture of literacy – taking an integratedapproach across the curriculum• effective writing strategies; for example, ensuring that boys understand thetechnical skills of writing and understand the meaning and purposes of writing• effective cooperative experiences – making reading a socially constructedactivity by giving the students the opportunity to discuss between themselvesthe relevance of the text to other texts and to their lives• the importance of oral language in improving in writing• the value of explicit teaching of reading and writing – providing clearobjectives, a variety of text types, content that engages the interest of boys andquestions that promote understanding• the value of teacher feedback – effective assessment and constructive feedbackfrom teachers• the need for high but realistic expectations• the positive impact of the integration of ICT• linking literacy to boys’ experiences and popular culture• multimodal texts and boys’ interests• the dangers of generalizing content for boys• boys and critical literacy.
    • Andrew Williamson
      Can see the advantage of having a well integrated ict program for this to be achieved
    Motivating Boy Writers
Andrew Williamson

Australia Publishes CC Info Pack - Creative Commons - 0 views

    Great post on Creative Commons. This should answer all your questions re: using CC material on your blog
kynan robinson

Project-Based Learning: A Short History | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Projects are typically framed with open-ended questions that drive students to investigate, do research, or construct their own solutions.
  • How can we reduce our school's carbon footprint? How safe is our water? What can we do to protect a special place or species?
  • How do we measure the impact of disasters? Students use technology tools much as professionals do -- to communicate, collaborate, conduct research, analyze, create, and publish their own work for authentic audiences. Instead of writing book reports, for instance, students in a literature project might produce audio reviews of books, post them on a blog, and invite responses from a partner class in another city or country.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • it consistently emphasizes active, student-directed learning
  • Learning to read is no longer enough. Today's students must to be able to navigate and evaluate a vast store of information. This requires fluency in technology along with the development of critical-thinking skills
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