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The Issue is Freedom, Not Soft Drinks - 5 views

    The subject of the child obesity epidemic has been high in the last 4 years. Did the government have to right to force what is or isnt allowed to be served, sold, and purchased on school campuses? This artical has it all explained pretty well.
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    Jonathan S. Tobin is a well know Journalist who has won over 50 journalism awards and has had his articles posted in papers such as the NY Times and USA Today talks about how the governments is slowing taking away our freedom. The fact that the government feels they have the right to to tell us what we can or can not eat is amazing to me. To ban soda just because it is bad for you is unreal. If Americans chose to dink soda then that is their choice and they have to deal with the consequences. 
    Mayor Bloomberg(New York) banned all sugared soft drinks in containers over 16 ounces, because they are thought to be the main cause of obesity. People are outraged, not because they can't have soft drinks, but because a grown adult should be able to make their own decisions.
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg struck what he claims is another blow for the cause of public health yesterday by announcing a ban on the sale of all sugared drinks in containers that measure larger than 16 ounce servings. Although sugared drinks may cause weight gain, we as Americans should have the choice to drink as much as we want.
    I agree that it should be an individuals right to choose what they consume or do not consume. There needs to be more education as to how drinking soda in excess effects the body. The child obesity issue is getting out of control as children spend a lot of time using electronic devices rather than going outside to play. I also think that because of fast paced lifestyles and both parents having to work to support the family, children consume more convenience foods/drinks. I think the responsibility is on the individual to make healthy choices not for government to infringe on our personal rights.
    "... medical costs of the illnesses caused by drinking, eating and smoking are affected in one way or another by the public and that gives government the right to regulate and/or ban such items." I get why they are doing it, I really do. This is a personal freedom I think we should regulate ourselves. This article does have good points. I get sometimes we do need help, but why not attack the big soda companies as well.
    New York City Mayor is trying to ban sugar drinks that are larger than 16 ounces because it is one of the main causes of obesity. People argue that although they agree with the fact that soft drinks are indeed unhealthy, the government should protect the freedom of the people.
    taking away the drinks are going too far but the idea is right, obesity is a huge problem in the US and although it is an argument of freedom to eat, drink etc whatever you may please but when it comes to health that is a whole differnt concern.

Overcoming Challenges Facing Business Women and Working Moms - 0 views

    Although women have been discriminated against for being women, women are going stronger in the business field.

Facial Recognition Technology Raises Privacy Issues - 1 views

    Many business are using new technology such as biometric finger scans and facial recognition to make sure employees are free of criminal history and are allowed to have computer access. People are concerned about the privacy issues that go along with facial recognition. Once the business gets a facial scan they can look up other personal information such as phone numbers, social network accounts, and home address.
    I had a friend once that worked for a hardware store. He told me that the place had a camera by the front door with facial recognition. He was told that was so that they knew if ex-employees came back into the store. I'm not sure what they had to worry about, and I thought that was very unusual.

Study: Amnesty Will Boost U.S. Economy - 0 views

    By granting Amnesty to 12 million Illegal Immigrants it will boast our economy by adding $329 billion to our nation. It would help create 1.4 million new jobs for our fellow American over the next few decades. According to the "DREAM Act" it will help illegal immigrants find a pathway to become a U.S. Citizen according to this study.
    thats pretty cool. I mean the way they are setting up "pathways" for these people to eventually be granted their citizenship or at lease temporary work authorizations in order to also help boost our economies currency.

Google: don't expect privacy when sending to Gmail - 0 views

    Google is under intense scrutiny after it's role in the National Security Association scandal that involving mass surveillance of U.S. Citizens. In a recent court filing, Google asserts non gmail users sending emails to Gmail accounts can't expect any privacy when sending the email correspondence. Google scans the email using an electronic program to target ads to the end user. Non gmail users can expect their personal and/ or professional email correspondence to be intercepted and read before being delivered to the gmail end user.
    I'm not sure if there's any place at all where you can expect privacy when sending e-mail. That just reminded me of my work. Every day when you see the login screen, it reminds you that with our system, you don't have any reasonable expectation of privacy. I wonder how many people even read that.

