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Dennis OConnor

Martin Dougiamas Keynote at Moodlemoot Canada | Some Random Thoughts - 0 views

  • Martin Dougiamas presented the keynote at the Canadian Moodlemoot in Edmonton.
  • Martin updated us with the current stats on Moodle 54,000 verified sites worldwide. 41 Million users 97 language packs (17 fully complete, the rest are in various states) 54 Moodle Partners who fund the project and its going very well ensuring the project will continue into the future. (such as Remote-Learner who I work for) USA still has the highest raw number of installations and Spain has half of that with much less population. Brazil is now 3rd in the world and has overtaken the UK now in total installs. 3 of the top 10 are English speaking per head of population, Portugal has the largest number of Moodle installations.
  • As many may have seen before, there are 10 steps of pedagogical usage of Moodle, which is outlined on Moodle Docs. It details the typical 10 step progression which looks like: Putting up the handouts (Resources, SCORM) Providing a passive Forum (unfacilitated) Using Quizzes and Assignments (less management) Using the Wiki, Glossary and Database tools (interactive content) Facilitate discussions in Forums, asking questions, guiding Combining activities into sequences, where results feed later activities Introduce external activities and games (internet resources) Using the Survey module to study and reflect on course activity Using peer-review modules like Workshop, giving students more control over grading and even structuring the course in some ways Conducting active research on oneself, sharing ideas in a community of peers
  • ...10 more annotations...
  •  ”a lot of people find that giving students the ability to teach is a valuable learning process” – Martin Dougiamas.
  • A lot of people want that secure private place in the LMS with big gates, with students needing to gain competencies and knowledge.  Many people really want this “Content Pump” focus, becuase it is what they need. Others use it as a community of practitioners, connected activities, content created by students and teachers alike and many methods of assessment. These are the two ends of the spectrum of usage.
  • Moodle has two roles: to be progressive and integrate with things coming up, and a drag and drop UI, with innovate workflows and improve media handling and mobile platforms to be conservative and improve  security and usability and assessment , accredition, detailed management tracking and reports and performance and stability
  • Since Moodle 1.9 came out three years ago,  March 2008 and most are still using the three year old code which has had fixes applied since then (1.9.11 is the current release.) The support for 1.9 will continue until the middle of 2012 as it is understood that it will be a big move to Moodle2.   “If you are going to Moodle2, you may as well go to Moodle 2.1 as it is better with 6 months more work” .
  • However, the ongoing support for each release will be 1 yr moving to the future. Moodle will be released every 6 months which enables the organisations to plan their upgrade times ahead of time.
  • What will be in Moodle 2.1? Performance Restore 1.9 backups Quiz/question refactor Page course format Interface polishing Official Mobile app (there now is a Mobile division)
  • HQ are working on an official app which uses Moodle 2 built-in web services. This provides a secure access to the data in Moodle 2 for people who have accounts in Moodle which greatly benefits mobile apps.
  • Moodle HQ has looked at what is Mobile really good at and identified them one by one and implemented them.  This includes messaging, list of participants in your course, marking attendence (in class roll call). This will be for the iPhone first and then someone will make it for Android so it will lag behind, but will be the same.
  • What is going to happen in 2.2 and beyond?
  • Grading and Rubrics Competency Tracking (from activity level, course level, outside courses to generate a competency profile) Assignment (planning to combine all 4 into one type and simplify it) Forum (big upgrade probably based on OU Forum) Survey (to include feedback/questionnaire – being rewritten currently) Lesson Scorm 2 Improved reporting IMS LTI IMS CC (although it is in 1.9 needs to be redone)
    An important overview for any one using Moodle, especially useful for those contemplating an upgrade to 2.0 .  (I'll make the move when we have 2.1 or 2.2.)  
Alexis Krysten

