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Christophe Deschamps

Linear is Not Always Best - 0 views

  • Users say they know what they want until they get it, and then they want something different.‘
  • I could talk with the users in their own language; go away and develop a module with real data; and create reports, monitoring screens and other processes based on a synthesis of my knowledge, the stated needs of the client and my knowledge of the technology.  The application would work in novel ways, users would find new ways of working, and modifications would be agreed upon.  Over the course of a year, a powerful application emerged that was very different from anything that either the user or I could have defined.
  • In many ways, this is a textbook description of how to implement social media tools within the enterprise.  Work iteratively with your users, create opportunities to learn from each other and from the tool using a series of “safe-fail” experiments, stay in beta for as long as it takes to reflect user reality in your tool, and don’t be afraid to step off the straight and narrow path of linear thinking.  To be clear, this is not a recommendation that you abandon all logic in your design and implementation.  Rather, it is a reminder that there can be great beauty and greater rewards in following a more circuitous route.
    Implémenter les technologies sociales dans l'entreprise
Christophe Deschamps

Enterprise 2.0 Vs Diffusion of Innovation - 3 views

  • Relative advantage : what value does it bring ? Compatibility : how much effort to transition to this innovation ? Complexity : how much learning is required to apply it ? Triability : How easy is it to try the innovation ? Observability : How visible are the results ?
  • None of these intangible assets (human, organizational and informational capital – i.e databases, Information systems, networks, technology infrastructure) has value that can be measured separately or independently.
  • Mc Afee still recommend to build some kind of business case with the following elements
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  • Costs and time lines
  • Expected benefits
  • Technology footprint
  • People make relative evaluations Reference point is status quo People are loss-adverse : a prospective loss of X is 3 times more painful that a gain of X is pleasurable.
  • These elements lead to the fact that we value what we have far more highly that what we could have instead. The result is what Gourville calls the 9x effect : people rate what they have 3 times more than their actual value and prospective items three times less than what they’re actually worth. A new item must therefore be at least 9 times better to justify the (perceived) effort required for the adoption.
  • As a result, McAfee quotes Gourville and recommends not to oversell the collaborative platform and make it clear that the adoption will be a long phase.
  • The objectives is to help them realize that these tools are the root cause of many of their daily work frustrations
  • So a 30 days trial might not be enough to see the full benefits of such solutions. However it can still proves how easy it is to use them.
  • A good strategy to make the results visible is to locate some teams of social networks enthusiasts (IT or HR departments might be a first good guess). And start to deploy the solution on such narrow teams.
  • In a transparency and observability purpose, it might be a good idea to monitor the knowledge workers perceived value of their tools and measure the progress. Preparing a questionnaire with a set of questions around the subject of collaboration, innovation, productivity and knowledge management could be a good starting point.
    Revue du livre de McAfee par @ceciil
Christophe Deschamps

Enterprise 2.0 Knowledge Management - A Revolution of Knowledge in Three Parts - 1 views

    3 présentations sur l'entreprise 2.0. (Via Brainsfeed :
JM Delahais

Sharepoint and Enterprise 2.0: The good, the bad, and the ugly | Enterprise Web 2.0 | Z... - 0 views

  • These concerns about SharePoint’s ability to be an effective Enterprise 2.0 platform is one I hear echoed a lot with practitioners I talk to. In spite of this, I correspondingly hear that SharePoint is in fact what most organizations are planning on using when it comes to 2.0-style collaboration and knowledge management. Why the apparent disconnect between the perceived suitability (which we’ll dissect in a moment) and actual use? Part of it is SharePoint’s stunning penetration in the software business. T
  • In other words, SharePoint is already in most organizations today:
  • In fact, this is a central lesson in Web 2.0 design, that complexity is the enemy of ease-of-use and adoption; most 2.0 products are almost brutally simple in their user experience.
Christophe Deschamps

Intellipedia suffers midlife crisis - 0 views

  • The problem? The growth of the collective intelligence site so far largely has been fueled by early adopters and enthusiasts, according to Rasmussen. About all those who would have joined and shared their knowledge on the social networking site have already done so. If the intelligence agencies want to get further gains from the site, they need to incorporate it into their own formal decision making process, he contended. Until that happens, the social networking aspect of Intellipedia is "just a marginal revolution," he said.
  • Established in 2005, Intellipedia, now managed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,  has approximately 100,000 user accounts. Open to anyone with a government e-mail account, it has social bookmarking tool, a document repository, a home page for each user, and collaboration spaces.
  • For true change to occur, other agencies must use Intellipedia as their official conduit, at least for some functions, Rasmussen said. Otherwise, it is just creating additional work for contributors.
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  • Another problem is that managers may not worry that their employees would not be comfortable contributing information to a social-networking tool. Rasmussen said he talked with one executive who said employees may not want to contribute personal items to their home page.
  • " 'Are you kidding?' " Rasmussen responded. "This is work. We force people to do stuff [they don't want to do] all the time — we make people come in sober and wear clothes. In certain cases top-down may not work, but in certain cases it does."
  • Contributors need to learn to accept "an agency-neutral non-ownership" stance to their articles, he said.
  • "If you bring too many locks into an overly cautious culture, that's all you get: locks," Rasmussen said. He also mentioned that mashups remain to be too difficult for non-programmers to create, and social networks continue to be held, presumably unfairly, by higher standards than other technologies.
    Intelipedia, le réseau social des agences de renseignement US mis en place en 2005, connaît quelques difficultés. Intéressant retour d'expérience sur un projet 2.0 déjà ancien.
Christophe Deschamps

