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started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Understanding Role of BRCA I & BCRA II mutations - 0 views

started by lifelinelab on 16 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Top 3 Advantages Of having Big Breasts - 0 views

started by pankajsinghal on 09 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Symptoms And Treatments of PMS | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    About eighty-five percent of all women suffer from PMS or PMDD at some point in their lives. Premenstrual Syndrome is a dreadful condition that precedes your period and causes uncomfortable symptoms like backaches and cramps. Luckily, there are a number of tried remedies to live happier with PMS.
    Depression, cramps, and headaches are some of the symptoms that mark the onset of the "Oh So Dreadful" days as most women associate with. These are the days when women suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS. It has become such a common term these days that it needs no introduction. Premenstrual Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that affect women during the week preceding the start of their period.

Should You Be Using Natural Estrogen Cream for Vaginal Dryness? - 0 views

    Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms most menopausal women go through. According to a study, 50% of all women are affected by vaginal dryness and many of them prefer using estrogen creams. In this Whole Family Products, understand why Estrogen cream is the best relief cream for vaginal dryness. Read on.

Top 6 Iron Supplements For Women Wellbeing - 0 views

    From wife to mother, homemaker to professional, women plays multiple roles in the whole life journey. In the mission to provide the best to your spouse, children, and family, you often forget to take care of your wellbeing. This article will highlight the top 6 iron supplements for women's wellbeing that you can consider to restore your iron levels and live life to the fullest.

Risks & Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery - 1 views

started by pankajsinghal on 14 Jan 17 no follow-up yet

REALity February 2012 - 0 views

    REALity is the monthly newsletter of Real Women Canada, a traditional, family-oriented advocacy group of Canadian Men and Women. gfp (2012-02-03)

Sleep deprivation problem at boom among the working women | zetta HealthEver - 0 views

    A survey conducted across the Mumbai by Hiranandani hospital shows that around 94% of working women suffering with sleep-deprived problem, scarcely managing six hours of sleep. Problem related to s...

Some FAQs about Breast Enlargement Surgery - 0 views

started by pankajsinghal on 09 Dec 15 no follow-up yet

Human Life Definition, Support for Motion 312, CAN Gov't - REAL Women Canada - 0 views

    The following is the copy of Motion 312. It was attached to a 21012-09-19 Press Release by REAL Women Canada. It expresses support for Motion No. 312 and the establishment of a special committee of the House of Commons to review the declaration in subsection 223 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada which states that a child becomes a human being only "when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother." This definition is based on scrience that is about 200 years old.

How To Pick The Perfect Sports Bra - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    One of the most important things to aim for when purchasing clothes to wear during exercise, is comfort - for women this is especially when it comes to a bra. It is true to say that just one bra may not be the ultimate choice. Much depends on your exercise regime - and your cup size.
    One of the most important things to aim for when purchasing clothes to wear during exercise, is comfort - for women this is especially when it comes to a bra. It is true to say that just one bra may not be the ultimate choice. Much depends on your exercise regime - and your cup size.

Progesterone: Its Role In Recurrent Miscarriage | Whole Family Products - 0 views

    Best natural progesterone cream for women may just be the assistance aspiring moms need to fulfill their dreams of a healthy pregnancy. They may have had miscarriages in the past, but with natural progesterone, they can hope again. Learn more about progesterone in this blog.

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills | pregnancy Tips | - 0 views

    The oral contraceptive pill is a form of hormonal contraception taken by roughly 12 million women in the United States every year to prevent pregnancy.

Modern Wheat Is A Stealth Killer - 0 views

  • This is a way to obtain the rich flavors and textures of cocoa, the health benefits (e.g., blood pressure reduction, antioxidation) of cocoa flavonoids, while obtaining none of the sugars/carbohydrates . . . and certainly no wheat!
  • Pumpkin pie is one of those fixtures of Thanksgiving dinner that, when recreated without wheat, can be enjoyed without worry.
  • Sadly, cholesterol values can be a crude and often misleading set of measures.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • conventional cholesterol values are next to useless. Tracking the right data is crucial.
  • most people don’t measure this
  • small LDL is the #1 most common cause for heart disease in the U.S., not “high cholesterol.” Wheat consumption increases small LDL particles; wheat elimination is the most powerful tool available for reduction of small LDL particles, particularly when combined with weight loss.
  • CRP and other measures of inflammation drop to the floor with wheat elimination.
  • Wheat products are a convenient source of indigestible fiber. But the idea that you must have whole grains from wheat to obtain sufficient fiber is pure fiction. There are plenty of other foods that are rich in fiber.
  • non-wheat fibers low in carbohydrates, especially flaxseed and chia.
  • They do not have any effect on blood sugar.
  • wheat consumption changes the bacterial composition of your intestinal tract. Taking a probiotic for a few weeks can provide organisms like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium that help regain normal bacterial populations.
  • So going wheat-free does not mean a lifetime of pushing and straining,
    Modern wheat, especially whole wheat contributor to the pandemic of arthritis, cancer, Type II Diabetes, obesity and all lifestyle diseases. And when it doesn't, wheat is still a "Stealth Killer" of men, women and our children and grandchildren Ours is NOT the wheat our Grandmas used to bake with! And this is true no matter where you live in the world because Canadian-designed hybridized-wheat has been spread everywhere ...even into isolated areas of China because of it's yields! It's additional huge benefit (pun intended) is "Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight"! gfp (2011-11-26)
    I was shocked too when I first learned the truth about wheat sugar because it's not politically-correct. Doctors, government bureaucrats, nutritionists and wellness societies refuse to admit to what has become clear ...wheat is a killer. Supporting whole grains, without question, when the research, as well as anecdotal testimony, is in, is like still promoting blood-letting long after it had been disproved as effective or healthy for us. gfp

Health and wellness: Smoking reduces the ability to taste sweets in women - 0 views

    A new analysis says that fat ladies who smoke cigarettes might not have the interest towards sweets.

Dubaicosmeticsurgery516: Tummy Tuck Surgery – Myths and Facts - 0 views

    Tummy tuck surgery is the ultimate solution for those men and women who are seeking a way to get rid of protruding and sagging tummy.

Ten Things You Need To Know About Liposuction | Dubai Cosmetic surgery - 0 views

    Liposuction is one of the most popular and frequently performed cosmetic surgeries all over the world. It is an effective and beneficial procedure for both men and women who have stubborn fat depos...

The Top Stomach Flattening Procedures - - 0 views

    Abdominal or belly fat is the hardest type of body fat to get rid of. Even diet and exercise can't help you rid of this fat. Therefore, often men and women, who follow proper exercise regimen and...

Beneficial Facts of Amino Acids in Fertility - Whole Family Products - 0 views

    Amino acids in fertility can produce a healthy libido both men and women. L-arginine is another form of amino acids which improves blood circulation and increase sexual function. Try one of our Arginine products today!
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