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Julia Laborin

Women Should Be Able To Choose Abortion - 1 views

    This article is about the government staying out of the way of a women's right to choose abortion. Clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, are under scrutiny on a daily basis. Forcing a women that does not want her unborn fetus to carry the baby to term is a far more sad and unfair situation.
Davina Moyer

We want privacy from the government, but we're an open book on social media - 1 views

    The article describes how we are will to show our lives on social media for anyone to see not realizing how much is not private. Then talks about how upset we get when the Government is looking at us.
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    Data shared is data glared and the whole world is ready to see what a person is socially about. Its a situation that has a lot of people worried after they are usually suffering the consequences of freely putting out their information for the world to see. It seems that these popular user friendly social site are conditioning the average user to do so and the government eye is also watching.
    I couldn't agree with this article anymore! We complain about how we have no privacy from the government and everything we do or say is being monitored but then we go an post very personal and open things on Facebook and Twitter for everyone to see. It's okay for us to do it to ourselves but once the government does something we immediately put all the blame on them.
    I agree 100% with what this article is saying. How can we complain about living in a "big brother" society, when we post every aspect of our lives on social media websites? I see some postings on Facebook from people that literally record every hour of their day, from the time they wake up, to the time they log off and go to bed.
    I think this article is ideal to make people aware, because when regarding social networks, who really reads the privacy policies and such? That being said, this is a scary thing. Sometimes we don't even realize we're posting our location all over the web.
    This article is eye opening. Most of us use social media to stay connected to friends and family. I'm sure I have been guilty of similar situations.
    wow this article really opened my eyes to how much I use and rely on social media without considering the all risk.
    It is amazing how much information people put out there. At work, we have to take compliance courses every year. Just last year, they added a couple of modules on social media, and what is expected of you in relation to the information about work that you put out there.
Malik Wright

Patient Right and Responsibilities - 1 views

    Although these patient rights are not written anywhere, there are some rights that are thought of to be true or given. Some of these rights are based on respect and some on the responsibilities of the patient,
    I liked this article and i especially enjoyed the part that lists some of the patients responsibilities, one of which was "respect the providers". I think some patients don't understand that just because they are in pain, it does not give them the right to be overly rude to their healthcare providers (i.e nurses, doctors ma, pharmacists, etc).
Donette Fincher

Fifth Grader's Right to Distribute Christmas Invitations at School Upheld - 0 views

    The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a fifth graders right to distribute invitations to her church's Christmas party. The school had banned the student from distributing the invitations citing the invitations contained religious materials. The court's decision was based on the First Amendment's right to free speech.
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    This is wrong. Children just want to have fun and celebrate holidays together. I feel like holding children back from celebrating what they believe in can make them feel ashamed in their beliefs. This reminds me of how in most schools, kids aren't even allowed to bring in home made snacks for birthdays and its disturbing.
    Children just know it's a party and that the picture on the card is pretty. What if the invitation had a Jewish or Medieval Norse design would they have gone after it the same way. Was it only because the party was for his church. This is just silly.
    Yes, invitations should not play a role in school policies. Taking the freedom of creativity from the child would be a dishonor to their freedom.
    I find that the student should be able to hand out invitations to a Christmas party as long as she isn't putting down other students beliefs or religious views why should this innocent act be banned?
    I agree that student's should be able to learn of and encourage the religious beliefs of their classmates. How do we expect to raise well rounded individuals if we raise them to treat religion with such a hush hush attitude?
    Being in a public school system, no religion should be enforced at all. These were Christmas invitations, inviting the students to a church event imposing the Christian belief system. This could have been done outside of school or elsewhere. This situation would only be okay if it was conducted in a private religious school, where public money does not fund the institution.
Davina Moyer

Job Seekers: Employers Are Watching You on Social Media - - 0 views

    An article by the Wall Street Journal on how social media can and has effected peoples abilities to get jobs.
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    Social networking sites have definitely begun to play a role in getting a job. I think before you post a picture or statement on your Facebook or Twitter think twice if it will ever effect you in the long run. If its risky it probably something you shouldn't be putting online anyway.
    People do need to realize that how they portray themselves on social networking sites, portray who they may be as a perspective employee. Companies don't want to take risks of hiring someone that may damage the company's reputation. It's called being responsible.
    Psychologically it is said that we have many social scripts, in other words we do not act the same exact way around our parents as we do our boss or our friends. Companies that use social media are attempting to view how you live your life outside of work, how you act out that social script. But why should that matter? Regardless if you put pictures of Saturday night drinking it does not mean that this who you are in the office, they are two completely different script and for the general population they are unrelated.
    I think employers should look at social media networks, people should always present themselves in a professional look, because there behaviors affect the company, on the clock or off
Alexandria Miles

