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Master Education Degree Online Program - 0 views

    Master education degree online program is a best choice for you to be selected when you are looking for the best education that will not make you be worrying about have to go out to somewhere to get your needed education
Jorge Gonçalves

Is an Online Technology Degree Right for You? - 0 views

    Online learning programs help busy individuals earn degrees. If you want to earn an online technology degree, but have other responsibilities such as a full-time job, an online education might be the easiest way for you to earn a degree. While there are many advantages to earning a technology degree through an online program, there are a few disadvantages you should keep in mind. Once you weigh the pros and cons, you will be able to know for sure whether or not an online technology degree is something you should pursue.
Ihering Alcoforado

50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

    I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
Lords Baronets

Online Degree Post : Online Associates Degrees - 0 views

    Hey, do you want to get Information about online degrees, online schools and Colleges to get best online degree course? If yes, you can visit our websites where all the information about degree online is provided.
Kathy Cannon

News: The Obama Plan - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • Experts on distance education at community colleges said that the president's proposals on creating free online courses could be historic and transformative.
  • "And this will make it possible for a professor to complement his lecture with an online exercise, or for a student who can't be away from her family to still keep up with her coursework. We don't know where this kind of experiment will lead, but that's exactly why we ought to try it because I think there's a possibility that online education can provide especially for people who are already in the workforce and want to retrain the chance to upgrade their skills without having to quit their job."
  • He said that the college has expanded courses offered online, and in the early morning, or nights or weekends, but that "the bottom line is that we have to build capacity."
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Of late, educators and foundations have been focusing more on graduation rates, with the City University of New York starting programs and planning a new model of community college to focus on getting students degrees, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lumina Foundation for Education spending big on efforts to improve remedial education and graduation rates.
  • Advocates for online learning also viewed Obama's plans as significant. Fred Lokken, associate dean of Truckee Meadows Community College for its WebCollege, said this was "the very first comprehensive effort by the federal government that recognizes the importance of online learning."
  • Catherine M. Casserly, who studies technology issues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, said she saw the program leading to "a dual approach," in which students could view the new material or community colleges would get well-prepared material around which local instructors could plan instruction
  • "It's very hard to supplement something if the base is being undermined," he said. "We can't look at this as a panacea."
  • Indeed, late Tuesday, that's exactly what Democrats in the House proposed doing, when they announced plans to move ahead soon on Obama's student loan restructuring proposal, which paves the way for paying for the community college plan.
    $500 million would be awarded to create online instructional materials that would be available free to community colleges and their students. \n\n"And this will make it possible for a professor to complement his lecture with an online exercise, or for a student who can't be away from her family to still keep up with her coursework. We don't know where this kind of experiment will lead, but that's exactly why we ought to try it because I think there's a possibility that online education can provide especially for people who are already in the workforce and want to retrain the chance to upgrade their skills without having to quit their job."
    Obama's plan could be transformative according to distance education expert.

Helping Faculty Members Use Technology Is Top Concern in Computing Survey - Technology ... - 0 views

  • the top concern for campus information-technology departments across the country is how they can help faculty members move smoothly into the digital age of learning.
  • The survey found that as technology continues to grow on campuses—through both online classes and the increasing ubiquity of mobile devices—the ability of faculty members to use and integrate technology is a big concern.
  • focused on services, like user support and mobile computing, rather than on technology evolutions like cloud networking or upgrades in existing networks.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • only 29 percent said they were a reliable way to gain new revenue.
  • and they were particularly wary of the idea that MOOCs would prove to be good sources of revenue for their colleges.
  • For nearly 80 percent of those who replied to the survey, helping faculty members acclimate to new classroom technologies was their biggest concern for the next two or three years.
  • At community colleges, about 11 percent outsourced online resources for students.
  • University of Missouri's Division of Information Technology, filled out the survey for his institution. Top priorities for Missouri, he said, include integrating classroom technology and accommodating mobile users.
  • classes move to online platforms, he said, students and faculty members must adjust not only to using learning-management systems like Blackboard, but also to doing things like capturing video for online courses
  • "We've moved from the 2,000-year-old paradigm of standing in front of a class."
  • 67 percent of those surveyed thought investments in library resources and services were "very effective," while only 42 percent thought spending on online courses and programs was effective.
  • About 86 percent of those surveyed said planning for tablets would be important for IT departments, and 82 percent said planning for smartphones would be essential as well
  • "Fifteen years ago we were concerned with Ethernet and getting everyone wired," he said. "And now the clamor from students is for wireless."
    Faculty remain suspicious of MOOCs and other online technologies but must recognize online education is a crucial component in any college setting. Students no longer have to be physically on campus they can learn anytime anywhere online learning is a work in progress.
    Faculty remain suspicious of MOOCs and other online technologies but must recognize online education is a crucial component in any college setting. Students no longer have to be physically on campus they can learn anytime anywhere online learning is a work in progress.
Antwak Short videos

Data Science | AntWak FREE micro-videos - 1 views

    Home > Data Science > How to learn Data Science in 2021? Data Science (DS) is a great, promising, and most demanding career. But are you confused about being a beginner and wanna know the Right Way to Learn DS? Technology is more into digitisation and due to this extensive transformation, huge data is expected to be produced in the coming future. To make use of such big data we need data scientists who can layout, design and filter the data in an organized way. All things considered, with a huge number of options available choosing the correct curriculum program and admission to the right institute is important. Besides all this, the course and institute to be suitable for your requirement are extremely difficult. While online courses are an incredible path for some to upskill, good opportunities from top colleges and universities are the platform for data scientists to test their knowledge in their field. Here are the five essential guidelines to turn into an expert in Data Science: Get a Data Science certificate or similar degree To get an opportunity as an entry-level data researcher, one would require a four-year certification in DS, math, insights and software engineering. Degrees can likewise give temporary job openings. All things considered if you have just secured a 4 yr certification in a different background through online e-courses or basic boot camps and workshops. The focus should be given to mastering the skills required for DS. Take a look at this course from AntWak on Data Engineering delivered by top global experts. Take comprehensive courses and devote time to learning You can become a top-class data researcher by taking a full course at a time. It will be the skill and instruments needed to turn into a data researcher, many critical projects and coaching help. A variety of such courses are available online that offer top to bottom analysis of subjects, for example, data scratching, AI, big data analysis and many more. To begin your learning

Significant Information on Online BA Business Program - 0 views

    Online BA business program is basically a career oriented subject that aims at sharpening the skill and capability of an individual. Most of the candidates are found to show interest in doing a bachelor degree in business.

