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Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

30.05.08: Commission adopts code of conduct for EU lobbyists - 0 views

  • The European Commission has adopted a code of conduct regulating lobbyists' behaviour as a forerunner to the voluntary register to be launched by Administration and Anti-Fraud Commissioner Siim Kallas on 23 June.
  • The 'Code of Conduct for Interest Representatives ', officially adopted on 28 May, contains "clear and precise rules" for lobbyists to follow in their relations with Commission staff, according to the EU executive. 
  • The code of conduct is intended to complement the lobbyists register the Commission is set to publish on 23 June and constitutes part of the wider transparency initiative launched by Vice President Kallas in 2005. 
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Links European Union European Commission: Communication: A framework for relations with interest representatives (Register and Code of Conduct) (27 May 2008) [FR] [DE] European Commission: Press release: The Commission adopts a code of conduct for interest representatives (28 May 2008) [FR] [DE] European Commission: Coming soon: the Commission's Register for Interest Representatives European Commission: Results of the Consultation on the Code of Conduct for Interest Representatives (27 May 2008) European Commission: Transparency Initiative [FR] [DE] European Commission: Frequently Asked Questions on Transparency Initiative EU Actors positions ALTER-EU: ALTER-EU submission to the consultation on a Code of Conduct for Interest Representatives EPACA: EPACA Response to the Draft European Commission Code of Conduct for Interest Representatives (15 February 2008)
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Eising (2008) Interest groups in EU policy-making - 0 views

  • There is a plethora of studies on interest groups in the European Union. While these studies have generated a wealth of insights, it is not actually clear what they have accomplished. This Living Review seeks to identify those areas of interest group studies in which our knowledge is fairly consolidated and in which major research gaps or major controversies can be noted. I argue that these research gaps and controversies stem from both the empirical variance in the interest group landscape and the theoretical segmentation of EU interest group studies. These have been shaped by influences from Comparative Politics, International Relations, Policy Analysis, and Democratic Theory. I suggest that future research should engage to a greater extent in cross-cutting theoretical debates in order to overcome the pronounced demarcation of research areas and in more rigorous theory testing than has sometimes been the case. The article starts by discussing the problem of conceptualizing interest groups before moving on to the fissured theoretical landscape. Thereafter, major research themes are discussed. First, I review the relation between EU institutions and interest groups. Here, I look both into multilevel governance and Europeanization studies that focus on the vertical interaction and into analyses that stress the horizontal segmentation of the EU system in different institutions and sectors. Second, I analyze core themes of EU and comparative interest group studies, namely the issue of collective action, the access of interest groups to policy-makers and their influence on EU policymaking.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Coen/Richardson (2009): Lobbying the European Union: Institutions, Actors, and Issues - 0 views

  • It is universally accepted that there has been a huge growth in EU lobbying over the past few decades. There is now a dense EU interest group system. This entirely new volume, inspired by Mazey & Richardson's 1993 book Lobbying in the European Community, seeks to understand the role of interest groups in the policy process from agenda-setting to implementation. Specifically, the book is interested in observing how interest groups organise to influence the EU institutions and how they select different coalitions along the policy process and in different policy domains. In looking at 20 years of change, the book captures processes of institutional and actor learning, professionalisation of lobbying, and the possible emergence of a distinct EU public policy style. More specifically, from the actors' perspective, the editors are interested in assessing how the rise of direct lobbying and the emergence of fluid issue-based coalitions has changed the logic of collective action, and what is the potential impact of 'venue-shopping' on reputation and influence. From an institutional perspective, the contributors explore resource and legitimacy demands, and the practical impact of consultation processes on the emergence of a distinct EU lobbying relationship. It will be essential reading for academics and practitioners alike.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

