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    How the laws play out in our personal freedom. After something bad happens another law gets passed and then another one after that.

The Balance Between Law Order and Individual Freedoms. | I Love Freedom - 0 views

    Discusses our personal freedoms and how we take advantage of them. It talks about the people that take advantage of them and how it plays in our everyday lives.

HOA Fines Parents for Son's Playhouse Used in His Cerebral Palsy Therapy - 0 views

    This article is just sad when it comes to denying a young boy his therapy for a serious disease. To place a lien on a families home when they use this structure for their sons therapy, is just morally wrong.

U.S. College Tuition Rises 4.6%, Beating Inflation - 0 views

    Tuition is increasing at private colleges. Financial factors for the institute and employees play a role in this increase.

The Deficit and National Debt - 0 views

    Congress just spends money like it's going out of style. When the goverment spends more money that it brings in, you know we have a problem. Then we start to play the blame game, republicans blame the democrats, and the democrats blame the republicans. Haven't we learned that blaming each other never solves anything? They need to take responsibility and budget better...pff. Or just raise all of our taxes to try to make up for that doesn't seem fair for us hard working citizens, I don't think we recieved any of that spending money. Lets just fix the problem before our economic well-being is dug into a hole so deep we can't pull ourselves out.

The Issue is Freedom, Not Soft Drinks - 5 views

    The subject of the child obesity epidemic has been high in the last 4 years. Did the government have to right to force what is or isnt allowed to be served, sold, and purchased on school campuses? This artical has it all explained pretty well.
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    Jonathan S. Tobin is a well know Journalist who has won over 50 journalism awards and has had his articles posted in papers such as the NY Times and USA Today talks about how the governments is slowing taking away our freedom. The fact that the government feels they have the right to to tell us what we can or can not eat is amazing to me. To ban soda just because it is bad for you is unreal. If Americans chose to dink soda then that is their choice and they have to deal with the consequences. 
    Mayor Bloomberg(New York) banned all sugared soft drinks in containers over 16 ounces, because they are thought to be the main cause of obesity. People are outraged, not because they can't have soft drinks, but because a grown adult should be able to make their own decisions.
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg struck what he claims is another blow for the cause of public health yesterday by announcing a ban on the sale of all sugared drinks in containers that measure larger than 16 ounce servings. Although sugared drinks may cause weight gain, we as Americans should have the choice to drink as much as we want.
    I agree that it should be an individuals right to choose what they consume or do not consume. There needs to be more education as to how drinking soda in excess effects the body. The child obesity issue is getting out of control as children spend a lot of time using electronic devices rather than going outside to play. I also think that because of fast paced lifestyles and both parents having to work to support the family, children consume more convenience foods/drinks. I think the responsibility is on the individual to make healthy choices not for government to infringe on our personal rights.
    "... medical costs of the illnesses caused by drinking, eating and smoking are affected in one way or another by the public and that gives government the right to regulate and/or ban such items." I get why they are doing it, I really do. This is a personal freedom I think we should regulate ourselves. This article does have good points. I get sometimes we do need help, but why not attack the big soda companies as well.
    New York City Mayor is trying to ban sugar drinks that are larger than 16 ounces because it is one of the main causes of obesity. People argue that although they agree with the fact that soft drinks are indeed unhealthy, the government should protect the freedom of the people.
    taking away the drinks are going too far but the idea is right, obesity is a huge problem in the US and although it is an argument of freedom to eat, drink etc whatever you may please but when it comes to health that is a whole differnt concern.

Fifth Grader's Right to Distribute Christmas Invitations at School Upheld - 0 views

    The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a fifth graders right to distribute invitations to her church's Christmas party. The school had banned the student from distributing the invitations citing the invitations contained religious materials. The court's decision was based on the First Amendment's right to free speech.
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    This is wrong. Children just want to have fun and celebrate holidays together. I feel like holding children back from celebrating what they believe in can make them feel ashamed in their beliefs. This reminds me of how in most schools, kids aren't even allowed to bring in home made snacks for birthdays and its disturbing.
    Children just know it's a party and that the picture on the card is pretty. What if the invitation had a Jewish or Medieval Norse design would they have gone after it the same way. Was it only because the party was for his church. This is just silly.
    Yes, invitations should not play a role in school policies. Taking the freedom of creativity from the child would be a dishonor to their freedom.
    I find that the student should be able to hand out invitations to a Christmas party as long as she isn't putting down other students beliefs or religious views why should this innocent act be banned?
    I agree that student's should be able to learn of and encourage the religious beliefs of their classmates. How do we expect to raise well rounded individuals if we raise them to treat religion with such a hush hush attitude?
    Being in a public school system, no religion should be enforced at all. These were Christmas invitations, inviting the students to a church event imposing the Christian belief system. This could have been done outside of school or elsewhere. This situation would only be okay if it was conducted in a private religious school, where public money does not fund the institution.

