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Illya Arnet

O'Reilly Network -- Building Online Communities - 0 views

  • This attracts people who enjoy the company of like-minded individuals and seek the social rewards of participating in a healthy peer group
    Looks like what we have in FOC08! I think many people were attracted by others. THis was my case, I was informed by a friend in one of my communities and mentioned it to others in another, the result being several more faces (or blogs) added to the course.
Violeta Cautin

Facilitating online communities « Illya's EVO blogfolio - 0 views

  • I’ve been a part of an extremely nurturing online community, one filled with role models, many probably out of intuition rather than theory. So I do believe that some may have a certain talent for it, just as some have a talent for teaching, coaching etc.
    • Violeta Cautin
      Are facilitators born or made? I guess both.
Violeta Cautin

Facilitating Online Communities: Community & Technology - 0 views

  • I'm a tech-lover myself, and absolutely revel in this kind of technological exploration and comparison, but I've found it's helpful to hold these conversations within a separate thread so they don't dominate the more community-oriented conversation, which they otherwise tend to do.
    • Violeta Cautin
      Experience is speaking
  • I didn't push back, bit I'm not at all sure I agreed with Bron. Imagine a bunch of art students arriving at a class. They need oil paints, canvas, sharpened brushes, pencils, thinners etc.
    • Violeta Cautin
      He's got a point but Amy didn't say that we should deny talking about technological issues, she just said we should separate the channels.
  • Etienne Wenger
Shane Roberts

Communities: Virtual vs. Real -- Etzioni and Etzioni 277 (5324): 295 -- Science - 0 views

  • feelings of fear, love, and anger cannot be transmitted online
  • people bond without being in close proximity
  • accommodate many more individuals
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • much stronger memories
  • Real communities are better than virtual communities
  • identifying participants and holding them accountable
sdiwc conferences

CyberSecurity2012 - 1 views

You are invited to participate in The International Conference on Cyber Security, CyberWarfare and Digital Forensic that will be held at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, ...

communities socialnetworking conferences sdiwc call for papers submit paper

started by sdiwc conferences on 15 May 12 no follow-up yet
Peter Efland » Blog Archive » Selling Social Media to Your Boss - 0 views

    How do you sell a social media strategy to your employer? Better yet, how do you explain the benefits of social media in a business communication strategy?
Violeta Cautin

Newbies and experts - Facilitating Online Communities | Grupos de Google - 0 views

  • There is arguably a commonality therefore between what a facilitator might do in a face to face meeting, with what they might do in an online meeting such as this. Identifying the potentially alienating aspects of a discussion and helping the group to negotiate a common appreciation of those topics
    • Violeta Cautin
      Facilitator´s role: helping the negotiation of meaning.
  • There is arguably a commonality therefore between what a facilitator might do in a face to face meeting, with what they might do in an online meeting such as this. Identifying the potentially alienating aspects of a discussion and helping the group to negotiate a common appreciation of those topics.
Peter Efland

Review- Managing Online Forums | - 0 views

    One of my favourite online community bloggers, Chris Brogan, reviewed this book - "Managing Online Forums" written by another top expert in the field, Patrick O'Keefe
Gabriela Sellart

Webbed Feat: Organized Communication through Blogs - 0 views

  • I don't think we could survive without the Google Group as a way to connect and support one another, through the orientation at least. However, there are no organized forum/email discussions. Do the blogs replace that completely? If so, where is the facilitation?
    • Illya Arnet
      Good point. The google group provides focus of discussion and through the people invovled in discussion, one can go off to the according blogs and delve even further.
    • Gabriela Sellart
      I had been thinking about the preassure from participants on facilitators to act as a teacher. (more guidance, etc). I don't know why, but reading this made me think about how a facilitator may feel about the little control they have over participants contributions. Teachers are used to exercising control.
Peter Efland

35 Tools For Teachers, Tutors and Students ( Mashable .com) - 0 views

    Here you'll find resources for learning management systems, social networking communities for students and teachers, tutoring services and more.
Peter Efland

Never Mind Social Media, How About Social Hacking? - 0 views

    interesting article about how social media has been used as "social hacking" - A CNN survey regarding Russias attack on Georgia was hacked by russian sociale media, resulting in a CNN opinion poll giving 92% support for the views of the Russian Government - what does this say about the behavior of social communities?
Peter Efland

Userplane Re-Invents the Message Board - 0 views

  • Why is Userplane getting into message boards now, when the format has seemingly been supplanted by other forms of online community? According to Product Manager Shane Hall, who I spoke with last week, Boards represents a happy medium between passive and real-time conversation.
    re-inventing the message-board
    "Why is Userplane getting into message boards now, when the format has seemingly been supplanted by other forms of online community? According to Product Manager Shane Hall, who I spoke with last week, Boards represents a happy medium between passive and real-time conversation."
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