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Insightful videos on "Interview Preparation" by 26+ professionals - 0 views

    Here's the step by step guide for Data Science Interview Process The Interview process begins directly from the point you begin investigating the various job positions that allure you. Furthermore, it goes up to the stage of in-person (face to face) interviews. Remember that this is a crucial interview procedure. You probably won't need to experience every single step in your interview procedure. Comprehend and follow the Different Roles, Skills and Interviews Update your Resume and Start Applying! Telephonic Screening Clearing the Assignments In-Person Interaction(s) Post-Interview Steps The above-mentioned steps will be helpful all through your Interview preparation! Know about different Roles, Skills and Interviews in Data Science The main thing you need to comprehend is that there are many jobs in the data science environment. An average data science project has a life cycle. A data scientist is just one part of an effective data science project. Let's check out a quick run-through of different data Scientist job roles. Data Scientist Business Analyst Data Analyst Data Visualizer Analyst Data Science Manager Data Architect AI Engineer PC Vision Engineer You need to have great correspondence and critical thinking skills. You need not know Python and technicals skills. A data architect will probably be tested on his/her programming skills. Get prepared as per the company's expectations. Prepare for the interviews- Create your Digital presence Over 80% of employers we addressed revealed that they check an applicant's LinkedIn profile. Recruiters need to crosscheck and assure the claims made in the resume are genuine or not. You ought to have a LinkedIn profile. It ought to be updated and enhanced by the role(s) you're applying for. Make a GitHub account. Writing computer programs is a crucial task in the data science job role. Transferring your code and ventures to GitHub helps the recruiters see your work directly. Regularly
Ihering Alcoforado

Digitisation Perspectives - Review | Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences - 2 views

    Book Reviews Book title: Digitisation Perspectives Type: book Author: Ruth Rikowski Year: 2010 Edition: 1st ISBN: 9460912982 Publisher: Sense Publishers Publisher's Description: This book examines various views and perspectives on digitisation. As Simon Tanner, Director Digital Consultancy, King's College London says in the Foreword: "Digitisation has become a cultural, scholastic, economic and political imperative and raises many issues for our consideration." Furthermore, that the book: "...seeks to address and answer some of the big questions of digitisation... It succeeds on many levels..." There are 22 contributors in the book, all experts in their fields. The book is divided into six parts: Part 1: 'Background and Overview to Digitisation and Digital Libraries' Part 2: 'Digitisation and Higher Education' Part 3: 'Digitisation and Inequalities' Part 4: 'Digital Libraries, Reference Services and Citation Indexing' Part 5: 'Digitisation of Rare, Valued and Scholarly Works' Part 6: 'Futuristic Developments of Digitisation' Topics covered include electronic theses, search engine technology, digitisation in Africa, citation indexing, reference services, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, new media and scholarly publishing. The final chapter explores virtual libraries, and poses some interesting questions for possible futures. The book will be of particular interest to information professionals, educators, librarians, academics and I.T. and knowledge experts. Ruth Rikowski concludes by indicating that: "...hopefully, the book will provide a source of inspiration for further research, leading to some more effective ways to proceed with the digitisation process. Also, that it will be possible to do this within a framework that can be used for good rather than ill, and for the benefit of many." Reviewer: Eric Jukes (Formerly of College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London) Book Rating: 5/5 Buy this book from Amazon  Review Summary
Antwak Short videos

