A link everyone should about that if the government declares martial law all our personal freedoms go away. Should they be able to do this? Who is to say?
This is a link to a forum post which is a sketchy at best information site but it does have a good amount of ideas on different personal freedoms which are being changed. A good link for ideas.
This is a recent law in the Uk which bans a freedom that we have in the USA which also maybe leaving us soon. The freedom of internet and file sharing.
This article is about the right of the individual to be obese and how some feel it is necessary to tax the obese at a higher rate just for being obese. A clear personal freedom.
This link has 2 links in which they explain which states are the worst and best at protecting personal freedoms. While this is not a specific freedom it has many within its branch.
This article explains how in Alabama it is illegal to sell vibrators. Restricting the right to purchase private memorabilia is against the personal freedoms we all have.