14.01.08: Google-DoubleClick merger brings EU into uncharted territory - 0 views

  • The proposed acquisition of online advertising company DoubleClick by Google, the Internet search giant, raises a host of privacy concerns that make the merger more than a mere competition case, legal experts have said.
  • The European Commission decided in November to open an in-depth investigation to verify the effects produced by the operation to the markets for intermediation and ad serving in online advertising. The deadline for the decision was designated 2 April 2008.
  • EU official documents European Commission: Provisional deadline for Google/DoubleClick decision (2 Oct. 2007) European Commission: Merger: European Commission opens in-depth investigation into Google'e proposed take over of DoubleClick (13 Nov. 2007) [FR] [DE]
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

17.12.10: European Parliament condems the outcome of the European Council - 0 views

  • The centre and left of the European Parliament have robustly condemned the outcome of the European Council, complaining that the interest of the bloc as a whole has been sidelined in favour of national interests. It is common for the groups in the parliament to criticise the results of European summits, but the missives issued the afternoon following the meeting were abnormally trenchant.
  • The Party of European Socialists "condemned" the result, attacking the "conservative leaders" who hold a majority in the Council. "The Conservative leaders are fundamentally mistaken. Yet again they have failed to take control of the crisis," said Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister and leader of the PES. "The reaction of the Markets illustrates this clearly." Mr Rasmussen pointed to the overnight downgrading of Irish bonds by the Moody's credit agency as signifying that the investors were unconvinced by the council's plan. He warned that the EU Council had put itself in "direct conflict" with the parliament over its refusal to countenance any move towards debt issuance at the EU level. "The German, British, Swedish and Dutch Governments formed a roadblock to progress on the eurobonds issue. So blatantly putting national interest before European recovery is short-termist and lacking in leadership," he said.
  • The European Parliament must be consulted on the treaty change, but it has no co-decision power under the 'simplified revision procedure' - the new method the EU leaders are using to deliver the limited treaty change while avoiding any national referendums. But, depending on the fine print of how the permanent bail-out fund is constructed, it may have approval powers. The EU prime ministers and presidents at the summit did not take any decisions on the details of the fund. According to a parliamentary legal expert, if the European Council itself develops the mechanism on an 'intergovernmental' basis, and the fund is similar to the existing €440 billion rescue mechanism, which involves a series of loan guarantees by member states, then the chamber will only be consulted, as with the treaty change. But if the EU is asked to develop and present a proposal, or if it involves any direct EU funds as well as national loan guarantees, then "this is part of the community method, and the parliament has co-decision powers". The Greens also said that the permanent crisis mechanism "will not be enough to get Europe out of the crisis."
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

EU Civil Society Contact Group (2008), EU Guide for NGOs - 0 views

  • The Civil Society Contact Group is happy to announce the publication of the training handbook "Making your voice heard in the EU - A guide for NGOs". It is specifically designed for those 'newcomer' NGOs and activists that are in the process of establishing a European strategy. It does so by providing tailored-made information on EU institutions, the way European NGOs work, as well as lobbying tips, illustrated by examples of EU level campaigns.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

National interests creating tension in EU commission - 0 views

  • A group of EU commissioners from smaller member states is growing increasingly angry with a number of their larger-state colleagues, perceiving their actions as being driven by national interests rather than the greater European good. "We have sworn in front of the European Court not to work for our national governments back home and I am taking it seriously," a frustrated commissioner from a smaller EU country said in an off-the-record conversation with EUobserver last week.
  • "The bigger the EU becomes the more it becomes intergovernmental and the more the commission is regarded as an executive secretariat for the council," says Belgian MEP Derk Jan Eppink, a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in parliament. Author of Life of a European Mandarin – Inside the Commission, Mr Eppink previously worked in the cabinets of former commissioner Frits Bolkestein and subsequently that of Siim Kallas. "Commissioners from larger member states frequently feel they have to produce the goods for their governments back home, while those from smaller countries realise they don't have the capacity to do this," he said, pointing to former commissioner Gunter Verheugen's willingness to stand up for German industry.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Portal Transparenzinitiative - 0 views