"Introduction to Data Science & AI/ML" by + professionals - 0 views

    Most business Entrepreneurs and Data Scientists can disclose how to triumph with (AI) and ML, yet rarely anyone can share to fail with such technologies. While the innovation is solid and publicised   there is a lot of ways to fall flat with AI. Let's talk about nine innovative approaches to censure any AI startup to bankruptcy. #1 Cut R&D expenses AI requires heavy expenditure in cutting-edge research, experimentation, advanced computing, and computing infrastructure. Any AI startup willing to create helpful AI innovations needs to spend a lot of money on innovative work (R&D). To scale down expenses in this area, cutting R&D expenses will rapidly make way to failure. #2 Technology Bubble operation Technology is confined to the social condition in which it is created. Technology never sustains itself but other various important aspects. AI has failed a few times since the commencement of computer science not for technical reasons but as a result of an absence of social need and interest at that point. Experience has taught that AI advancements can't be made in isolation from the social conditions that make them important (like medical care, Health analysis, and money). It is quite crucial to first engineer people to persuade them. Before designing the actual technology, visionaries and business visionaries convince them to suspend their questions and embrace the novelty and utility of disruptive ideas. Working in a bubble and overlooking the current necessities of society is a certain way to failure. #3 Prioritize Technology over business technique Only technology isn't enough to make progress, regardless of how strong it is. In the end, Tech startups also need a great strategy to succeed in being a business entity. Any startup that comes up short on a technique for recognizing objective business sectors, generating sales, and viably allotting and spending resources, yet gives need only to their technical resources, is destined to fail rapidly.

SEO Services in India - 1 views

    Your business web site has each right to realize the highest position on the search result pages over the planet Wide internet. The competition goes more durable and also the battle of selling methods is obtaining fashionable. to satisfy the demand of prime ranks there ar IT development corporations that ar giving the foremost effective computer program optimisation services to its shoppers worldwide. With SEO services, you'll get the specified growth and development with end-to-end services that add worth to your businesses. Your business web site presence on the primary page of results gets you the moment customers and to urge this prime position for your web site you would like to figure on some high finish keywords that get additional traffic to your web site. For this whole method, you would like the help of internet development company Orbit Infotech SEO Asian nation, that has engineered a wonderful skilled edge on computer program optimisation data, strategy and high level experience to deliver the secure optimizing internal and external factors that persuade computer program positioning of your web site. The additional folks you'll reach on the online can lead to the additional customers and increase in variety of shoppers. Thus, it's straightforward to acknowledge why there's high demand for effective SEO services in today's world. These services enable websites like yours to succeed in their most potential within the search results and so to create these optimizations it's necessary to stay concentrate on the targeted keywords and phrases that we would like to rank on computer program results pages.
Ihering Alcoforado

