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You Being Fit - Health Is Real Wealth - 0 views

  • is designed to correct your health, fitness, food diet and to caution you with the goal that you can appreciate life openly. your life is exceptionally valuable, be always healthy, have an ideal daily routine to Be Healthy. Be Fit Being Fit You Will Be Fit. As we probably aware world is dealing with an extraordinary issue of pollution in air, water and that too in our everyday food, so it become necessary for us to take care of our health fitness. Thus, YouBeingFit will direct you how to Be Fit to Being Fit throughout everyday life. A few of us think we get life to enjoy in any way and this thinking force them to do unfortunate things, they don't feel that they are trapped and this kill there immunity, there fitness and make them weak from inside as well as from outside as well. Many types of diseases attacks because of being unfit unhealthy. It's our responsibility to make Our Life Healthy, Fit and Fine. This is the right way to enjoy life. It's our responsibility to make Our Life Healthy, Fit and Fine. This is the right way to enjoy life. Appreciate your life in happy manner and it's chance to change our thinking in right manner. Live Healthy and Happily.
Gary Patton

The Decline of Violence - Reason Magazine - 0 views

  • Neuroscientist Steven Pinker on the triumph of peace and prosperity over death and destruction
  • Why is ideology so deadly?
  • There are two features of a lot of ideologies that make them deadly. One of them is demonizing.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The other is if your ideology promotes some utopia
  • radical religions, millennial religions, radical Islam, radical forms of Christianity, that say that there’s some irredeemably evil group standing between the world and perfection: the crusaders, the infidels, the Jews, the polytheists, the nonbelievers, and so on.
  • The age of ideology coined the term genocide. You’ve pointed out that just because we recently invented the term doesn’t mean it didn’t happen before.
  • What it means is we started caring about it.
  • What is the “rights revolution”?
  • The rights revolutions are the various social changes [that are] directed largely at violence on smaller scales.
  • against racial minorities
  • women’s rights
  • children’s rights
  • gay rights
    This article by author, Steven Pinker, outlines data regarding human behaviour that offers some hope for the future of Third World countries, especially violent, Muslim-dominated ones like "the stans" in the Middle East and others in Africa. gfp (2012-01-14)
Gary Patton

Anger's Upside Benefits: PsyBlog - 0 views

  • The Upside of Anger
    • Gary Patton
      This article argues anger is not all bad! gfp (2012-03-08)
  • research finds that anger also has its positive side
  • it make you feel bad, it makes you do stupid things without noticing the risks and it can be self-destructive
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • But like all emotions anger has its purposes, which can be used to good effect.
    • Gary Patton
      Some argue that 'anger' is NOT an 'emotion'!
  • anger itself is a kind of positive energy and a powerful motivating force
  • when used right, constructive anger can make you feel strong and powerful and help push you on to get what you want.
  • angry people have something in common with happy people
  • Anger is a natural reaction to being wronged by someone else and it's a way of communicating that sense of injustice.
    • Gary Patton
      The challenege with this so-called benefit is one may perceive they're right or being truthful when they're deceived or simply wrong!
  • if justifiable and aimed at finding a solution rather than just venting, can actually benefit and strengthen relationships.
  • Anger can also provide insight into ourselves, if we allow it.
  • Anger can motivate self-change
  • Although anger often precedes physical violence, it can also be a way of reducing violence. That's because it's a very strong social signal that a situation needs to be resolved. When others see the signal they are more motivated to try and placate the angry party.
    • Gary Patton
      The challenge with this rationale is the often people who express a lot of anger actually have been conditioned to control other people because it forces compaliance ... wheter the agry person is right or wrong regarding the perceived violation of their so-called rights or their need of the meoment! Some would argue that a Jesus Follower has not so-called "rights" except obedience to God's words to them! Anger is, some argue, more often than not a habitual response to a need for self-protection when our "Biblical flesh" feels threatened or out-of-control.
  • Anger can be a legitimate way to get what you want.
  • Anger is likely to work best when it's justified, if you appear powerful and when the other side's options are limited
  • anger can reduce violence, benefit relationships, promote optimism and be a useful motivating force
  • but it can just as easily be destructive
  • That's the wonder of human emotions: happy isn't always good and angry isn't always bad (although it may feel that way). An unhappy person is also more likely to spot mistakes and an angry person is highly motivated to act. We need reminding that even scary and dangerous emotions have their upsides, as long as they are used for the correct purpose.
    This article argues anger is not all bad! gfp (2012-03-08)

Why The Right Gym Clothes Are Important - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."
    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."

Delicious Ayurvedic Organic Jam - Strength and Immunity in a Jar - 0 views

    Building your immunity doesn't have to be complicated. Most people dread the process because they think they have to follow an awfully difficult diet plan or gulp down bitter decoctions. The good news is you don't have to jump through any of these hoops to increase your immunity and overall wellness. Kerala Ayurveda provides organic jam that is 100% natural, sweet, and comes in convenient packaging. Scoop it out of the jar and spread it over the bread, or eat it as it is. The recommended dosage is 1-2 teaspoons a day, preferably alongside your breakfast. If unsure, consult your Ayurvedic practitioner for the right dosage. This organic jam is made with a special blend of antioxidant-rich ingredients like Amalaki fruit, clove, cinnamon bark, and various other herbs that help build immunity and promote overall wellness. It also contains just the right amount of ghee, which acts as a bio-enhancer for maximum absorption. Apart from improving immunity, this sweet organic jam also helps pacify vitiated doshas, enhances blood circulation, aids in digestion, and helps stay healthy and age gracefully. Visit the official website of Kerala Ayurveda to place your order now.
Gary Patton

How to choose the right sunscreen & avoid deadly chemicals | Dr. Mark Stengler - 0 views

  • How to choose the right sunscreen
    "If you're looking to stay healthy, Dr. Sanger recommendations."makes his recommendations here and warns you about the dealy chemicals in some products. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-07-13)

Risks & Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery - 1 views

Every woman has different size of breast than the others. Some have the right side, while many aren't satisfied with the shape and size they have. For women with excessive breast size, a reduction ...

health breast surgery breast reduction surgery cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai

started by pankajsinghal on 14 Jan 17 no follow-up yet
rakesh moitra

Parenting Tips For Right Behavior - 0 views

    Parenting your child is not an easy job, though the rewards are great. You will face tough challenges but that is why so many well-researched techniques are out there to aid you.

