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Jorge Acosta

New Media Literacies - 0 views

    Although all of our scale items collectively attempt to measure new media literacy levels, and the overall reliability of the scale was high (Chronbach's alpha=.903), we were interested in identifying the specific subcomponents that make up this concept. Our initial research question was whether the subscales of this survey instrument map well onto Jenkins' 12 NMLs. Particularly, we were interested in seeing if, as predicted, the scale would break down into components that were similar to those identified by Jenkins. 
Jorge Acosta

New Media Literacies - 0 views

    The present study was motivated by our observation that, in spite of the increasing popularity and impact of Henry Jenkins' New Media Literacies framework, there was a lack of an appropriate quantitative measurement tool to assess these new media literacy skills.
Jorge Acosta

Social media and research workflow - 0 views

    The Observatory's first project, sponsored by ebrary and Baker & Taylor and undertaken by CIBER, was to quantify the impact of the world-wide recession on libraries. The research received widespread acclaim and was in published in a number of international journals and cited in The Scientist. The topic this year, social media and how they are impacting upon research practice is just as big.The aims of this study are to answer the following questions: * are social media impacting upon researcher workflows?   * if so, how should publishers and librarians respond?* how influential are age and other factors in shaping the demand for social media?
Jorge Acosta

DigitalKoans » Blog Archive » Reinventing Research? Information Practices in ... - 0 views

    Humanities scholars are often perceived in very traditional terms: spending a lot of time working on their own and collaborating only informally through highly-dispersed networks. Unlike most scientists, they have no long tradition of working in formal, close-knit and collaborative research groups. Humanities scholars have also sometimes been presented as "depth" rather than "breadth" researchers, preferring to spend significant amounts of time with a few items, rather than working across a broader frame. In terms of information sources, text and images held in archives and libraries tend to dominate, with less of an association with new web-based technologies (although this is changing with the increasing visibility of digital humanities).
Antonio Salgado Leiner

El Ecosistema Social Media - The Social Media Ecosystem | Isra García - Avent... - 0 views

    muy interesante el sistema  o ecosistema de @Israel_Gracia sin desperdicio!!!
Jorge Acosta

Why Teachers Need to Become Leaders - Education - GOOD - 0 views

    There are plenty of business books written about leadership, but not every employee (or CEO) is a great leader. Likewise, although every teacher stands in front of a classroom of students, they're not all leaders in their schools. But they should be. With their newly released Teacher Leader Model Standards, the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium wants to jump-start the conversation about "the knowledge, skills, and competencies that teachers need to assume leadership roles in their schools, districts, and the profession."
Jorge Acosta

Start With the Pyramid: Real-World Issues Motivate Students | Edutopia - 0 views

    Ask Seymour Papert, renowned expert on children and computing, why students are turned off by school, and he quickly offers an example: "We teach numbers, then algebra, then calculus, then physics. Wrong!" exclaims the Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematician, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. "Start with engineering, and from that abstract out physics, and from that abstract out ideas of calculus, and eventually separate off pure mathematics. So much better to have the first-grade kid or kindergarten kid doing engineering and leave it to the older ones to do pure mathematics than to do it the other way around."
Nora Espino

FlipSnack | Los siete saberes para la educación del futuro - Flipping book de... - 0 views

    Libro digital
Jorge Acosta

Chrome Experiments - "BioDigital Human" by BioDigital Team - 0 views

    The exploration of human anatomy and conditions using over 3000 3D peer reviewed objects. Utilities for searching, relationships, dissection, bookmarking, cross sections, data integration and exporting images are provided.
Jorge Acosta

Is Multitasking Evil? Or Are Most of Us Illiterate? | Britannica Blog - 0 views

    Is the discourse about multitasking falling into the fallacy of the excluded middle? Could it be that instead of a stark choice between the frantic pursuit of getting more done in less time at one extreme or demonizing multitasking at the other end of the spectrum that there is an as-yet undocumented literacy in the relatively unexplored middle, a partially mental and partially technical skill at deploying the appropriate attentional style with the appropriate media at the appropriate time?
Antonio Salgado Leiner

Centro de seguridad familiar de Google - 0 views

    sistema de seguridad infantil y familiar
Antonio Salgado Leiner

Mobile Moodle FAQ - MoodleDocs - 0 views

    faq de moodle para moviles
Antonio Salgado Leiner

ALA | Top 25 | Best Websites for Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    25 mejores sitios de aprendizaje y enseñanza
Antonio Salgado Leiner

Como Diseñar una Estrategia Social Media Paso por Paso [DIAGRAMA] | Isra Garc... - 0 views

    esto esta de lujo!!!
Jorge Acosta

The New Media Skills | Fast Company - 0 views

    It's time to review the new set of skills people of all ages require to succeed.
Jorge Acosta

Infographics and the Science of Visual Communication | Social Media Explorer - 0 views

    Brain science offers some insight into why infographics are so effective.
Jorge Acosta

John Brockman: the man who runs the world's smartest website | Technology | The Observer - 0 views

    "Since the mid-1960s John Brockman has been at the cutting edge of ideas. He is a passionate advocate of both science and the arts, and his website Edge is a salon for the world's finest minds"
Jorge Acosta

Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New York Times - - 0 views

    "What is a "flipped classroom"? It's an "inverted" teaching structure in which instructional content is delivered outside class, and engagement with the content - skill development and practice, projects and the like - is done in class, under teacher guidance and in collaboration with peers."
Jorge Acosta

Daniel Pink's Think Tank: Flip-thinking - the new buzz word sweeping the US - Telegraph - 0 views

    "Teacher Karl Fisch has flipped teaching on its head - he uploads his lectures to YouTube for his students to watch at home at night, then gets them to apply the concepts in class by day. "
Jorge Acosta Finally, An Interactive Coding Class That's Fun | Co.Design - 0 views

    "The lessons employ clever game mechanics to create an effective user experience. I'm like a broken record at this point: designers, filmmakers, and creative communicators of all stripes should to learn how to code. Clever tools and study guides abound for helping non-hackers start getting their hands dirty on the command line. But speaking personally, none of them have done the trick of getting me to actually just do it. Why? Because they're not interactive. Reading a book or watching a video series (no matter how well-designed) just isn't "sticky" enough to get me to stick with it. "
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