50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

    I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
Dennis OConnor

ALA | Interview with Keith Curry Lance - 0 views

  • The basic question tackled in school library impact research to date have been if school libraries or librarians make a difference? And, if so, how much and how? At least in recent years, more attention has gone to measuring the impact of school libraries than to explaining how that impact is achieved; but, the focus is beginning to move from the former to the latter. Four studies, or sets of studies, illustrate the formative history of this line of research.
  • The findings documented, and elaborated upon, the SchoolMatch claim that [the level of] school library expenditures was a key predictor of academic achievement, as measured by standardized tests, specifically in Colorado, scores on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS).
  • other key library predictors, including the amount and level of library staffing, collection size, and the amount of time the school librarian spends playing an instructional role.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • by 2005, the Colorado study model had been replicated and elaborated upon to a greater or lesser extent in Colorado and more than a dozen other states by five different researchers or research teams. Collectively, they have studied the impact of school libraries in approximately 8,700 schools with enrollments totaling more than 2.6 million students.
  • using this research to advocate for school library programs has affected the relationships of school librarians with both principals and teachers. Four out of five respondents (81 percent) reported that they shared the research with their principals. (Between one-third and half also reported sharing this research with their superintendents, other administrators, technology staff, and/or parents.) Almost two out of three respondents (66 percent) reported sharing the research with teachers. As a result, approximately two-thirds of respondents report that sharing the research improved their relationships with their principals (69 percent) or teachers (66 percent).
  • Krashen suggests quite the reverse. Reading and library use are not direct consequences of students being from more prosperous homes, but rather from the fact that more prosperous homes tend to offer more books and other reading materials, and, thereby, to encourage reading and library use. Thus, he hypothesizes, libraries—both public and school—have an important role to play in equalizing access to books and other reading materials for disadvantaged students.
  • Overall, students and teachers confirmed that the school libraries studied helped students by making them more information- and computer-literate generally, but especially in their school work, and by encouraging them to read for pleasure and information—and, in the latter case, to read critically—beyond what they are required to do for school.
  • their core results were remarkably consistent. Across states and grade levels, test scores correlated positively and statistically significantly with staff and collection size; library staff activities related to learning and teaching, information access and delivery, and program administration; and the availability of networked computers, both in the library and elsewhere in the school, that provide access to library catalogs, licensed databases, and the World Wide Web. The cause-and-effect claim associated with these correlations was strengthened by the reliability of the relationships between key library variables (i.e., staffing levels, collection size, spending) and test scores when other school and community conditions were taken into account.
  • A series of studies that have had a great deal of influence on the research and decision-making discussions concerning school library media programs have grown from the work of a team in Colorado—Keith Curry Lance, Marcia J. Rodney, and Christine Hamilton-Pennell (2000).
  • Recent school library impact studies have also identified, and generated some evidence about, potential "interventions" that could be studied. The questions might at first appear rather familiar: How much, and how, are achievement and learning improved when . . . librarians collaborate more fully with other educators? libraries are more flexibly scheduled? administrators choose to support stronger library programs (in a specific way)? library spending (for something specific) increases?
  • high priority should be given to reaching teachers, administrators, and public officials as well as school librarians and school library advocates.
  • Perhaps the most strategic option, albeit a long-term one, is to infiltrate schools and colleges of education. Most school administrators and teachers never had to take a course, or even part of a course, that introduced them to what constitutes a high-quality school library program.
  • Three factors are working against successful advocacy for school libraries: (1) the age demographic of librarians, (2) the lack of institutionalization of librarianship in K–12 schools, and (3) the lack of support from educators due to their lack of education or training about libraries and good experiences with libraries and librarians.
  • These vacant positions are highly vulnerable to being downgraded or eliminated in these times of tight budgets, not merely because there is less money to go around, but because superintendents, principals, teachers, and other education decision-makers do not understand the role a school librarian can and should play.
  • If we want the school library to be regarded as a central player in fostering academic success, we must do whatever we can to ensure that school library research is not marginalized by other interests.    
    A great overview of Lance's research into the effectiveness of libraries.  He answers the question: Do school libraries or librarians make a difference?  His answer (A HUGE YES!) is back by 14 years of remarkable research.  The point is proved.  But this information remains unknown to many principals and superintendents.  Anyone interested in 21st century teaching and learning will find this interview fascinating.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    the educational Internet platform of the German Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. Starting in September you will be able to take part in our worldwide social learning network based on interactive online courses covering different subjects in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Enter a fascinating world of knowledge with our free open online courses. Meet other participants from around the world and familiarize yourself with fundamental and current topics in ICT, computer science and IT systems engineering.
Nigel Coutts

Teaching mathematicians shouldn't be like programming a computer - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Traditional methods of teaching maths have more in common with how we programme a computer that what we might do if we wanted to engage our students in mathematical thinking. We shouldn't be overly surprised then when our students consider mathematics to be all about learning a set of rules that they need to apply in the right order so as to output the correct response. But is there a better way?
Martin Burrett

MicroBit - 0 views

    The website for the BBC Micro:Bit has lots of coding resources to use with and without a Micro:Bit device for both teachers and pupils, including program creators with a choice of programming languages.
Martin Burrett

ScratchJr - 0 views

    An iPad and junior version of the well know programming platform Scratch. The app has been designed for 5+ year olds and boosts simplified versions features of the more mature version. Children still snap programming blocks together to build amazingly creative things.
Janos Haits

Computer Science | Khan Academy - 0 views

    Computer Science
Martin Burrett

Soluto - Anti-Frustration Software - 0 views

    A must try downloadable program that removes or delays processes during your computer's bootup and shaved 2 minutes for me. Easy to use and every Windows computer should have it.
Shannon Panzo

What's Your Top 10? - Part 4 - 3 views

What's Your Top 10? A Business Marketing Exercise Refine Your List Now that I have my list of attributes that makes different from other brain management systems, I want t...

independent thinking natural abilities Lifetime Membership ZOX Pro system ZOX Pro Training

started by Shannon Panzo on 27 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Martin Burrett

GameSalad - 0 views

    A great downloadable programme for making computer games for a variety of platforms and devices. Drag and drop items to make your creations. It's provides a more mature environment than tools like Scratch and there are many more options and advance settings for talented students.
Maria Babae