ICT in my Classroom - 1 views

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      Jennifer Garcia

      The Capital Region Society for Technology in Education - 0 views

      • Our Children Are Not the Students Our - Schools Were Designed For: Understanding Digital Kids Ian Jukes
      • 3D for Free! Using Google SketchUp and Google Earth in the Classroom - Bonnie Roskes
      • Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology - Walter McKenzie
      • ...7 more annotations...
      • Creativity and Literacy with Graphic Novels - Andre Costa de Sousa
      • Putting the Horse Back Before the Cart: Technology Competencies All Educational Administrators Need - Doug Johnson
      • Animation and Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum - Scott Loomis
      • Glogster: Reverse WebQuesting - Nicole Tomaselli
      • Learning With the World - Using Technology to Connect Students Globally in Project Based Learning - Jim Carleton and Mali Bickley
      • Dragging Them Kicking and Screaming - Charlie Makela
      • Using Web Conferencing to Enrich Instruction - Kim Caise
        crste cyber conference session archive
      hu hu

      Enjoy DVDs and videos with the funniest iPod: new released iPod Touch 2 - 0 views

        The second generation Apple iPod Touch was unveiled in Spetember, 2008. "iPod touch 2 is the funniest iPod we've ever created," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. It is perfect for Music, Movies& Games.Compare with the first generation, iPod touch 2 packs more new features into a sleeker design. For the sleek new design, iPod touch feels much better in your hand. Volume buttons are built into the left side of iPod touch, giving you easy access to the most frequently used controls. Longer battery life enable you to keep on rocking (and watching and playing)even longer. A built-in speaker lets you hear the music, dialogue, and action without headphones, perfect for casual listening. iPod touch 2 also offers built-in wireless support for Nike +iPod. iPod Touch 2 is also a musical genius. Music on iPod touch not only sounds amazing, it looks amazing, too. And movies and TV shows have never looked so perfect on a portable device. Clear 3.5-inch color widescreen display, 6 hours video playback enable you largely enjoy the Hollywood blockbusters. General music and movie files can play with iPod Touch 2.
      Ihering Alcoforado

      Seminario. Aprendizaje basado en proyectos - 7 views

        Cómo puedo utilizar el Podcast y las herramientas con audio e imágenes para promover el aprendizaje de la lengua meta?  ACTIVIDADES DEL CUARTO DÍA  Martes 24 de abril de 2007  En esta sesión vamos a ver los siguientes temas: Tema 1. Herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes Actividad 1.1 Consultar ligas de Slidestory y Podomatic Actividad 1.2 Presentación con Slidestory Actividad 1.3 Grabación con Podomatic Actividad 1.4 Colocar liga de la actividad en el Blog Actividad 1.5 Visitar actividades de compañeros y dejar comentario en el Blog Tema 1.  Herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes  ¿Cómo puedo utilizar las herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes para promover el aprendizaje de contenidos curriculares? Objetivo: Los participantes serán capaces de: Identificar las actividades idóneas utilizando herramientas de audio y de audio e imágenes. Identificar las características que debe tener un producto de calidad utilizando podcast o slidestory. Diseñar una actividad de manera individual o en parejas utilizando o Seleccionar y redactar una propuesta de trabajo para sus alumnos en la que, mediante slidestory, o un podcast elaboren un producto que dé cuenta de su conocimiento sobre un tema asignado. Introducción  La socialización de la información ha sido posible gracias al desarrollo de herramientas digitales beta que permiten al usuario compartir con cualquier usuario de Internet sus ideas mediante el uso de imágenes, audio y video. Para su adecuado funcionamiento, estos medios requieren del uso de banda ancha. Afortunadamente, cada vez es más común este tipo de conectividad. Las aplicaciones de estas herramientas en el contexto educativo invitan al docente a poner en juego su destreza y creatividad.  En esta sesión trabajarás con una de las dos herramientas, slidestory o podcast. Actividad 1.1. Consulta las siguientes ligas para que explores algunos eje
      Eric Calvert

