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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Roland O'Daniel

Roland O'Daniel

MSP:MiddleSchoolPortal/Teaching With Trade Books - NSDLWiki - 5 views

    ...benefits of using trade books is increasing student engagement. High quality trade books are written as to spark interest and create a desire to read. Many contain colorful, interesting illustrations, photographs, and diagrams, all of which draw students into the text and improve comprehension.
Roland O'Daniel

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Um-bloom-ra Bloom's Taxonomy - 11 views

    ast week I blogged about my Bloomin' Peacock, a new Bloom's Taxonomy visual I made to share with teachers in a training.  Over the years, I have created a number of Bloom's Taxonomy pictures to hang in my classroom for students to refer to.  My Bloomin' Peacock was such a hit with you all, I thought I would start sharing the others I've made.   Today I revived one that I created for my classroom and added the digital version (again the digital tools displayed relate directly to the Treasures reading curriculum).  This is my Um-bloom-ra Bloom's Taxonomy:
Roland O'Daniel

Reading is a Problem-Solving Process. Why Not Try the Thumb Method? « Co-Crea... - 13 views

    Reading is a Problem-Solving Process. Why Not Try the Thumb Method? New blog post by Denise Finley about supporting students while they learn to read scientifically!
Roland O'Daniel

The LoTi Connection - 3 views

    An adoption model/framework for integrating new learning into instruction/practice. Similar to CBAM. 
Roland O'Daniel

2010 Interactive Whiteboard Challenge - home - 16 views

    Are you new to using an interactive whiteboard (IWB)? Have you used one for ages but want some other ideas? Are you using an IWB regularly but know you could use it better? Then you are invited to join The 2010 Interactive Whiteboard Challenge! The aim of the IWB Challenge: To improve the use of interactive whiteboards in classrooms everywhere by having students and teachers set challenges for each other by creating videos and screencasts of ways they use their IWB. The aim is also to connect educators and students to others who are working at improving their IWB practice.
Roland O'Daniel

Magma - 9 views

    Magma provides video aggregation capabilities from any source on the net.
Roland O'Daniel

QlipBoard - Voice anything. Share anywhere. - 21 views

    Multimedia online note taking tool. Students can capture screen images, make audio recordings for notes, or write text notes to accompany drawings. These different media can then be organized into videos!  I envision it being similar to Evernote with more interaction capabilities and with the great addition of being able to create videos of the information gathered. I like this tool!
Roland O'Daniel

Digital Writing, Digital Teaching - Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Wri... - 4 views

    Troy Hick's blog. Great source of information about digital literacy!
Roland O'Daniel

5 Trends in Education Technology Leadership -- THE Journal - 11 views

    5 Trends in Education Technology Leadership SETDA's "National Educational Technology Trends Report" spotlights state efforts to boost learning through the federal Enhancing Education Through Technology program. By David Nagel04/23/10
Roland O'Daniel

Word Clouds; Tag Clouds. Which is the best software? « Seeing the Meaning - 11 views

    Terry Freedman discusses different tools for creating word clouds including wordle, tagxedo, and many eyes. 
Roland O'Daniel

Science news and science jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist - 6 views

    Great site for videos of topical scientific information. 
Roland O'Daniel

Smithsonian Libraries : Digital Library - 5 views

    he Smithsonian Library's 'Digital Library' contains digital publications, collections and objects including online exhibitions, webcasts, digital editions, bibliographies and fact sheets, and finding aids/inventories for collections such as our trade literature collection and artist files.
Roland O'Daniel

copyrightconfusion - Reasoning - 9 views

    How do I know if my use is a fair use? This tool has been developed to help teachers and students reason through the fair use process. You can see an example of how this tool is being used HERE Use the form online. The data from this form feeds into a google spreadsheet so you can compare how individuals or groups reason the fair use of copyrighted material in a work. If you would like to use this form in your work you can click here. If you have a google account, you can sign in and copy into your google account.
Roland O'Daniel

compfight + a flickr™ search tool - 0 views

    interesting photo search tool.
Roland O'Daniel

Becta Government & partners - Research - Reports and publications - Web 2.0 technologie... - 0 views

    Some prmising findings, worth sharing with others.
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