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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jorge Acosta

Jorge Acosta

40 Important Lectures for Journalism Students | Online Classes - 0 views

    Journalism and media are in the midst of a major transition as citizen reporting, technology and new opportunities for profit are popping up. No matter what changes happen in the industry, journalism students need to remember the basic principles of good reporting, like writing, storytelling and investigative journalism, as well as master new media techniques and trends. Here are 40 important lectures for learning it all.
Jorge Acosta

New Media Literacies - 0 views

    Although all of our scale items collectively attempt to measure new media literacy levels, and the overall reliability of the scale was high (Chronbach's alpha=.903), we were interested in identifying the specific subcomponents that make up this concept. Our initial research question was whether the subscales of this survey instrument map well onto Jenkins' 12 NMLs. Particularly, we were interested in seeing if, as predicted, the scale would break down into components that were similar to those identified by Jenkins. 
Jorge Acosta

New Media Literacies - 0 views

    The present study was motivated by our observation that, in spite of the increasing popularity and impact of Henry Jenkins' New Media Literacies framework, there was a lack of an appropriate quantitative measurement tool to assess these new media literacy skills.
Jorge Acosta

The New Media Skills | Fast Company - 0 views

    It's time to review the new set of skills people of all ages require to succeed.
Jorge Acosta

Welcome to | - 0 views

  • is a community of creative people working to make sense of complex issues through data and design… and it's a shared space and free resource to help you achieve this goal.
Jorge Acosta

The Art of Complex Problem Solving - 0 views

    Heuristics & problem managing from approach, research, visualization & planning
Jorge Acosta

The Marketplace of Perceptions | Harvard Magazine Mar-Apr 2006 - 0 views

    Behavioral economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on the spur of the moment.
Jorge Acosta

Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking With Laptops During the Lecture | Journal... - 0 views

    This paper examines undergraduate student use of laptop computers during a lecture-style class that includes substantial problem-solving activities and graphic-based content. The study includes both a self-reported use component collected from student surveys as well as a monitored use component collected via activity monitoring "spyware" installed on student laptops. We categorize multitasking activities into productive (course-related) versus distractive (non course-related) tasks. Quantifiable measures of software multitasking behavior are introduced to measure the frequency of student multitasking, the duration of student multitasking, and the extent to which students engage in distractive versus productive tasks.
Jorge Acosta

Social media: A guide for researchers | Research Information Network - 0 views

    Social media is an important technological trend that has big implications for how researchers (and people in general) communicate and collaborate. Researchers have a huge amount to gain from engaging with social media in various aspects of their work.
Jorge Acosta

Scholarship beyond words - 0 views

    New media is becoming a touchstone in some dissertations
Jorge Acosta

In Pursuit of the Perfect Brainstorm - - 0 views

    Last month, in a small room on the fifth floor of a high-rise building in San Mateo, Calif., three men sat around a table, thinking. The place was wallpapered with Post-it notes, in a riot of colors, plus column after column of index cards pinned to foam boards. Some of the cards had phrases like "space maximizers" or "stuff trackers" written on them. Many had little three-dimensional ink drawings and titles, like "color-coded Tupperware horizontal stacker." It looked as if these guys had been locked in and told they couldn't leave until they dreamed up 1,000 of the wackiest home-storage items they could imagine.
Jorge Acosta

Holiday Reading: 5 of This Year's Best Books for Startups - 0 views

    Ideally, you'll find some time over the next few weeks to curl up with a good story. Or hey, at least that's what I look forward to on vacation. If you are looking for some books on entrepreneurship to read, or even to gift, here are some recommended books from 2010. There were a number of great business books published this year, many of which we reviewed here as part of ReadWriteWeb's "Weekend Reading" series. But here are a few of the standouts, startup books we've chosen specifically because they are such great stories
Jorge Acosta

The 5 Myths of Innovation - The Magazine - MIT Sloan Management Review - 0 views

    Nowadays, goes the theory, innovation is supposed to be done constantly, by everyone in the company, improving everything the company is about - and new Web-based tools are here to help it happen. Is the theory right? Or do the experiences of companies reveal something different?
Jorge Acosta

BBC News - The business of innovation: Steven Johnson - 0 views

    "[Good ideas] come from crowds, they come from networks. You know we have this clichéd idea of the lone genius having the eureka moment. Slow hunch: John Snow, who discovered how cholera was spread, had no 'Eureka' moment "But in fact when you go back and you look at the history of innovation it turns out that so often there is this quiet collaborative process that goes on, either in people building on other peoples' ideas, but also in borrowing ideas, or tools or approaches to problems. "The ultimate idea comes from this remixing of various different components. There still are smart people and there still are people that have moments where they see the world differently in a flash. "But for the most part it's a slower and more networked process than we give them credit for."
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