Job Seekers: Employers Are Watching You on Social Media - - 0 views

    An article by the Wall Street Journal on how social media can and has effected peoples abilities to get jobs.
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    Social networking sites have definitely begun to play a role in getting a job. I think before you post a picture or statement on your Facebook or Twitter think twice if it will ever effect you in the long run. If its risky it probably something you shouldn't be putting online anyway.
    People do need to realize that how they portray themselves on social networking sites, portray who they may be as a perspective employee. Companies don't want to take risks of hiring someone that may damage the company's reputation. It's called being responsible.
    Psychologically it is said that we have many social scripts, in other words we do not act the same exact way around our parents as we do our boss or our friends. Companies that use social media are attempting to view how you live your life outside of work, how you act out that social script. But why should that matter? Regardless if you put pictures of Saturday night drinking it does not mean that this who you are in the office, they are two completely different script and for the general population they are unrelated.
    I think employers should look at social media networks, people should always present themselves in a professional look, because there behaviors affect the company, on the clock or off

Supreme Court mostly rejects Arizona immigration law; gov says 'heart' remains - 1 views

    Arizona Law - Illegal immigration is still in controversy on how Law Enforcement will conduct proper immigration stauts checks. Having the proper procedures in place can elimanate other legal matters concerning racing profiling.
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    I understand that Arizona is just trying to stop immigration but some of the laws and rules taking place are making it seem like it is allowed to racial profile. Though that may not be the case. People are thinking that if you look Mexican then the police can pull you over but I reality there most likely not going to do that. If you get pulled over for speeding and then for some reason the cop thinks you could be illegal then he can ask for paper work. I get that the law seems racial, but Arizonans should not care so much if your a citizen and have nothing to hide.
    Arizona immigration laws have consistently supported racial profiling and make it difficult for legal Latinos to avoid being harassed, interrogated and detained unlawfully. State laws should be fair and adhere with constitutional freedoms afforded all citizens. If you're an American citizen, you're afforded the same rights as other citizens and should not be detained unlawfully because you "look like an immigrant". This is where Arizona crosses the line with it's immigration laws.
    I understand how these immigration laws here in Arizona can make people feel, however i feel like if i have nothing to hide whats the problem. I still don't like the fact that it makes it so easy for police to racial profile because its almost insulting to get pulled over for no reason except skin color. I have seen cops pull people over just for skin color, especially in the northern part of Arizona and its wrong.

Poverty and Human Rights | Amnesty International USA - 0 views

    Amnesty International is a website that targets a wide range of issues. These issues deal with poverty, human rights, housing, etc..

What to Do About Gun Violence: Personal Freedom v. The Common Good - 0 views

    The fight between Personal Freedom and the Common Good has been going on before we can remember. Neither truly works without the other but the fight to find the perfect balance between the two has become more difficult as the years pass by.

Falling Rocks: 33 Years and Finally IRS Justice for Gay Couples - 0 views

    This article discusses same sex married couples qualifying for benefits bestowed upon traditionally married couples. It explains how some companies have gradually begun to recognize and strive to provide benefits to same sex couples. It also explains that though change has come, there is still more work to be done.

Jobless - 0 views

    Unemployment is at 22.8% for 18 and 19 year olds, 12.4% for 20 to 24 year olds, and 8.1% for 25 to 34 year olds. Although, unemployment is not as bad as it was before. Still most of the teenagers are the ones who are jobless.

Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage in 35 States - 0 views

    Provides state by state breakdown of government assistance given to recipients. Shows growth of tax money being used per year. Discusses solutions and alternatives used by different countries.

