Revisiting Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 0 views
In 2001 Marc Prensky divided the world into two broad groups, Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. His idea struck a chord with popular culture and has become a dominant paradigm in education. Given the core concept remains a feature of educational dialogues it is worth re-visiting and seeing how the idea might evolve to better serve our needs and understandings of how people born after the internet, learn with and think about, technology.
70-20-10 Model of Performance And Training Revisited - 0 views
The 70-20-10 model is widely used in organizations across the world for implementing learning programs. In this blog, I will cover the model briefly and provide some thoughts on implementing it better for successful skilling of workforce.
The 70-20-10 model is widely used in organizations across the world for implementing learning programs. In this blog, I will cover the model briefly and provide some thoughts on implementing it better for successful skilling of workforce.
Insights into the true power of Number Talks - The Learner's Way - 0 views
Number Talks are a wonderful way to see where our students are with their mathematical thinking. As a part of a daily routine, a Number Talk promotes number sense and mathematical reasoning. In this post, I revisit what a Number Talk can reveal about our students' understanding of mathematics, and how they might be used to promote a fresh perspective. In addition, I examine a success criteria for Number Talks that is more expansive and recognises their true power.
What's Your Top 10? - Part 1 - 2 views
What's Your Top 10? A Business Marketing Exercise Recently, I was asked, "What makes your product - ZOX Pro Training - different from other brain management products in the market?" The q...
Discover Secrets to ZOX Pro Success, and more Great Things - 2 views
ZOX Pro Training Success Secrets ZOX Pro Does it All, again and again… After reviewing the list of things that ZOX Pro enables our clients to do, I have decided to revisit these points f...
Creating a Sense of Time in Online Courses | Faculty Focus - 35 views
While we all agree that the five-year-old unnarrated PowerPoint is a dangerous and ineffective piece of content in an online course, we would also all agree that we can’t redo each narrated piece of content each semester. How do we strike a balance between creating content that is fresh (more on that in a moment) and being able to reuse content that is valuable?
For teachers it makes them participate in the content, revisit the content they created in the past, and make it delivered in a “present” time for the students. For students it tells them that the teacher “was just here,” and that this stuff is happening now. It makes the content seem more relevant, and helps build a sense of community in the course.
Lastly, keep the flowers fresh.
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