Job Seekers: Employers Are Watching You on Social Media - - 0 views

    An article by the Wall Street Journal on how social media can and has effected peoples abilities to get jobs.
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    Social networking sites have definitely begun to play a role in getting a job. I think before you post a picture or statement on your Facebook or Twitter think twice if it will ever effect you in the long run. If its risky it probably something you shouldn't be putting online anyway.
    People do need to realize that how they portray themselves on social networking sites, portray who they may be as a perspective employee. Companies don't want to take risks of hiring someone that may damage the company's reputation. It's called being responsible.
    Psychologically it is said that we have many social scripts, in other words we do not act the same exact way around our parents as we do our boss or our friends. Companies that use social media are attempting to view how you live your life outside of work, how you act out that social script. But why should that matter? Regardless if you put pictures of Saturday night drinking it does not mean that this who you are in the office, they are two completely different script and for the general population they are unrelated.
    I think employers should look at social media networks, people should always present themselves in a professional look, because there behaviors affect the company, on the clock or off

Personal Freedoms of our rights - 0 views

    This article has 3 issues, the TSA, wikileaks and the drink Four Loko. First it talk about how american dont like the fact TSA is not fair with how they screen for bombs and such things but they want to be have a safe flight to go see reltives or a fun vactions. Then the government doesn't like that the website has taps on them when wikileaks reports on what they are doing but do not have a problem when it comes to tapping the americans phone calls. Lastly the state of New York banned the drink of Four Loko claiming that it is bad for americans but again wants to play big brother and tells us what is right or wrong. We as americans should decided what is good or not for our bodies.

Physician-assisted suicide - 1 views

    The regulation of physician assisted suicide is always questioned. The American Psychological Association will play an important role in determining the regulation of such an act if more states are willing to legalize this act.

Paying College Athletes: Pay for Play is the Only Way - 0 views

    Should college athletes be paid? This article discusses why a college athlete deserves to be paid.

To parent or not to parent? - 0 views

    This website shows a very good side of why the government should keep away from limiting the personal freedoms in the internet. Also, goes a little into online gambling
    Some believe that parents should take control what happen in their families. Those same parents wants the government to handle what happen with other and their lifestyles. The government is trying to decide how to control how a person gambles with or without the interenet. Who are we to tell someone when to gamble and how often to gamble. The internet is a freedom to do what we want to do in it. Each familiy should not be told what to search or what game to play when using the internet.

Racial Profiling in an Age of Terrorism - 0 views

    It is against this historical backdrop that we encounter post-9/11 efforts to combat terrorist acts on American soil, and examine the role that race should play in an effective effort to deter future attacks. But before assessing whether our government's response to the events of 9/11 betray a pattern of racial profiling, I first want to identify what it is.

The freedom to retire when you want to / The Christian Science Monitor - - 0 views

    Dreams of a satisfying retirement take many forms. Some workers, anticipating the years after 65, imagine a golden world without alarm clocks, offering time for golf, tennis, or a stroll around the block. Others harbor wanderlust fantasies: Have passport, will travel. Still others dream of languid days devoted to reading, volunteering, tracing a family tree, or playing with grandchildren.

Doctor-Assisted Suicide - 0 views

    Opinions are listed in this article. Personal opinions usually stem from experiences. Its a personal freedom taken away from the affected patient.
    This article talks about whether doctor assisted death is "mercy or murder." There are factors that come into play such as, emotional stress or physical pain that determine what kind of help the patient needs.

Is Obamacare causing a surge in part-time work? - 0 views

    - Obamacare is still in its early stages and we have yet to see what it will do the job market in the long haul. The White House has pushed back the employer mandate that requires the employers that have 50-99 employees that care working full time to provide heath care coverage to them or have to pay a $2000 penalty. This could cause small businesses that make up a lot of the new jobs to hire less employees as the mandate goes in to play.
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