The bizarre right to bear arms - 2 views

    This article is about being against allowing guns - comparing gun to drug laws. It's an opinion piece.
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    I think this is a good article. Very contrveral, because many people are for owning guns, and many are against it. But we do have the right to keep and bear arms.
    When does it become relevant that its not muskets and cannons anymore being used in the debate against the right to bear arms. Although there are tragedies happening everyday there are times when good triumphs over evil in a shootout situation.
    I think this is a great article and good topic.

School Choice - 0 views

    This article is based on school choice. To choose a school for your child based on your living location. How empowering the parent to choice would be more beneficial.
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    This is an interesting subject. The overall education of the student is most important. But the fact that a student is limited to one school because of their location or parents' financial situation isn't all that fair, so it would be nice for parents to be able to use funding for their student to go to the school of their choice (public or private).
    I understand why you have to go to school close to where you live especially if you don't have much money. A child needs a reliable eduction and if the parent lives to far and doesn't have much money it will make it hard on the parent and child to go to school. My dad is a High school teacher a Central High school here in Phoenix and has to deal with a lot. He finds that the students who live further away with less money tend to drop out or fail class due to not being able to afford bus passes or gas money. It truly is a sad thing but I believe going to school close to your home is best way to go in the long run.
    It is very important in the present day for children to get a good education and the child should not have to suffer a poor education because of where they live. If the parents can not afford to live in a neighborhood with the top performance schools they should still be able to send their child to a good school and even if it means the child has to take the bus or car pool.
    Although many people live in districts that have the funding for an excellent staff that is required to create a good learning environment, there are some parents that do not have that luxury. Being at a good school is what ultimately gets students out of the 'poverty cycle' or not. If a student does live in a bad neighborhood and has the possibility of attending a better neighborhood even if it is a bus ride or drive away it should be up to them ultimately if they want to make that change and commute for the better learning environment.
Denisse Rodriguez

Same Sex marriage isn't freedom ? - 2 views

    Many people believe that traditional marriage is better. Christians have a big part with gay marriage. Does same sex marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Freedom of Religion - 1 views

    Religion is one of our Constitutioal rights proctected by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. No one has the right to tell any U.S. citizen what or what not religion to practice.
    I think that everyone has the right to believe in what they want. As long as they don't try to force others then I see no problem in it. I myself am not a religious person, but that does not mean that I should go around telling people what they believe in is wrong. We should all have an understandings for others beliefs and not try to shut them down just because of our own beliefs.
Malik Wright

Mandatory Vaccination Battle Heats Up in California - 2 views

    If Bill AB2019 is enacted into law, it will become mandatory to vaccinate children even when if the mom or dad says otherwise.
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    This is one of those issues that I have trouble keeping cool about. It once again shows me how other people want to take over raising the children from the parents. I have chosen it vaccinate my children but if other parents chose not to I feel that is their choice as parents.
    I think it shouldn't be mandatory for parents to vaccinate their children. Every parent has their beliefs and doubts when it comes to medications.
    I understand that children's health is at risk but most parents accept vaccinations for their children. This means that a majority of the population has protection against these diseases and an outbreak is unlikely to happen even for those children who are not vaccinated. Ultimately, it should be the parents' decision whether or not they want vaccinations for their children.
    a parent should always have a say in what medically happens to their child. what if they are allergic to the vaccine or other issues
    I think it is absurd and over steps the bounds of a parents decision in proper rearing of a child. I myself had no vaccinations up until I worked for a hospital before I was 20. At that point it was mandatory that I have the injections or find another place of employment. It was my choice then and I do appreciate my parents leaving it up to me to decide what is put into my body. With all the recent cross contamination's and impure batches I can understand the concern of giving a small child these shots.
    I think agree with destini, if we have talking about personal freedoms in all of these assignment then the individual should get to choose what they want to do. If a parent does it for them, then it was never a choice in the first place.
    Young children can not make the decision themselves. That right is the given the parents that conceived them.
Enrique Vargas

Police raid 2 Mich. medical marijuana dispensaries - 0 views

    Police raided a Michigan Marijuana dispensaries on suspicions of not following the state guidelines. Protesters stated to gather at the dispensaries claiming that there are sick people who need their medicine. Texas state law does not allow people to sell pot to each other even though over 99,000 people have a state issued medical marijuana card.
haylee shaw