Desktop Support for Computer Efficiency - 1 views

We offer first rate desktop support to make your computer more efficient that includes: * Comprehensive clean-up of files and programs * Quick virus and malware removal * Up-to-date software for e...

support desktop computer PC

started by Maria Babae on 10 Aug 11 no follow-up yet
shen jesh

A Credible Service from Computer Support Specialists Today - 2 views

I was not really sure as to how am I going to get along with troubleshooting of software programs. To find assistance I sought for Computer Support Specialists Today. I was guided thoroughly by the...

virus protection tech support PC technical

started by shen jesh on 13 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
David Wetzel

Wiki or Blog: Which is Better? - 0 views

    Both wikis and blogs provide teachers with a a dynamic process for integrating Web 2.0 technology in their science and math classes. These two types of online tools offer students a more engaging process for learning. Both are relatively easy tools which do not require teachers or students to learn any special program tools or computer skills. Their uses and applications are only limited by the vision and purpose for helping students learn.
Antwak Short videos

Insightful videos on "Chatbots: The Future of Digital Marketing?" by + professionals - 0 views

    What is a Chatbot? Chatbots are computer programs or software through which a human can communicate with digital devices just like a real human. It helps in conversation as if a real human is doing, it's mainly through texts. It doesn't communicate like robots, the texting system works like a real person typing. This gives the end-user a feeling of talking to a real person and not computerized texting. It's also known as digital assistants. Why are Chatbots used? Quicker replies. Problems solving or solving complaints. To get descriptive explanations and answers. To connect to a human customer service agent. Book a reservation. Payments of bill. Buy things online. To get suggestions for buying. Over the last few years, chat systems have become more popular. Millennials prefer chatting over emails. Many people are not comfortable talking on phone calls with customer service care and prefer to chat in the chatbot of the applications or website. Chat applications like Whatsapp have become more popular nowadays. In business, chatbots make it easier for the user to communicate. Chatbots must be a part of your marketing strategy To keep up with the competitive era, automated digital systems are preferred more. The easier, the friendlier. In the digital era, Chatbots are the virtual agents who help the users using Natural Language Process (NLP) and always reply in a logical manner rather than the robotic types. Here are the few important points which state why you should include Chatbot in your marketing strategy: Saves Time & Money: Chatbots replace the labor work, which used a lot of money and time. When people reply it takes time because humans take much more time than an AI system to do the same work assigned. Helps understanding customers better: Every time a new customer enters the site or application, chatbots ask the customer a few questions which help in serving the customer better next time. In the case of old customers, the chatbots collect past

ECE - Embedded System - IOT - Raspberry-Pi - Arduino - Robotics- internship- Course - T... - 0 views

    An embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable. EME Technologies provides best 6 weeks/months industrial training in Embedded System. Embedded System is designed for a specific function or for specific functions within a larger system. Industrial machines, agricultural and process industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, household appliances, airplanes, vending machines and toys as well as mobile devices are all possible locations for an embedded system. Students can join our 6 weeks/months programs to nourish their technical skills and get a chance to work on live projects with working professionals. EME Technologies is the best company providing 6 weeks/months embedded industrial training in Chandigarh. For more information you can contact us at: Sunil Bhutani EME Technologies C-134, Puncom Technology Park, Phase 8 Industrial Area,Mohali, Punjab EMAIL: Ph. No: 9569806826, 7355303131

Online Training :Grow your skills fast with the Salesforce - 0 views

    Salesforce is the world's #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It is a fastest growing programming language, as it is trending in the technical industry a lot. Its a Cloud Computing and started as Software as a Service. Nowadays many companies are using Salesforce to maintain there data. Salesforce is the platform that connects customers and clients together. It helps Marketing, Sales, Commerce, Services and IT team members to work from anywhere. So the companies can keep happy customers everywhere. Salesforce is used by small and large businesses looking for a simple and secure way to store their customer data, generate more leads and sales opportunities. We BISP is most trusted and branded name in online education across the globe. We recognized for our high-quality education services in low cost, blogs, learning material, learning videos, case studies, project-based training, real-time scenarios, real data for practice and free environment for candidate practice are very much appreciated across the globe.
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