  • Diese Internetseite bietet einen kurzen Überblick über die Transparenzinitiative. Deren Ziel besteht u. a. darin, die EU-Organe und -Einrichtungen offener und zugänglicher zu machen, besser über die Verwendung der EU-Haushaltsmittel zu informieren und der Öffentlichkeit mehr Rechenschaft über die Arbeit der EU-Organe und -Einrichtungen zu geben. Diese Seite wird im Zuge der Debatte kontinuierlich aktualisiert, so dass Sie stets die neuesten Informationen über die Ergebnisse der Diskussionen und über künftige Pläne abrufen können.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

COM(2008)323 final: European Transparency Initiative..., 27 May 2008 - 0 views

  • European Transparency Initiative COM(2008)323 final: "European Transparency Initiative: A Framework for relations with interest representatives (Register - Code of Conduct)", 27 May 2008. Commission staff working document providing a brief overview of the main results of the consultation on the Code of Conduct. Coming soon: the Commission's Register for interest representatives - Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

BUSINESSEUROPE - Home - 0 views

    The Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe, commonly known as UNICE, is a Brussels-based European association of industries and employers. On 23 January 2007 this organization changed its name to BUSINESSEUROPE ( It was founded in 1958 to drive the creation of the European Union as a free trade zone. Together with the Federation of European Employers and the European Round Table of Industrialists, BUSINESSEUROPE has been one of the principal advocates of the EU treaties prior to their negotiation, and major backers of the international European movement. It is also one of the European social partners, representing private employers at the interprofessional level.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

24.01.08: MEPs debate tightening up lobbying rules - 0 views

  • MEPs on Thursday launched the thorny debate on tightening rules covering the thousands of EU lobbyists in Brussels, with an initial discussion showing deputies in favour of defining the term "lobbyist" as broadly as possible but shying away from the 600-page rulebook that defines and confines lobbyists in the US.
  • MEPs in the constitutional affairs committee generally agreed that the term should be defined as widely as possible. They also agreed that the European Commission and parliament should set up a common register of all the lobbyists in Brussels, with estimates suggesting there are around 15,000 of them in the city pressing their case at the European institutions.
  • or his part, Mr Stubb says he is not out to demonise lobbyists, whose activities have come to light recently during the ferocious lobbying on legislation that took place during the development of the chemicals, services and software patent laws. He points out that it is much easier to get information as a civil servant, but that as an MEP, "you are out of the [information] loop and interest groups are good sources of information."
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

12.11.08: New pan-European alliance to fight EU treaty - 0 views

  • A European political force opposed to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and to further EU integration will emerge today (12 November) after a visit to Ireland by eurosceptic Czech President Václav Klaus.
  • Klaus's controversial visit to Dublin is expected to culminate later today with a gathering of prominent eurosceptics, the Irish press reported.  Among them are Philippe de Villiers, the leader of French sovereign party Mouvement pour la France, Anthony Coughlan, an Irish 'No' campaigner, English-born columnist Bruce Arnold and several MEPs.  In total, 80 people were invited to a dinner today in Dublin, closed to the media. Both Ganley and Klaus are expected to deliver speeches. 
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

06.05.08: EU urges irish farmers to keep treaty and trade talks separate - 0 views

  • EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson has urged Irish farmers to refrain from linking next month's vote on the Lisbon Treaty to ongoing world trade talks. "I don't think the Doha talks should get mixed up with the Lisbon Treaty or any referendum on it. Rejecting the treaty would not be in Ireland's interests, it wouldn't be in Europe's interests," said Mr Mandelson on Tuesday (6 May).
  • The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) has delivered up the threat of a No vote in next month's referendum to both the commissioner and the Irish government if their interests are not defended in the talks.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

30.11.10: EU-institutions say first ever citizens' initiative - organized by Greenpeac... - 0 views

  • The entry into force of the EU's new citizens' initiative (ECI) - a petition procedure under the Lisbon Treaty allowing European citizens to demand action in a particular area - is likely to be welcomed by a legal battle between Greenpeace and the EU institutions. The environmental NGO has successfully collected the required 1 million signatories in a petition calling on the EU to ban GMOs, but officials from both the European Commission and the European Parliament say the move is premature.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

