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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Stephanie Sandifer

Stephanie Sandifer

Barefoot in the Chicken Yard: A Short Commentary on Public Deaducation - 12 views

    Weel written post by a very concerned parent on the state of our schools today and the very harmful policies being put forth by our national and state government.
Stephanie Sandifer

Jodi Beggs: How Video Will Likely Create Rather Than Kill the Classroom "Star" - 5 views

  • Technology has enabled inexpensive reproduction of a wide variety of media, which has in turn radically transformed the structures of a number of industries.
  • It's hard to dispute the hypothesis that the higher instructor quality would likely overcome the modest benefits of face-to-face instruction, and I would be willing to bet that this form of virtual instruction would come as a welcome change for those students taught by instructors who are teaching merely to fulfill university requirements, are using courses to push their own agendas, or just plain don't speak English
  • The traditional model of education is not altogether different from the old-time theater or concert model. On the up side, customers enjoy a live experience where they can potentially interact with the performer or instructor. On the down side, this model is limited in its scalability (especially where simply increasing venue or classroom size is not reasonable) and thus more expensive than its virtual counterpart. Given the skyrocketing cost of college education, the potential appeal of virtual instruction is becoming quite significant.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Virtual instruction has the potential not only to give a large number of students access to top instructors at lower cost but also to provide the incentives to attract and retain top teaching talent in the first place.
    Virtual instruction has the potential not only to give a large number of students access to top instructors at lower cost but also to provide the incentives to attract and retain top teaching talent in the first place. 
Stephanie Sandifer

Dropbox - Referrals - Online backup, file sync and sharing made easy. - 7 views

    Dropbox - for sharing documents online
Stephanie Sandifer

Op-Ed Contributor - Your Baby Is Smarter Than You Think - - 0 views

    Great article on the intelligence and learning capabilities of infants and toddlers -- has implications for how we approach pre-school learning with children.
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