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Thalassemias are a group of inherited blood dyscrasias that were first described in the Mediterranean region.In Greek”Thalassa” means sea and “haema “ means blood. Thalassem...

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started by lifelinelab on 20 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Burnout Syndrome - Signs and Symptoms | Causes | Treatment | - 0 views

    Burnout syndrome is excessive and chronic stress caused by overload or excessive work.This syndrome can have very serious consequences, both physically and psychologically. It leads to stress, detachment, and depression.

Risks & Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery - 1 views

Every woman has different size of breast than the others. Some have the right side, while many aren't satisfied with the shape and size they have. For women with excessive breast size, a reduction ...

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started by pankajsinghal on 14 Jan 17 no follow-up yet

Thyroid a butt - 0 views

Thyroid a butterfly shaped gland in front of the neck is responsible for secreting the thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones have wide ranging functions affecting almost all parts of the body. ...

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started by lifelinelab on 11 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Hidden Secret Revealed - Lose Your Stomach Fat Quickly - 1 views

Having excess stomach fat looks ugly and is highly unhealthy for the people. It can genuinely add to weakness, particularly heart condition. Accomplishing a flat stomach is the fundamental objectiv...

health wellness fitness liposuction

started by pankajsinghal on 05 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

Gynecomastia - Find out the Treatment That Works - Medium - 0 views

    Male breast reduction surgery is helpful for men suffering from gynecomastia - male breast enlargement. It involves removal of excess skin and tissues in breasts.

Causes And Treatment Of Obesity | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Read how to measure weight and take healthy steps for reducing fats. Obesity is excess of your calories stored in adipose tissues as fats. BMI is used for calculating body mass in relation to stronger muscles.
Gary Patton

Public nakedness a good idea - Life & Style - NZ Herald News - 0 views

  • Public nakedness a good idea
    • Gary Patton
      This article by Kevin Sampson introduces the scientific facts around the controversial issue of the impact on children of seeing public nakedness in a non-sexual and naturist context. gfp (2012-02-08)
  • But are such protestations rational or mentally healthy?
  • Is it rational to regard the simply naked adult human body of either sex as offensive?
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • for everyone their body is a core part of their being.
  • Does it harm children to see naked adults walking, swimming, or sunbathing?
  • There is no evidence that the sight of the naked human adult is likely to cause children harm.
  • Studies show that the experience is either benign or positive.
  • Children are not born believing certain parts of their bodies are dirty, or offensive. They have to be taught that by adults who do it because of their own insecurities or simply to conform to social mores.
  • If children are raised believing their genitals should always be hidden, or are offensive, then this creates a recipe for great anguish as they go through their teenage years with its physical, mental, and hormonal changes.
  • The conflict created between these erroneous beliefs and inner physical forces can create lifetime psychoses in some people.
  • The phrase "Prudery is child abuse with good intentions" is correct.
    • Gary Patton
      One Web definition of 'prudery' is: "primness: excessive or affected modesty."
  • Acceptance of simple public nakedness also confers significant other benefits
  • Naturists know, however, that the human body comes in a bewildering number of sizes and shapes. Once you have seen a multitude of naked people you realise only a few per cent of the population could even aim to achieve the "perfect" body.
  • stress is avoided.
  • children and teenagers grew up in a society where the sight of naked human beings of all ages, in all their glory, faults and imperfections, was common. Young people would then be able to resist the messages of inferiority pushed on to them.
  • The "live and let live" attitude prevails. Also the evidence is that, rather than being harmful, acceptance of simple public nakedness would be beneficial to society.
  • Body perception in this country has become so distorted for women that they feel disgusted about suckling their own infants. That is a very dangerous thing.
  • we should all respect God's wishes on this matter. If He truly wanted us to be naked, we would have been born that way. Wait a minute.
  • Prudery is child abuse. The reasons may not be immediately obvious but they are well understood. Try comparing any body-shame or body-knowledge related indicator, teenage abortion, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, body dysmorphic disorders for prudish countries such as the USA with those with less body-shame such as Denmark or many other European countries. The outcomes of prudery are appalling.
    This article by Kevin Sampson introduces the scientific facts around the controversial issue of the impact on children of seeing public nakedness in a non-sexual and naturist context. gfp (2012-02-08)

Health and wellness: Smoking reduces the ability to taste sweets in women - 0 views

    A new analysis says that fat ladies who smoke cigarettes might not have the interest towards sweets.

Tummy Tuck in Dubai, UAE | Dubai Cosmetic Surgery - 0 views

    Tummy tuck surgery is the ultimate solution for those men and women who are seeking a way to get rid of protruding and sagging tummy.
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