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Leah Smith

AATG - 0 views

    This is THE group to join for teachers or future teachers of German in America. I am planning on joing this organization as soon as possible and have been researching it for a while now. They have a lot of great opportunities for both teachers and students and lots of great advice for lessons/ the classroom, etc.
Leah Smith - 0 views

    brainhoney is another onlince community specifically for teachers and their students and the parents of their students. It's a way for everyone to communicate and a wa for teachers to organize things, get tips and so on.
Shannon Keister

Latin American Coalition - 0 views

    an organization that supports the Latin American community in Charlotte with volunteer opportunities and cultural events
Heather Whisnant

Music Teachers - 0 views

    Music teachers can save all of their music in one place as well as student and parent contacts and organize lessons.
Mina Gharibi

Scholastic for Teachers - 0 views

    This website is a Teachers resource website from Scholastic. It provides teachers with lesson plans, activities, teaching strategies, book lists, etc. They are organized by grade levels.
Donna Baker

Softschools - 0 views

    provides free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games. Worksheets and games are organized by grades and topics. These printable math and phonics worksheets are auto generated.
Blair Howard

100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers - 0 views

    Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools. The following list compiles some of the ones most worthy of attention, as they feature plenty of solid content appealing to their respective audiences and actively try to make viewers smarter.
Ursula Smith

Home - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages - 0 views

    As we get close to become professionals it is always smart to be a member of these types of organizations. Great resource from a trusted source. 
Raven Hayes

Teaching Hints - 0 views

    Pretty neat site on classroom organization, setup, hints, types of learning, etc. It shows how certain ways of setting up a classroom can affect learning. It shows ~ 15 hints on how to set up your classroom so that it is set up as a learning environment.
Leah Smith

SimpleDiagrams - 0 views

    This is a site only for creating diagrams. It's another way of helping you organize your ideas. This could be used by a teacher who needs help in designing a lesson plan, or it could be used in the actual lesson plan to help students understand certain, confusing concepts.
Mina Gharibi

BofA foundation to give $1 million to education charities | | Charlotte News, ... - 0 views

    This article talks about how BofA is providing an Education Grant to CMS Schools to help non-profit organizations who work towards helping at-risk youth and drop-out prevention.
Leanna Foreman

Discovery Education - Lesson Planner - 0 views

    This is more of a place to organize your already created lesson plans that way your school computer doesn't get so crowded or so your desk isn't a mess. They do have a link that will help you create lesson plans. Also on this website they have links to puzzles or activities for classroom ideas.
Ursula Smith

Inspiration Software, Inc. - The Leader in Visual Thinking and Learning | - 0 views

    Inspiration is a great tool for students and teachers. It helps improve writing and thinking skills through graphic organizers and timelines.
Leanna Foreman

Get It Done - 0 views

    Use this as a great orginizational tool. You can manage a calendar of reminders, organize projects that are turned in electronically, and access files from anywhere. You can even add an app for your iPhone or Android phone!
Leah Smith

Das deutsche Schulsystem - 0 views

    This is a very well organized site that describes the differences and complexities of the german school system. Students could certainly learn a lot about how things work in Germany, as well as practice their language skills. Could be used as a homework assignment or as a discussion to discover similarities and differences between our two countries.
Leah Smith Create interactive flash tools / games for education - 0 views

    This is another really cool site that allows teachers to organize ideas and develope games and ideas for their classroom.
Leah Smith

What2Learn - 0 views

    this website allows teachers to create worksheets, games and all kinds of things in a very short amount of time, organizing info for the user. It would be a great thing to use if the teacher is short on time, or jsut wishes to same some.
Mina Gharibi

TeachNology - 0 views

    Great resource for teachers for lesson plans, rubrics, printables, graphic organizers, worksheets, etc..
Andrew Clanton

Teachers' Guide for the Professional Cartoonists' Index - 0 views

    A teacher's guide to using political cartoons in the classroom at all grade levels. This web site contains an excellent collection of polital cartoons organized by artists' names and by state. This is a great tool for teaching current events and can also be included in the Language Arts, Journalism, and Art curriculum.
Lynnette Antwi

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - 0 views

    good professional resource for teachers of math. Many activities ans other useful links
    NCTM is a website that is very helpful to teachers to meet others and constantly learn new ways of teaching. This is a resource that takes care of the big picture of education.
    Council in which math teachers and students planning to teach math can join. This is the national council but there is a local one and that is the North Carolina Council of Math Teachers.
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