What to eat when you are sick? - Ghana Live TV - 0 views

    Food that we eat has a lot more to do than just providing energy for the body. A lot of foods have disease fighting properties just if eaten in the right amount and for the right problem. Here are some foods that can help in quick recovery when you are sick....
Gary Patton

Anger Management | Ten Essentials to Consider - 1 views

  • Anger is healthy
  • It’s what we do with our anger that makes all the difference to the maintenance of our own health
  • Anger arousal symptoms
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • warning to keep our mouth shut and think
  • soul solitude time will allow us to trace and track the origins of the triggers so we can understand them
    • Gary Patton
      My problem with Rhoberta's psychology when she points to "understanding" the roots of anger/rage as a route to healing is that it cannot produce freedom from your bondage. (I know this because I knew the emotional and spiritual roots of my rage for the full 25 years that I struggled with my it and that understanding didn't help me one bit. Only knowing "truth" can set you free. Understanding our past pain's roots doesn't produce truth or "freedom" from the pain. Only the truth that Jesus talks about at can do that. gfp
  • trouble in relationships
  • We have to learn to manage incoming anger, too.
  • one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves
  • you may not have any boundaries
  • Anger is healthy. It is natural. It is a gift of perception, experience and biology
    Anger is one of the most powerful emotions and the most challenging one to manage for most people. Some of us can't "manage" it all. At best, some of us can ONLY moderate our reaction to our amygdala's response to our perception of a violation of our so-called rights. That's why Essential #1 is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently when I re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) You may enjoy my Tweet for 2011-08-27 apropos Essential #1: "A relationship can only thrive when at least one party knows when to back off!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp
    Essential #1 in this article is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently. I have now re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) gfp
Gary Patton

Sharia Myths & Facts - Muslim Canadian Congress - 0 views

  • the fight against sharia courts was started and led by Muslims, many of whom have had personal experience with sharia and left their former countries to escape it.
  • If it was divine, there would only be one version of it. Instead there are almost as many versions as there are Muslim communities. Moreover, it has evolved over time. The Sharia laws were developed by men and owe more to their cultures than to the Quran.
  • Not only does the Quran not endorse sharia courts, the whole notion of such courts violates the letter and the spirit of the Quran.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the rights sharia gives women are neither the same as nor equivalent to those given to men. As such sharia is fundamentally incompatible with our Human Rights legislation.
    Here's what a reputable group respected by many and representing Canadian Muslims says about Sharia Law. gfp (2012-01-04)

Health and wellness: Want to lose weight? Set the Right Time For breakfast and Dinner - 0 views

    Want to lose weight? Eat breakfast at seven.11 am and dinner at 6:14 pm

Dubaicosmeticsurgery516: Get Killer Facial Contours with Cheek and Chin Augmentation - 0 views

    Cheek implant surgery aims at improving the appearance of sunken cheeks that have lost their shape and volume by placing implants in them,while Chin augmentation surgery is the right option for you if you have recessed chin and you want to improve its appearance. The procedure involves insertion of implant in chin.

Fundamentals of Running - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    I believe as we start running we need to get the fundamentals of our running action right then we can build on that.

Top 3 Advantages Of having Big Breasts - 0 views

There’s an amazing feeling which runs throughout our body whenever big breasts are mentioned. Boobs are just like magnificent hills on every woman’s chest. Breasts are the most prestigi...

Breast enlargement surgery augmentation Best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai

started by pankajsinghal on 09 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Tuberculosis Symptoms And Cure | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Tuberculosis or simply TB is a spreadable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This organism has a hard, waxy cell wall that makes it highly resistant to unfavorable environments and drugs. It evades the mucus lining of the windpipe and enters the lungs.
    The goal of treating Tuberculosis is to protect the patient from possible disability and death. Another objective is to reduce the spread of Tuberculosis infection to others. TB may be a stubborn infection but with the right measures at the right time, it can be cured.

PEP Treatment to reduce HIV Risk - 0 views

    HIV is a very dangerous disease and you can reduce the risk through PEP therapy. PEP is an antiviral treatment and you can take therapy before 72 hours to expose HIV on the body. PEP reduces the 100% risk if patients take the right treatment at the current time.

8 Healthy Pregnancy Tips & Safe Pregnancy Medicine - 0 views

    Different people give different advice when it comes to pregnancy, but identifying what is actually right for you and your baby is vital. Here, we will outline 8 tips for a healthy pregnancy that you should follow to have a smooth pregnancy journey and a healthy baby.

8 Hollywood Celebs Who Had Breast Enlargement Surgery - 1 views

Every woman wishes to look beautiful and attractive, and why not? The craze of looking gorgeous is very high among celebrities, especially Hollywood stars. This craze is one of the major reasons wh...

health Breast Enlargement Surgery Breast Augmentation Surgery women's health

started by pankajsinghal on 02 Jan 17 no follow-up yet
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