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'Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America' by Adam Winkler - 0 views

    This article is about a journalist reaction to a writer's book about Gun Rights.
    I agree that with allowing everyone to carry a gun we endanger others and I believe there should be me test and screening before we can carry guns. .
    I find this article interesting because it informs the reader that gun control has been such a debated topic for decades now. Also what is more interesting is that depending on the situation people are hesitate to allow the second amendment to pass during tough times like during the panthers era or the wild west.This article just makes you think why is there pendulum for strict gun restriction in one decade and no strict gun control in this decade. For instance, because of the sandy hook elementary shooting are we more afraid of this situation to happen again so we keep our guns tighter in our pockets or do we allow the government to handle this for us?

School Choice - 0 views

    This article is based on school choice. To choose a school for your child based on your living location. How empowering the parent to choice would be more beneficial.
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    This is an interesting subject. The overall education of the student is most important. But the fact that a student is limited to one school because of their location or parents' financial situation isn't all that fair, so it would be nice for parents to be able to use funding for their student to go to the school of their choice (public or private).
    I understand why you have to go to school close to where you live especially if you don't have much money. A child needs a reliable eduction and if the parent lives to far and doesn't have much money it will make it hard on the parent and child to go to school. My dad is a High school teacher a Central High school here in Phoenix and has to deal with a lot. He finds that the students who live further away with less money tend to drop out or fail class due to not being able to afford bus passes or gas money. It truly is a sad thing but I believe going to school close to your home is best way to go in the long run.
    It is very important in the present day for children to get a good education and the child should not have to suffer a poor education because of where they live. If the parents can not afford to live in a neighborhood with the top performance schools they should still be able to send their child to a good school and even if it means the child has to take the bus or car pool.
    Although many people live in districts that have the funding for an excellent staff that is required to create a good learning environment, there are some parents that do not have that luxury. Being at a good school is what ultimately gets students out of the 'poverty cycle' or not. If a student does live in a bad neighborhood and has the possibility of attending a better neighborhood even if it is a bus ride or drive away it should be up to them ultimately if they want to make that change and commute for the better learning environment.

Food Matters - 0 views

    This site offers information about what goes into processed foods and how it can affect your health. It provides alternative solutions and ways to improve your diet. It also encourages you to take action in a variety of ways.
    Very informative website encouraging ideas to eat healthier. I enjoy reading about new and changes ideas in the food culture because it is evolving just like everything else in the world. Maybe someday everything will be organic and I believe the world will be a much healthier place overall.

Freedom of Religion - 0 views

    Every now and then the Supreme Court will get a case based on religion. In these cases the court will have to decide whether or not the religion should be excepted or not. One case taken to the court that was said to be illegal was about a coach in New Jersey who prayed with his team before games. This left people angry over the fact that they believe religious displays should not be illegal. This issue has also brought up the question on whether freedom of speech is also being taken away when the Supreme Court rules against displays of religion.

Same Sex marriage isn't freedom ? - 2 views

    Many people believe that traditional marriage is better. Christians have a big part with gay marriage. Does same sex marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Privacy and Balancing Institutional Power With Individual Freedom - 0 views

    This article explains how the balancing of personal freedoms works into the government and the workplace of citizens today. A big example this article touches on is how online activity can be monitored. What is really private today?
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    With the advancements in technology and it's use. Giving up your personal privacy is easily done by logging into facebook.
    Privacy is meaningless a buzzword tossed around to appease people. The government will do what it believes to be necessary to preserve itself, including initiating "Big Brother" Acts and legislation that infringe on the privacy of citizens. What the government tells the people is not always the truth, and anything can lie hidden in their proganda.
    Technology is advancing faster and faster every minute and privacy is something known of the past now in my opinion. One of my teachers told the class that everything you learn about computers during your freshman and sophomore years of college will most likely be outdated by your junior year - just to help realize how fast technology is actually growing. Anything online can affect you now-a-days it seems. On the news the other day, there was a story about Facebook Friends and your credit. People are actually being denied car loans or things of that sort because of the friends they have on Facebook because if their friends seem unreliable and have bad scores, then the company will assume you do too. It's getting ridiculous to be honest.
    These days employers monitor and know everything you are doing. Knowing this, I feel like if you are acting in a way that is respectable both at work and in your personal life, you will have nothing to worry about. I do not see this issue of lack of privacy changing, I see it increasing as time goes on.

Labels sought for genetically modified food - 0 views

    D. Barbara Boxer, a Senator from California, is part of a growing contingent of lawmakers that are bringing legislation forward regarding the need for labeling of GM food and ingredients. She believes that we should join a growing number of nations throughout the world that are supporting or have supported similar legislation.

