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Environmental Pollution Already Causes More Deaths than Smoking - 0 views

    Environmental Pollution already Causes More Deaths than Smoking. A scientific study found that environmental pollution doubles the estimated figures and kills an average of 8.8 million people per year. It also decreases people's lives by two years.
Gary Patton

Was Jesus' Last Supper a Seder? - Biblical Archaeology Review - 0 views

  • Moreover, while the narrative in the synoptics situates the Last Supper during Passover, the fact remains that the only foods we are told the disciples ate are bread and wine—the basic elements of any formal Jewish meal.
    • Gary Patton
      This is the key for Jesus Followers. The rest is the "tradition of men". Ritualistic and rule-based religion is what the Scriptures repeatedly command Jesus Followers to gurad against when they get in the way of a saving relationship with a living God through the sacrifice of His Son's sinless life for "those who will believe" (Romans 10:9-10).
  • “Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is my body.’ And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant’” (Matthew 26:26–28=Mark 14:22; see also Luke 22:19–20). Is this not a striking parallel to the ways in which Jews celebrating the Seder interpret, for example, the bitter herbs eaten with the Passover sacrifice as representing the bitter life the Israelites experienced as slaves in Egypt?
  • For many Jews (especially non-Orthodox Jews), the process of development continues, and many modern editions of the Haggadah contain contemporary readings of one sort or another. Even many traditional Jews have, for instance, adapted the Haggadah so that mention can be made of the Holocaust.8
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Almost everyone doing serious work on the early history of Passover traditions, including Joseph Tabory, Israel Yuval, Lawrence Hoffman, and the father-son team of Shmuel and Ze’ev Safrai, has rejected Finkelstein’s claims for the great antiquity of the bulk of the Passover Haggadah.
  • It’s not that rabbinic literature cannot be trusted to tell us about history in the first century of the Common Era. It’s that rabbinic literature—in the case of the Seder—does not even claim to be telling us how the Seder was performed before the destruction of the Temple.b
  • the Holy One, blessed be He
  • King of Kings, the Holy One Blessed be He
  • Might not Jesus be presenting a competing interpretation of these symbols? Possibly. But it really depends on when this Rabban Gamaliel lived. If he lived later than Jesus, then it would make no sense to view Jesus’ words as based on Rabban Gamaliel’s.
  • Virtually all scholars working today believe that the Haggadah tradition attributing the words quoted above to Gamaliel refers to the grandson, Rabban Gamaliel the Younger, who lived long after Jesus had died.14 One piece of evidence for this appears in the text quoted above, in which Rabban Gamaliel is said to have spoken of the time “when the Temple was still standing”—as if that time had already passed.
  • And presumably they would have engaged in conversation pertinent to the occasion. But we cannot know for sure.
  • Having determined that the Last Supper was not a Seder and that it probably did not take place on Passover, I must try to account for why the synoptic Gospels portray the Last Supper as a Passover meal.
  • Another motive relates to a rather practical question: Within a few years after Jesus’ death, Christian communities (which at first consisted primarily of Jews) began to ask when, how and even whether they should celebrate or commemorate the Jewish Passover
  • The Quartodeciman custom of celebrating Easter beginning on the evening following the 14th day apparently began relatively early in Christian history and persisted at least into the fifth century C.E.
  • Early on, a number of Christians—Quartodecimans and others—felt that the appropriate way to mark the Jewish Passover was not with celebration, but with fasting.
  • Thus, until Jesus’ kingdom is fulfilled, Christians should not celebrate at all during Passove
  • By calling the Last Supper a Passover meal, these Jewish-Christians were trying to limit Christian practice in three ways. Like the Passover sacrifice, the recollection of the Last Supper could only be celebrated in Jerusalem, at Passover time, and by Jews.c
  • there are various reasons why the early church would have tried to “Passoverize” the Last Supper tradition.
  • This too is a Passoverization of the Jesus tradition, but it is one that contradicts the identification of the Last Supper with the Seder or Passover meal.
  • Surely the depiction of the Last Supper as a Passover observance could play a part in this larger effort of arguing that Jesus’ death echoes the Exodus from Egypt
  • a widely popular Paschal sermon, which could well be called a “Christian Haggadah,” reflecting at great length on the various connections between the Exodus story and the life of Jesus
  • Contrary to popular belief, the Catholic custom of using unleavened wafers in the Mass is medieval in origin. The Orthodox churches preserve the earlier custom of using leavened bread.23 Is it not possible to see the switch from using leavened to unleavened bread as a “Passoverization” of sorts?
    This April 2012 article in BAR analyzes the similarities between the Jewish Seder and what Christians call Jesus' "Last Supper" and the timing of the event based on archaeological evidence. gfp (2012-04-07)

Health and wellness: How to defend yourself from harmful air pollutants - 0 views

    Diet, exercise, and stress management all play important roles in heart, lung, and brain health. however a recent report from the world Health Organization suggests that the positive effects of those healthy way decisions may be jeopardized by the straightforward act of taking a breath.