Religious Freedom - 0 views

    We need to work hard to keep our religious freedom. Most religious organizations are required by the Department of Human Services to provide contraceptive coverage in employee health care plans. A lot of government contracts have been lost due to religious organizations refusal to place children with same-sex couples.
    I agree we need to continually fight for our religious freedoms.

Celebrating the Victories: Deferred Action for Dreamers - 0 views

    Here's a great article written about the Dream Act, which allows young adults, that are immigrants, a chance to obtain a work authorization in order to stay in the United States. The reason this act was put into place was to speak out for those children who came into our countries with their parents and are considered illegal immigrants. These young adults are now dealing with the hardships of living in the U.S. illegally because they were not given a chance to decide on whether or not they wanted to live in this country.

9 societal fixes for personal freedom - 0 views

    This guy has some interesting ideas. Ending the war on drugs by legalizing drugs and taxing them for profit and allowing people to consume or not consume anything they choose seems a bit extreme. I do agree that a rebalance of taxes would benefit the hard working middle class families.
    A really good article with a lot of good ideas. I especially liked the idea about fixing the infrastructure. I saw a special a few years ago talking about how the infrastructure was deteriorating and I can only imagine it's gotten worse.

Mandatory Vaccination Battle Heats Up in California - 2 views

    If Bill AB2019 is enacted into law, it will become mandatory to vaccinate children even when if the mom or dad says otherwise.
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    This is one of those issues that I have trouble keeping cool about. It once again shows me how other people want to take over raising the children from the parents. I have chosen it vaccinate my children but if other parents chose not to I feel that is their choice as parents.
    I think it shouldn't be mandatory for parents to vaccinate their children. Every parent has their beliefs and doubts when it comes to medications.
    I understand that children's health is at risk but most parents accept vaccinations for their children. This means that a majority of the population has protection against these diseases and an outbreak is unlikely to happen even for those children who are not vaccinated. Ultimately, it should be the parents' decision whether or not they want vaccinations for their children.
    a parent should always have a say in what medically happens to their child. what if they are allergic to the vaccine or other issues
    I think it is absurd and over steps the bounds of a parents decision in proper rearing of a child. I myself had no vaccinations up until I worked for a hospital before I was 20. At that point it was mandatory that I have the injections or find another place of employment. It was my choice then and I do appreciate my parents leaving it up to me to decide what is put into my body. With all the recent cross contamination's and impure batches I can understand the concern of giving a small child these shots.
    I think agree with destini, if we have talking about personal freedoms in all of these assignment then the individual should get to choose what they want to do. If a parent does it for them, then it was never a choice in the first place.
    Young children can not make the decision themselves. That right is the given the parents that conceived them.

Religious Discrimination - 0 views

    This website is about the laws regarding religious discrimination and all the categories that fall under as far as harassment, work policies, etc.

The Debate On Lowering The Drinking Age - CBS News - 0 views

    This article talks about underage drinking and what has been done to prevent it. Some organizations state their opinions also.
    (CBS) Last fall, a group of over 100 college presidents - including the heads of Dartmouth, Virginia Tech and Duke - signed a declaration stating that the 21-year-old drinking age is not working, and fireworks went off. But the college presidents got what they wanted: a national debate about the drinking age.
    It has been brought up by college presidents to lower the drinking age. They believe that just because the law is a failure they should automatically change it for teens who want to drink. You can't stop teens from drinking, and even if you lower the age they will still get in wrecks.

Saudi Arabia and Its Women - 0 views

    Women in Saudi Arabia are pushing hard to get these needed laws approved such like the right to vote. The King has been nice enough to start the proccess even though the women will have to vote in the election on 2015. Still they are trying to get thier percentage of working women in the fied high just as men. The women from Saudi Arabia will now be pushing toward educational rights.

Freedom from Bullies Week - October 19-25, 2008 - 0 views

    During the week of October 19-25 human resource has made it an important week to stop bullying that can be from name calling to sexual harrassment. Many employees have obviously felt isolated and made fun by other employees making it a difficult environment to work in.
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