04.06.08: Irish farmers (IFA) back 'Yes' to EU treaty - 0 views

  • Ireland's biggest farmers' group on Tuesday (3 June) said it would encourage its members to vote in favour of the EU Lisbon treaty in a referendum on 12 June, with the decision expected to boost the "yes" side's result.
  • The IFA decision is seen as crucial, as polls have been indicating a narrow gap between the "yes" and "no" supporters, and the agricultural sector is still an important part of Irish society. The IFA represents 85,000 farming families engaged in agricultural activity. The farmers' backing came after Irish prime minister Brian Cowen indicated he would veto EU approval of any world trade deal that would go against their interests.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

11.02.08: Copenhagen asked to check wokers' rights before EU treaty ratified - 0 views

  • The Danish government has been advised to seek guarantees on its collective bargaining rights system before the EU's new treaty is ratified.

    The call came from the opposition Social Democrats, who have been on alert since the EU's highest court in December ruled that a Swedish trade union picket against cheap Latvian labour was illegal.

    "We believe the Lisbon Treaty does secure collective bargaining rights, but the court has delivered a very unclear verdict, which we advise the government to interpret in a satisfactory way before signing the Lisbon Treaty," the chairperson of the Danish parliament's Europe committee, Svend Auken, told EUobserver
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Verbandliche Interessenvertretung in der EU - 0 views

  • Der folgende Beitrag stellt Auszüge aus einer Veröffentlichung von Michael Nollert in der „Zeitschrift für Politik“ (Jahrgang 44, S. 648 ff.) dar. Er befasst sich mit einer Untersuchung zu den Einflusschancen und Einflussmechanismen der Verbände bei den europäischen Institutionen. Dabei geht der Verfasser von der Beobachtung aus, dass sich aufgrund der gewachsenen Kompetenzen der Europäischen Union die verbandliche Interessenvertretung deutlich von der nationalen zur europäischen Ebene verlagert hat.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.01.2007: Wallström criticises Berlin's constitutional revival method - 0 views

  • EU communications commissioner Margot Wallström has voiced concern at plans by the German EU presidency to only involve governments in the revived talks on the bloc's constitution. Berlin "has to invite and open up and say this is not something that will go on only behind closed doors…they might even get some good ideas from civil society groups or anyone with an interest [in the constitution]," the commissioner told EUobserver in Berlin after a communications conference on Friday (19 January).
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

18.11.10: Commission reform proposals for the CAP announced - 0 views

  • The European Commission has announced reform proposals for the EU's common agriculture policy (CAP), emphasizing the need for greater environmental protection with less divergence in payments between 'old' and 'new' member states. The non-legislative plans, which contain three options ranging from a limited to a more radical overhaul of the CAP, also call for an upper limit on the size of direct payments to individual farms.
  • Environmental groups broadly welcomed the greener focus, but cautioned that meaningful improvement would depend on the detail of concrete legislative proposals, expected from the commission in mid-2011. "The test of whether this is a breakthrough in farm subsidy support or mere window dressing will be whether environmental eligibility criteria are set at a higher level than what good agricultural practice says farmers should be doing anyway," said Tony Long, director of WWF's European Policy Office. Some groups reacted angrily to the proposals, including the EU farmers' union, Copa-Cogeca. "The only concrete proposal in the paper is to add more costly burdens onto EU farmers," said the group's president, Padraig Walshe.
  • The European Parliament, which has an equal say with member states in approving the final agreement, was supportive of Thursday's document, but recognised the real fight over the CAP's future shape has yet to come. "Clearly this is only the second step along what will be a very difficult road," said Scottish liberal MEP George Lyon who drafted a report outlining parliament's own views on the policy. "The real threat of big budget cuts still hangs over the whole policy debate, and the final decision on the budget will have a profound impact on the final outcome," he added.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

The Changing Role of EU Trade Associations - 0 views

  • n this paper, Prof. Justin Greenwood analyses how European trade associations differ from those - often larger ones - operating at national level, their membership structure and the challenges they face.
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