      Ledership for Web 2.0 in Education: Promise and Reality - 0 views

        The intent of this study is to document K-12 Web 2.0 policies, practices, and perspectives in American schools from the perspective of school district administrators. The study was made possible through the generous support of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The CoSN study methodology included: 1) the design and field testing of a Web 2.0 survey for three respondent groups: school district superintendents, curriculum directors, and technology directors; 2) the constructing of a representative, random sample from the 14,199 public school districts in the U.S. stratified by four locales (e.g., urban, suburban, town, and rural); 3) the data collection through online surveys; 4) the weighting of findings to ensure demographic representativeness; and 5) analysis and reporting of the results. The report is based on the surveys from nearly 1200 district administrators, including 389 superintendents, 441 technology directors, and 359 curriculum directors. The reader will note that throughout the report, Metiri identifies the respondent group(s) and the associated weighted number of respondents who answered any particular question or series of questions. The complete methodology for the survey is included in the Appendix.
      Open TeleShop

      Original Ayurvedic Asthijivak In Pakistan,Lahore,Islamabad,Karachi | Online Shop In All... - 0 views

        PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ASTHIJIVAK PASTE AND OIL IN PAKISTAN Joint disorders affecting almost people of all age groups. Improper use of the body joints, sitting posture, fatigue, unhygienic diet and unhealthy lifestyle can cause chronic or abrupt joint pain. Joint pain can make a person immobile if not treated with care. AsthiJivak is an Ayurvedic remedy to ease stiffness and pain in joints. It is said to be invented by Pandit Shri Ram Sharma, an Ardent follower of ancient Ayurveda, and It has been used as an effective joint pain reliever since ancient times. It can treat joint disease and joint pain completely. Regular Massage of this Ayurvedic oil and paste could relieve knee joint pain completely. This herbal healing agent has a special name in Ayurveda. AsthiJivak is an absolute combination of nourishing herbs that provides nourishment to bones and joints. It is a kind of Natural home remedy for Arthritis or joint inflammation, which is prepared on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of healing many disease and health disorders. Asthijivak paste Joint pain can be because of generally benevolent condition such as muscle sprain or ligament harm which can die down by some straightforward treatment or all alone and it can be a side effect of genuine sickness such as joint inflammation. Some other gentle diseases like influenza and other viral contamination can bring about irritation of bursae, which works as pad cushions for joints and known as bursitis, which can bring about pain in the joints. Asthijivak Oil for Joint pain which happens after strenuous physical movement or rehashed utilization of a specific joint or because of sudden jolt and stun is to a great extent because of muscle force and sprain. Such pains can be tricky as well, back rub with any over the counter pain mitigating salve or cream can be an adequate treatment, if one feel pain in verging on each joint of the body because of straining or sudden physical movement, scrubbing d
      Ihering Alcoforado

      Resources | Cosas que encuentro para clase - 3 views

        Resources On this page you will find links to resources, activities, etc. ONLINE TOOLS ■Storybird, create your own books using original illustrations. ■Tagxedo, create word clouds with different shapes. ■Online Convert, online tool to convert different kinds of files. ■Dragontape, crop and mix youtube videos, and embed the result. ■Vocaroo, record your voice online and send it to a friend, post it on the web with a link or a html code. ■Brainshark, add audio to your pictures or slideshow presentations. ■Dictationsonline, dictations for different levels. ■Only2Clicks: The 101 most useful websites READY MADE MATERIAL AND UNITS ■English Language Lab Asturias (ELLA) ■ESL-Library ■British Council Teaching Resources ■English Lessons Online ■News English Lessons ■EL gazette ■Mosaic, specific materials for low levels. ■, materials classified according to levels and topics. ■Film-English, lesson plans from films in English. WRITING ■Flo-Joe ■Busuu SPEAKING ■Busuu ■The Mixxer: Language Exchange Community for Everyone ■Verbling READING ■BritLit (British Council) DICTIONARIES ■SHAHI: Diccionario visual que combina contenido del Wiktionary con imágenes de Flick. ■Wordreference, Assorted Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries and links to other Dictionaries. ■Merriam-Webster Online, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical Dictionary and Spanish-English Dictionary ■Cambridge Dictionary, Dictionary, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs ■Collins Dictionary, Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries ■Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus ■Visual Dictionary ■Pronunciation Dictionary ■Oxford Dictionary ■The Free Dictionary, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dictionaries in other Languages. ■Free Medical Dictionary Online ■Linguee, Dictionary created by internet users with real examp
      Ihering Alcoforado

