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John Onwuegbu

Special Report: Sharing is the New Buying, Winning in the Collaborative Economy | Quest... - 8 views

    The Collaborative Economy, for those new to the term, is a powerful movement in which people are getting things from each other, it's a combination of trends like the sharing economy, maker movement, and co-innovation.
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Alexis Krysten

ICT in my Classroom - 1 views

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      Martin Burrett

      Coggle - 0 views

        "A great, simple, collaborative mindmapping site. Invite other users to share ideas together in real time. It uses html which means that you can use it with most web enabled devices. Sign in using a Google account."
      Janos Haits

      Higher Education | BoodleBox - 0 views

        "Collaborative AI for College Classrooms GenAI that helps faculty and students prepare for class efficiently, teach & learn responsible AI collaboratively, and assess assignments accurately to enhance learning outcomes."
      Martin Burrett

      This Exquisite Forest - 0 views

        This site is a collaborative online drawing and animation project from Google and the UK's Tate Modern art gallery. Draw part of a picture and add to other people's creation.
      Martin Burrett

      RealtimeBoard - 0 views

        This is an amazing collaborative whiteboard where multiple users can edit a multimedia board in real time. The site allows you to signup and sign in using a Google account and you can access and add your files and media on your Google Docs/Drive area making this a fabulous companion to schools using Google Apps for education. You can write by typing or you can write in 'freehand' so you can use your interactive whiteboard to write and archive the lesson to use or refer to later.
      Nigel Coutts

      Learning to learn with a MakerSpace - The Learner's Way - 0 views

        Making, Maker Centred Learning and STEAM fit neatly alongside Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) for many schools. Commonly this approach includes a constructivist view of knowledge and teachers seek to establish conditions which allow students to explore questions and ideas with greater independence than may occur in the traditional classroom.  Learning becomes a collaborative partnership between teachers and students with a clear focus on a learner centric approach.
      Nigel Coutts

      Rethinking Mathematics Education - The Learner's Way - 0 views

        What becomes clear, as you dive further into the emerging research that connects what we know about learning, mindsets, dispositions for learning and the development of mathematical understandings, is that a new approach is required. We need to move away from memorisation and rule based simplifications of mathematics and embrace a model of learning that is challenging and exciting. We can and should be emerging all our students in the beauty and power of mathematics in learning environments full of multiple representations, rich dialogue and collaborative learning. 
      Nigel Coutts

      The rewards of highly collaborative teams - The Learner's Way - 0 views

        Not that long ago I was a writer of interesting and engaging educational programmes. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. The programmes that I wrote and shared with a team of teachers were generally well accepted and the feedback offered was always politely positive. I enjoyed writing these programmes but in recent times I have enjoyed even more stepping away from this process and in doing so empowering the team of teachers that I learn with. The programmes that this team produces far exceed the quality I could ever have hoped to produce but more importantly the students are benefiting from their experience of highly engaged and thus engaging teachers.
      Martin Burrett

      Gonnasphere - 0 views

        Are you coping with your 'to do' list? How about following other people's lists? This site allows users to share and follow to do lists to better collaborate and organise together.
      Martin Burrett - 0 views

        This is a wonderful Video conferencing site which works across many types of devices. There is no sign up or login required. Just start a room and share the link to invite afters. You can have five video participates at once. You can watch videos together from YouTube and other sites. There is a collaborative notepad, text chat, file sharing and you can even share your screen with other 'room mates.' You can sign in for free to customise rooms and schedule sessions. A great resource for staff meetings, training and distance teaching.
      Martin Burrett

      LiveMinutes - Web Conferencing - 0 views

        A brilliant, 'must try' web tool for group to text/voice chat, with a collaborative whiteboard, document viewer and more, all in real time. I'm really loving this tool at the moment for joint language lessons with my school's Chinese partner school. No sign in require, however register for free for extra features.
      Martin Burrett

      CanvasDropr - 0 views

        A collaborative photo and video sharing site. Create your page and share the link to allow others to add their media to the canvas in real time. It's a great site to share ideas and plan things out.
      Martin Burrett

      Substance - Open Documents for the Web - 0 views

        A good site for writing books online. This site does much of the formatting for you. Collaborate easily with others and your finished masterpiece is availiable in many on and offline formats, including embedding code and PDFs.
      Martin Burrett

      QuadBlogging - 0 views

        If you have a class blog, you may want to add an extra dimension by blogging collaboratively with three other classes from across the world.
      Kangdon Lee

      Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc - 0 views

        It is now time for social reading. View & Comment on Any DocumentReview a Word document, fill out a PDF form, mark up an image,and more... All with Crocodoc, all online, all for free. collaboration, documents, pdf, web2.0, annotation, share, social, reading, comment, image, 
      Martin Burrett

      Piazza - Ask. Answer. Explore. - 0 views

        A useful site for making collaborative and social question and answer forums for your class.
      Martin Burrett

      ThinkBinder - 0 views

        A Twitter-like social network study group platform. Post comments, upload and share files, use the collaborative whiteboard and text and video chat to help users study together when apart.
      Martin Burrett

      Searcheeze - 0 views

        A great site for making online magazines using content from the internet. Add articles, videos, audio and more in just a few clicks.
      Martin Burrett - 0 views

        I'm hugely excited by this site. Make collaborative videos in your web browser with this amazing site. Just upload your images, videos and audio and invite others users to edit your project with you. As the files are stored online your students can access the project from home or at school. The videos do not have watermarks and they can be easily embedded into your site or blog.
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