Enterprise 2.0 - an adoption model - 0 views

  • low readiness for change high risk-aversion preference for hierarchy and processes to create knowledge over personal freedom to collaborate and share individual preference for position power and legitimate power over referent powerand expert power
Christophe Deschamps

Enterprise Web 2.0: Building the Next-Generation Workplace - the Driving Force behind J... - 0 views

  • Building on the somewhat vague and yet particular usage of the term 'Web 2.0', 'Enterprise Web 2.0' describes a fresh, and some would say new, approach to the design and provision of business applications that incorporates aspects such as social networking, collaboration, and real-time communication. In addition, Enterprise Web 2.0 focuses a great deal of attention on the user's 'experience' or 'joy of use' -- something of a novelty in enterprise IT these days. By comparison, when Butler Group talks about 'Enterprise 2.0', we are focusing on the composition and architecture of the IT ecosystem, and the associated business models that will support Enterprise Web 2.0 applications.
  • Enterprise Web 2.0 is very much concerned with the user experience of corporate systems and applications, and on extracting business value from the social contributions and interactions of the organisation's various stakeholders.
  • The management of customer relationships continues to remain pivotal for most organisations, and so the social aspects of Web 2.0 are mirrored in the corporate world of Enterprise Web 2.0
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  • Workforce mobility and changing communication patterns are two more trends that are driving change at the infrastructure layer, and so unified communication and collaboration requirements form an important part of Enterprise 2.0 strategy.
  • Enterprise Web 2.0 might be about putting the user (i.e. employee, customer, or stakeholder) first, but in order to do so it also requires supporting technology. And so at the IT infrastructure level, Enterprise 2.0 means Internet Protocol (IP) everywhere -- voice, video, and data. Enterprise 2.0 also means, 'open' standards rather than proprietary or 'closed' systems. Furthermore, Enterprise 2.0 technology means user-driven technology and not IT-driven technology.
  • Having accepted the fact that 'processes' means 'people', then we have to look for ways in which these people (i.e. processes) can self-organise and reference one another. Then, where possible, we need to somehow incapsulate the processes into a set of business services. One day (we might call it Web 3.0), Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable organisations to do with computers that which they do via human beings today, but until that day arrives, organisations must do more to aid interdepartment and inter-company collaboration. Workflow has not yet figured largely in the consumer-oriented world of Web 2.0, but Butler Group sees this as pivotal when considering Enterprise Web 2.0.
  • Today applications that embody processes are built by IT professionals, but tomorrow they will be built by a new breed of power user, using mashup builders, software agents, and other Web 2.0 technologies.
  • Business and IT managers must therefore prepare themselves for the new generation of power user who will be creating mashups and situational applications that have a far broader impact than the typical spreadsheet macro of yesteryear, and that if organisations are to avoid a proliferation of unmanageable, siloed, micro-applications, then they must blend the power of personal productivity with an appropriate management layer and a degree of central oversight.
  • Web 2.0 is no longer PC-centric.
  • It is clearly a mistake to think that Web 2.0 is all about technology, and likewise Enterprise Web 2.0, but it is also a mistake to dismiss the technology altogether. Therefore, selecting and implementing enterprise social software solutions, next-generation collaboration solutions, and Rich Internet Applications requires careful thought, consideration, and planning.
  • The driving force behind just about every aspect of Enterprise Web 2.0, is of course, the user -- something that has not always ranked highly on the list of priorities for corporate IT mangers -- and so the challenge for all forward-looking organisations is to refocus on this aspect of their IT strategies.
    Nouvelle étude de Research & Markets. Pas mal d'infos dans cette synthèse. User-centric
Miguel Membrado

L'Entreprise 2.0 : comment tirer profit des réseaux sociaux professionnels ? ... - 0 views

    Le nouveau White Paper de BlueKiwi sur le sujet. Intéressant. A lire.
Yan Thoinet

Parlons wiki : CeBIT 2008 et AUG Paris - - 0 views

  • Parlons wiki : CeBIT 2008 et AUG Paris Je serai la semaine prochaine au CeBIT pour deux conférences, et un focus particulier sur les wikis d’entreprise avec deux exemples de wikis que j’ai réalisés pour mes clients : Mardi au Enterprise 2.0 Summit, Cédric Blum de SFR Service Client va présenter le wiki pilote utilisé dans le contexte du service client Mercredi au Forum Content Management Arena@CeBIT, je présenterai le wiki que j’ai réalisé pour Publicis Consultants Ces deux wikis ont été réalisés avec Confluence d’Atlassian. Vous aurez une autre occasion d’entendre ces deux cas présentés en juin pendant l’Atlassian User Group Paris que je co-organise avec Publicis Consultants et Atlassian. Si vous êtes dans les parages, venez dire bonjour :-). Publié le 29 février 2008 dans Informatique
Yan Thoinet

Cogenz - Learn More - About Cogenz - 0 views

  • Cogenz is a hosted social bookmarking service for companies wishing to harness the collective intelligence of their employees using social software in a simple and effective way.Think for the enterprise and you won't go far wrong.Knowledge workers in your organization can use Cogenz to: store the online resources - internet or intranet - they use to perform their jobs share them with colleagues across functions and geographies browse, search and track collective intelligence relevant to their needs identify experts and communities of interest Unlike public social bookmarking services, this is all done through a private branded installation that you control. Next steps Watch our introduction to Cogenz and social bookmarking in the enterprise Get more information on some of the key benefits Learn how to get started with Cogenz (it's easier than you think)
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