When using Prezi and other Web 2.0 tools, you have the learners presenting the knowledge that they have collected thus far, in the professional development. How might this be adapted into creating UGC?
I agree with the effective use of SpicyNode to introduce participants to the professional development. Inside of the SpicyNode presentation, a link to the homepage does not allow access without permission, something I'm sure the participants will have no trouble with.
I noticed in your peer review that elements were missing (e.g. syllabus). If the course would be active, such components will be included. My goal was to address the objectives of the Unit, which was to address ONLE and connectivism. Writing a syllabus would have just been too time consuming.
Not sure what you mean about permission to access the link to the homepage. There is no need to have a Spicynode account to access it, if that is what is the issue.
Thanks, Kirsten.
I figured that the usage of SpicyNode would alleviate the stress that one feels when first starting an online course, especially when looking at ONLE and the open structure of such.
You'll notice that there is no content in lesson 6. The culminating project for the course is for learners to create a plan of action for professional development efforts at their school site and that would be submitted in the Project Tab as explained I believe in the Spicynode section of assignments.
Within each lesson, there are assignments. Typically, assignments are shared via Google Docs. Discussion Board serves as another way to see participation and assess what the students are learning...
There is a project tab on the wikispace course. It is the intent that most of the work be submitted in the area. Perhaps, it was not clear in my directions.
Voicethread is a great tool for introductions, allowing participants to get their feet wet with Web 2.0. Why did you choose to go with a class thread rather than having students create their own? Will there be room to respond to the other introductions on the class thread?
That's a good question. I'm guessing there is no limit as to how many people can add their self-intro but I'm sure at some point it may get cluttered.
The reason I had class thread for the self-introductions rather than students create their own is I wanted on centralized locations with "nodes" of self-introductions as a way to mirror connectivist learning.
Do you think you could provide an article or reading to help support this lesson? Maybe something discussing the value of food tracking or the risk of "dietary ignorance"?
Consider adding a video or article link for this page. I think adding some detail to frontload this lesson may help student have some buy-in and sense of direction. Perhaps a clip (pr trailer) from Fast Food Nation or Supers Size Me?
Is this where the students can communicate about their diet plans? What does this wiki page specifically accomplish? Are there any requirements for students to comment on each other's diet plan choices?
tagged on Delicious using the tags "weight management" and "diets."
Will these tags be carried over to future classes? How might you make the tagging structure more specific to your courses (so they don't get lost among other general tags)?
I might consider adding some more formatting to this page to make it look a bit more official. The stock photos all have watermark logos on them, so I might find some that look more professional.
Awesome page of resources. Almost a bit overwhelming. Definitely useful for students looking for some additional help, and also a great support for constructivist learning.