      DE LO INFORMAL A LO FORMAL con la web 2.0 « juandon. Innovación y conocimiento - 2 views

        De lo formal a lo informal- la tradición que ya no se sostiene- y de lo informal a lo formal, la nueva forma de aprendizaje de nuestro siglo… Ser un maestro en mí mismo, y tener que manejar a la gente: marcas, programas de estudios y en adelante, en gran medida confían en las soluciones centralizadas que apenas puedo imaginar de otra manera; ser (en muchos aspectos) un estudiante en  mí mismo: no puedo ayudarme a mí mismo a partir de los límites que me atan a estructuras monolíticas, y por lo tanto, gestionar un entorno abierto donde el conocimiento personal (y el aprendizaje) viene en muchas formas; constantemente saber y conocer a otras personas como yo (profesores y / o estudiantes), es muy normal que nuestros caminos se cruzan y nuestros entornos de conocimiento se superponen y enriquecen mutuamente; todo lo que digo, es algo normal que tanto como profesional y como estudiante que es necesario evaluar y ser evaluados por todo lo que hago aquí y allá, como el aprendizaje en la sociedad de la información no conoce fronteras. Todos estos aspectos de acuerdo en el proceso educativo, aunque muchos de ellos nacen de las fuerzas opuestas, por lo que algunos certifican la muerte del entorno de aprendizaje virtual , mientras que otros consideran que sigue viva y coleando , algunos parecen estar poniendo todos los huevos en el aprendizaje personal medio ambiente y / o aprendizaje social abierto , mientras que tal vez todavía hay espacio para reconsiderar los e-portfolios . Todo esto se complica si se tiene en cuenta la evaluación o el seguimiento de la adquisición de conocimientos a lo largo de toda su vida . Yo cada vez creo que la solución a todo esto, y poner en palabras de Simon Grant , tal vez no sea una sino varias herramientas de  herramientas y una herramienta para reunir pruebas que residen en sistemas diferentes. Este es mi ir a todo el asunto y que sería de manera aproximada, naturalmente :Un Escenario de Aprendizaje Inclusivo-per
      Nigel Robertson

      Web2Access - 0 views

        This resource aims to help those making decisions about their use of freely available 'Web 2.0' interactive and collaborate e-learning tools. Each product, site or service described in these pages can be searched or browsed by a specific Activity or the usability/accessibility checks that it passed. The applications have short descriptions and comments regarding their ease of use and functionality. If you are involved in teaching and learning and are wanting to make more use of Web 2.0 services in your e-learning activities, or if you are interested in how Web 2.0 can supplement your existing methods, this section may be useful to you.
      Gregory Culpin

      L'Entreprise 2.0 pour préparer la reprise (part II) - Whitepaper à télécharger - 0 views

        Dans un monde des affaires en perpétuelle mutation, la connaissance devient un capital essentiel pour toute organisation. Leur survie et croissance passe par la mise en place de solutions optimisant la collaboration et la gestion des connaissances. Forts de ce constat, nous avons récemment travaillé à l'écriture de notre premier livre blanc (disponible en anglais uniquement). Il se veut être une analyse des avantages liés à l'introduction d'outils de l'Entreprise 2.0, et positionne la gestion collaborative des connaissances comme une solution stable et durable, plus particulièrement en ces périodes de tumulte économique.
      Gregory Culpin