Cancer A Leading Chronic Disease And Prevention | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    A cancer registry is the cancer cases which are registered in a population or specific country. In whole world mortality rate due to cancer is 20%. In USA cancer is the second largest disease of causing death after heart disease. Recently in 2016 estimated that 595,690 people die from this disease according to cancer statistics of National Cancer Institute USA.

Flu Symptoms And Home Remedies | Health Blog - 0 views

    In this article we covered Flu Symptoms And Home Remedies. Influenza is a common respiratory illness that affects people from all age groups. Flu symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, catarrh, and headache. Home remedies for flu are being used for centuries and have proven to be effective.
    Influenza is a highly contagious, respiratory illness that affects people from all age groups and geographic backgrounds. In temperate regions, it occurs mostly in the winter months. There is no clear seasonal pattern in tropical climates. It varies in its severity from person to person. Sometimes, it presents as a mild, temporary infection. Other times, it can cause complications like red urine and ultimately lead to death. Influenza causes approximately 375,000 deaths worldwide each year.

Home Remedy For Asthma Wheezing, cure for wheezing, - 0 views

    Asthma, a condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swells up, producing extra mucus.Making it difficult to breathe and expel phlegm. An asthma attack can be minor but still lead to death.It is often a chronic condition requiring continuous monitoring, treatment, and eating beneficiary foods.
Gary Patton

The Decline of Violence - Reason Magazine - 0 views

  • Neuroscientist Steven Pinker on the triumph of peace and prosperity over death and destruction
  • Why is ideology so deadly?
  • There are two features of a lot of ideologies that make them deadly. One of them is demonizing.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The other is if your ideology promotes some utopia
  • radical religions, millennial religions, radical Islam, radical forms of Christianity, that say that there’s some irredeemably evil group standing between the world and perfection: the crusaders, the infidels, the Jews, the polytheists, the nonbelievers, and so on.
  • The age of ideology coined the term genocide. You’ve pointed out that just because we recently invented the term doesn’t mean it didn’t happen before.
  • What it means is we started caring about it.
  • What is the “rights revolution”?
  • The rights revolutions are the various social changes [that are] directed largely at violence on smaller scales.
  • against racial minorities
  • women’s rights
  • children’s rights
  • gay rights
    This article by author, Steven Pinker, outlines data regarding human behaviour that offers some hope for the future of Third World countries, especially violent, Muslim-dominated ones like "the stans" in the Middle East and others in Africa. gfp (2012-01-14)
Gary Patton

Relief in Jesus for Burdened Souls - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
  • YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For (F)My yoke is [b]easy and My burden is light.”
    • Gary Patton
      A Jesus Follower finds rest in Jesus' because, by believing in Him and His death on their behalf, they become a "New Creation" as it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 @ with the "Old Them" gone, as promised in Romans 6:3-4 (NASB) @ as they let Jesus live His life out through them as it says in Galatians 2:20 at . gfp (2011-09-08)
  • Matthew 11:27-30
    In Matthew 11:27-30 at, Jesus details His saving love for those who follow Him. He also shares how anyone who comes to Him will find relief from our tiredness that is caused by our daily trials and our burden of guilt because of our sins. gfp (2011-09-08)
Gary Patton

Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied - 0 views

  • He explained when he started asking them specific questions, he was able to convince them to take another view of abortion in America. He asked if the students, at the point of a Nazi gun, would use a bulldozer to shovel Jews into a burial pit even if they were alive.
  • the mindless determination that Jews, gypsies and homosexuals in World War II were less than human and could be exterminated to contemporary America’s determination that the unborn are less than human, providing a constant stream of death to feed the abortion industry.
    here's a way to reachyong people with the truth about abortion and the reality of pre-born human life existing in a woman's womb


  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

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started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD,causes,symptoms,treatment - 0 views

    COPD, according to 2015 data from the World Health Organization (WHO), is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. In US, more than 16 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, although more than half are not diagnosed. That is why it is said to be a very frequent disease, but unknown. In this article, we explain the causes of COPD, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Tuberculosis Symptoms And Cure | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Tuberculosis or simply TB is a spreadable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This organism has a hard, waxy cell wall that makes it highly resistant to unfavorable environments and drugs. It evades the mucus lining of the windpipe and enters the lungs.
    The goal of treating Tuberculosis is to protect the patient from possible disability and death. Another objective is to reduce the spread of Tuberculosis infection to others. TB may be a stubborn infection but with the right measures at the right time, it can be cured.
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