Drinking age okay at 18: NSW Premier - 0 views

    ORIGINAL "What the community are concerned about is anti-social behaviour that arises from binge drinking and the abuse of alcohol, and you can't put that down just to people within the ages of 18 and 21. "The responsible use of alcohol is a problem for the whole community, not just one particular age group." Ms Keneally also said a higher drinking age would not necessarily stop 18- to 21-year-olds drinking. "My experience in my university days would suggest that a higher drinking age doesn't necessarily lead to abstinence among 18- and 19-year-olds," she said. PARAPHRASE Ms. Keneally knows from her college experiences that a higher drinking age would not stop younger individuals from drinking.The abuse of alcohol and binge drinking is not just from people in the 18 to 21 year age group, but is a world wide issue ranging through all the age groups. This article is about the premier Kristina Keneally and why she does not mind if the drinking age stays at 18 in Australia.
dylan havener

The Right of Privacy: Is it Protected by the Constitution? - 0 views

    This website outlines what the right to "privacy" really is. No where in the constitution does it state that we as Americans have any sort of privacy rights. It gives examples of court cases that failed because there was no right to privacy in the constitution like many people like to think.
Patrick Sarazine

Arizona's immigration law sb1070: what does it do? - 0 views

    Arizona passed a bill to enforce immigration. The law will make aliens carry their registration documents at all times. It will also target those who hire illegal immigrants.
adam ramos

Peoples freedom is being taken away. - 0 views

    This is a link to a forum post which is a sketchy at best information site but it does have a good amount of ideas on different personal freedoms which are being changed. A good link for ideas.
Theresa gruman

Does having to be 21 in order to drink break freedom rights? - 0 views

    This site speaks about the reasons for lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18. It points out that 18-year-olds are able to fight and die for their country, but considered too young to have a beer. The website clearly believes that the law should be changed.
    This article covers both pros and cons to lowering the legal age to drink to 18. The write is torn between whether or not it is right because at 18 you are a legal adult. However, studies show that one is not ready for alcohol until at least 21 and that by than one should have a stronger common sense level.
Becky Silvas

Vaccinations good or not? - 0 views

    This article talks about how some vaccination may cause authism. Some feel very strongly that MMR is the main cause authism. Although there has been no proven fact that it does, some believe that they will not give there child the vaccination. Andrew Wakefield is overseeing a facility in Texas to try to understand better what may cause authism. He was the first physician who reported that some vaccinations may cause authism. Some Texas representive believe that Wakefield's studies are correct.
Alena Banderas

What Are the Gun Laws in Arizona? - 0 views

    This is a general summary of fire arms laws in the state of Arizona. This covers plenty of the gun control laws that currently exist, but does not directly address these with regards to Personal Freedoms. This website is strictly a list of facts.
    Caution: This summary is meant for general purposes only. Firearm laws frequently change and the following answers may not reflect changes in the laws. State Requirements Rifles and Shotguns Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No Registration of rifles and shotguns? No Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns?
    It answers what you need to buy a gun in Arizona. Also what kind (in any) perment you will need to carry a gun
Kayla Mulvania

Right to Health Care - 0 views

    This site is great because it supports both sides of the argument. For every pro there is a con going in the exact opposite direction on the same point.
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    "Should all Americans have the right (be entitled) to health care? Pros and Cons of right to health care."
    The pros and cons of introducing a program to do so. We should have that right seeing are right is to "life".
    Should all Americans have the right (be entitled) to health care? This website discusses the pros and cons. The US is one of the only developed nations that does not guarantee healthcare for its citizens.

Sex education lessons will start at the age of seven in new Government curriculum - 0 views

    There is a school that is teaching children as young a five years old about sexual matters. It is a "staged" program, meaning it is taught in stages. For instance, stage one would be for ages 5-7 years of age. Stage two would be from ages 8-11 and so on. What the article explained is that there is a level of education that is required to be taught. This was put in place by the national curriculum. There are certain subjects and areas our children have to be taught within the school system. Where does it say that this involves sexual intercourse? The children would start from age five learning about the body and life cycles and by age seven would be learning about intercourse. Many parents are outraged and looking for ways to meet this concerning issue head on. Parents are feeling that this type of teaching can lead their children to be faced with feelings they are not old enough to deal with responsibly. Other parents feel that school should be a pressure free place for their children.The bottom line is that schools have the right to decide what is taught within the nation curriculum's guidelines.It is up to parents to find out exactly what is being taught to their children and decide from there.
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