What Is Good about Online Schools? - 0 views

    millions of students from all around the world are enrolling into online degree programs. They at least take one online course during their high-school phase. Online learning has made a huge change in the system.

Online Education ™ - 0 views

shared by DHS PRESS on 07 May 10 - Cached
    Earn an online education from accredited online colleges with over 5000+ online degrees. Review thousands of universities and courses. A brighter future is ahead.
Leon Cych

Half an Hour: The Future of Online Learning: Ten Years On - 0 views

  • In the end, what will be evaluated is a complex portfolio of a student’s online activities. (Syverson & Slatin, 2006)These will include not only the results from games and other competitions with other people and with simulators, but also their creative work, their multimedia projects, their interactions with other people in ongoing or ad hoc projects, and the myriad details we consider when we consider whether or not a person is well educated.Though there will continue to be ‘degrees’, these will be based on a mechanism of evaluation and recognition, rather than a lockstep marching through a prepared curriculum. And educational institutions will not have a monopoly on such evaluations (though the more prestigious ones will recognize the value of aggregating and assessing evaluations from other sources).Earning a degree will, in such a world, resemble less a series of tests and hurdles, and will come to resemble more a process of making a name for oneself in a community. The recommendation of one person by another as a peer will, in the end, become the standard of educational value, not the grade or degree.
    • Leon Cych
      Interesting I see it going this way but there needs to be a massive culture shift for this to happen.
    Very extensive picture of the future of learning, by Stephen Downes
Dennis OConnor

The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy - 0 views

  • While "technology will replace teachers" seems like a silly argument to make, one need only look at the state of most school budgets and know that something's got to give. And lately, that something looks like teachers' jobs, particularly to those on the receiving end of pink slips. Granted, we haven't implemented a robot army of teachers to replace those expensive human salaries yet (South Korea is working on the robot teacher technology. I'll keep you posted.). But we are laying off teachers in mass numbers. Teachers know their jobs are on the line, something that's incredibly demoralizing for a profession already struggles mightily to retain qualified people.
  • it's hard not to see that wealth as having political not just economic impact. Indeed, the same week that Bill Gates spoke to the Council of Chief State School Officers about ending pay increases for graduate degrees in teaching, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan issued almost the very same statement. What does all of this have to do with Sal Khan? Well, nothing... and everything.
  • One of education historian Diane Ravitch's oft-uttered complaints is that we now have a bunch of billionaires like Gates dictating education policy and education reform, without ever having been classroom teachers themselves (or without having attended public school). But the skepticism about Khan Academy isn't just a matter of wealth or credentials of Khan or his backers. It's a matter of pedagogy.
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  • No doubt, Khan has done something incredible by creating thousands of videos, distributing them online for free, and now designing an analytics dashboard for people to monitor and guide students' movements through the Khan Academy material. And no doubt, lots of people say they've learned a lot by watching the videos. The ability pause, rewind, and replay is often cited as the difference between "getting" the subject matter through classroom instruction and "getting it" via Khan Academy's lecture-demonstrations.
  • Although there's a tech component here that makes this appear innovative, that's really a matter of form, not content, that's new. There's actually very little in the videos that distinguishes Khan from "traditional" teaching. A teacher talks. Students listen. And that's "learning." Repeat over and over again (Pause, rewind, replay in this case). And that's "drilling."
Erik Keith

Full Ride Scholarship Campaign for Moms and Dads - 0 views

    "Project Working Mom…and Dads, Too!" is a full-ride online college scholarship campaign, which will award approximately 60 scholarships, totaling more than $2 million. Moms and dads, to learn more about Project Working Mom…and Dads, Too! and to apply for a full-ride, online education scholarship visit
Nik Peachey

12 Tips for training older teachers to use technology - Resources for English Language ... - 14 views

    There is an assumption that persists in the educational community that more mature teachers are much more difficult and reluctant to be trained on the effective use of educational technology. To some degree, I think this assumption has been built on by the digital native vs digital immigrant myth. But as someone who has trained teachers of all ages all over the world I would say that, from my own experience, this hasn't been the case.
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Gear up your career with telecommunication course - 0 views

    Telecommunication is a fastest developing industry. Online degree in telecommunication will always provide you the best opportunity for higher education. Master degree in telecommunication includes different sectors like network security, wireless communication &data; system etc.

Online Degree Info - 0 views

    An online degree is an academic degree that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting.

Nine Shift : #6 Students Put Demands on Higher Education - 0 views

  • For the first time, online instructors reported students wanting more and more multimedia in online courses.
  • Biggest outrage of the year. University of Central Florida, or UCF, which students claim stands for "U Can't Finish,"  punishes student Tim Arnold for helping students to complete with his software and app on finding spaces in available classes.
    Time to think of our students as customers and provide a high quality product and service.
    Take a quick look students as our customers
Renee M

Steps to getting your online education - 0 views

    Never thought about looking at schools as a "study" of where to go.
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