The Debate On Lowering The Drinking Age - CBS News - 0 views

    This article talks about underage drinking and what has been done to prevent it. Some organizations state their opinions also.
    (CBS) Last fall, a group of over 100 college presidents - including the heads of Dartmouth, Virginia Tech and Duke - signed a declaration stating that the 21-year-old drinking age is not working, and fireworks went off. But the college presidents got what they wanted: a national debate about the drinking age.
    It has been brought up by college presidents to lower the drinking age. They believe that just because the law is a failure they should automatically change it for teens who want to drink. You can't stop teens from drinking, and even if you lower the age they will still get in wrecks.
2More - Legalization of Marijuana (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Agains... - 0 views

    This article is about legalizing marijuana. It gives supports from both sides of the argument, both very interesting.
    A number of movements to legalize the use of marijuana have been gaining steam lately. There are places in California where it's already legal for medicinal purposes. Much of the American public now believes that the drug should be legalized (40 percent according to a Rasmussen International Poll) but others are still concerned about health damage and other adverse affects.

Burning of fossil fuels is polluting oceans with carbon dioxide, says research - 0 views

    This research presents a new twist in the argument over global warming and how we are responsible for the predicament that we are in today, as one international community. I believe that we need to start becoming more independent on our resources and need to reduce drastically on our outsourcing alternative fuel that we don't have, to use.

Understanding Drunk Driving Offenses and Arizona DUI Sentencing - 0 views

    This article talks about the three steps of possible repercaucions on getting a dui. Throughout reading this article i personally think drinking and driving is iresponcible and i do not condone it. If you make that decision you should not be allowed to drink, I believe if you get a dui, there can be mistakes or mess ups. But if you get a second dui you should not be allowed to drive, becasue you clearly can't make the right decisions, period.

TSA Buys Document Scanners for Fraud Checks - 0 views

    The TSA believes that with the advancements of installing Document scanners so that security can be much more advanced at U.S. airports. These scanners are meant to ensure the safety of other passengers and do not allow fraud passports and documents to board the planes. TSA employees will use the machines to verify boarding passes and passenger identification such as drivers' licenses.

Unemployement Still Too High! - 0 views

    President Obama goes about saying that he is still considered the "Underdog", but has a good chance of getting re-elected. He wants to stabilize our economy even more, but believes that the unemployment rate is still too high.

Obama still evolving on marriage - 0 views

    President Obama is still on the fence whether or not he should allow same-sex marriages to pass in the United States. It has been said that Obama advocates same-sex, but is still "working on it". He believes they should be able to have civil freedoms, but could not engage in marriage.

AZ bill would ban illegal immigrants from driving - 0 views

    Arizona State senate is trying to introduce a ban to stop illegal immigrants from driving as well as attending Arizona Universities. Senate believes that this will clean up our system and not make tax payers have to pay for illegals.

Why Rape Exceptions for Abortion Don't Work - 0 views

    Only 37% of raped women who apply for Medicaid funded abortions get the money. It is believed that rape exceptions are there to relieve anti-choice consciences more than they are there to make sure women in need get abortions.

Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit - 0 views

    State bill 1180 became law, and now citizens in Arizona may carry concealed weapons without obtaining a permit. Governor Brewer quickly signed this bill after Governor Napolitano resigned to take over as secretary of US Homeland Security. This law also requires that when asked by law enforcement, gun owners must accurately answer if asked about a concealed weapon.
    U.S. citizens 21 and older can begin carrying a concealed firearm without a permit in Arizona, thanks to a bill passed by Governor Brewer. Some are for the new law, stating it restores the Second Amendment rights in the Constitution. Others oppose the law, believing it puts AZ residents in danger of those who do not know how to properly use a gun, but are carrying one concealed.

Minimum Legal Drinking Ages around the World - 0 views

    Although it is believed that you must be 21 to drink alcohol in the United States, this is not the case. You must be 21 to purchase or be in possession but drinking is a different issue. States can choose whether or not it is allowable for persons under the age of 21 to drink, like in Texas if your parent consents to you drinking and its on your property it is not against the law.


    Abortion has two very strong sides, pro life and pro choice Pro life individuals believe that the fetus has the right to live , as the mother has a right to live. Pro choice argues that the mother has the decision whether to terminate per pregnancy within the first 3 months.
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    Examines the different sides of the abortion argument. This article is an argument for the pro-life side of the abortion debate.
    This article is about the different views that people have on abortions. It gives the pros and cons of the situation. Also mentions that we as humans are responsible for are actions and we know the consequences that are actions can bring. Also how we should take the time to educated people on the the responsibilities that life has and how to care for a child. Its more than what we think but the right of all humans should be taking in concentration,
    This site has a list of positions on a very emotional topic, abortion.

Limits on Pledge of Allegiance - 0 views

    Due to a West Virginia child who decided to refrain from the pledge due to his religious believes the mandatory pledge as been removed from schools nationwide. This family took this argument to the Supreme Court. The courts found that mandatory pledge went against two amendments. Since the court found that the pledge was not longer mandatory in schools children are able to make the decision to participate.
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