      Using Enterprise 2.0 to prepare for recovery (part II) - Whitepaper to download - 0 views

        In a business world where change is constant, knowledge becomes an essential asset for any organization. Survival and growth require the development of solutions that will optimize collaboration and knowledge management.\n\nFocussing on this topic we recently produced our first whitepaper. It analyses the benefits associated with the introduction of Enterprise 2.0 solutions, and positions the collaborative management of knowledge as a stable and lasting solution, especially in these times of economic tumult.
      Open TeleShop

      Magic Hose Pipe in Pakistan,Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad | Online Shop In All Over Pakistan... - 0 views

        MAGIC HOSE PIPE IN PAKISTAN THIS IS Associate in Nursing UPGRADE VERSION ON QUALITY FOR OUR MAGIC HOSE! three X increasing elastic STRETCH MEGA EXPANDABLE hose WITH FREE applicator.The revolutionary Expandable hose options Associate in Nursing all-new, exclusive style and is like no hose you ever seen! This wonderful hose mechanically expands up three times its length, then simply contracts for convenient storage. The Expandable hose is everything your typical hose is light-weight, compact, and expandable, with a strong spray and kink-free style.Magic Hose Pipe in Pakistan Openteleshop.nice water hose for garden, boat, habitation and automotive wash use. Sizes : 75ft/22.5m Revolutionary 2-in-1 hose sturdy & Reliable Kink-Free Magic Hose Pipe in Pakistan MAGIC HOSE PIPE IN PAKISTAN: 1- Flexible Garden Water Hose Magic +Spray Gun Wash Pipe Retractable Reals Watering Expandable Hoses In Pakistan 2- 30M Magic Hose Pipe In Pakistan 3- 50Ft Magic Hose Pipe In Pakistan 4- Expendable Hose Pipe In Pakistan 5- Hose Pipe In Pakistan 6- Magic Hose Pipe In Pakistan PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Includes: (1) expanding garden hose Size 25 ft. or 50 ft. Diameter 1/2 inch Inner Material Rubber Outer Material Nylon Webbing Coupling Material Metal Fitting Material Durable Plastic Color Blue or Green Compatibility Works with any standard faucet. Combinable Yes. Connect several together to make a longer hose. On/Off Valve Yes. Built in valve controls the flow of water. Shipping Weight 1 lbs… Tags & Keywords Magic Hose Pipe! 50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Pakistan, 50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Karachi, 50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Lahore,50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Islamabad, 50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Peshawar,50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Multan,50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Rawalpindi,50Ft Magic Hose Pipe Price In Sialkot,Orignal 100ft Magic Hose Pipe Pakistan MAGIC HOSE PIPE PRICE IN PAKISTAN:1999/PKR
      alex john

      Mafia Wars 2 Hack Tool : Facebook Cheat Games - 0 views

        Finally, we are done with our first Mafia Wars 2 Hack and you can now check it out below. This is the very first version of it and visit this site regularly for updates on it. We will be sure to update you guys on the latest version of this Mafia Wars 2 cheats.
      Joachim Niemeier

      Praxisleitfaden: Web 2.0 für Lern- und Wissensmanagement in kleinen und mittl... - 12 views

        Sicher nicht nur für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen interessant ist dieser Praxisleitfaden der erläutert, wie Unternehmen Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 nutzbringend zum Lernen einsetzen. Der Leitfaden beschreibt die wichtigsten Tools, die das Lernen leichter und effizienter machen: Blogs, Twitter, Mikroblogs, Wikis, virtuelle Klassenräume, Videokonferenzsysteme und persönliche Lernumgebungen. Ein weiteres Kapitel zählt Möglichkeiten auf, klassische E-Learning-Anwendungen mit Web 2.0-Instrumenten zu verbinden.
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