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Ben Rimes

iPad Pilot Project - 24 views

    iPad Pilot Project website for the Palm Beach School District. Includes lots of links to Apps being used, challenges and successes, and many other websites and blogs focused on integrating iPads into the classroom.
Dave Truss

websiteevaluation - wakelandhslibrary - 11 views

    Websites to evaluate See if you can tell which of the following websites are bogus or untrustworthy and which are authoritative:
Alison Hall

Easy RSS for schools - - 0 views

    Australian teachers can add content from edna into their own websites by using RSS services. This free service, enables edna's shared information to be accessible directly to a school's own website or teachers personal computer via a free RSS reader.
Vicki Davis

15 Awesome Tutorial Websites You Probably Don't Know About | Dumb Little Man - 0 views

    Great post sharing 15 tutorial websites, over half of which I'd never heard of. This is a gem of a post and again tells us why we need access to things we've never heard of and how teachers and IT departments need a little more access than students to check these things out first (i.e. conditional filtration.)
Vicki Davis

Transfer Big Files Free - Send Large Files up to 1GB - 0 views

    It is amazing that this site easily sends up to 1 GB files to another person.
    This website lets you send up to 1 GB files to another person -- what a GREAT tool. I'm using Gspace right now to send a monstrous file to Julie, but if it doesn't work, then I'll be using this website instead. Great tool.
Vicki Davis

Hipcast - 0 views

    This website lets you record both video and audio from your cell phone or online and automatically send it to your blog or other website. This is also a for-pay service.
Kelly Faulkner

Remove Ads From Websites | - 21 views

    hate ads? paste the website into this site and browse without advertising
Vicki Davis

SEM Image Galley by ASPEX - 2 views

    This is fascinating. Ms. Davis, I found your website not too long ago and wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog. Loved the posts about your "Daily Spotlight on Education." You make an a lot of important information easy to follow and it definitely seems like you got a great thing going for you. Keep up your great work and best of luck to you in the future. My name is Jeffrey and I'm with ASPEX, a leading producer of Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) and Microanalysis software. Our company recently kicked off a "Send Us Your Sample" campaign, which allows anyone to mail us an object of their choosing and have it scanned for free under one of our powerful desktop SEMs. Since your blog primarily deals with education, this would be a great opportunity for some of your educators to get some samples done for their class. People can send us a broken iPhone, an old toothbrush, or even a dead insect...anything they want to see a picture of under a powerful microscope. It's pretty cool. Once we receive the samples, we'll notify senders of their results via email. You can view other reports we've done here: Since we started this campaign, we've seen a lot of interest from professionals, educators and students all around the globe. Given the focus of your website, I wanted to contact you about posting the information about "Send Us Your Sample" on your blog. We have recently posted a YouTube video that shows how we go about sampling and how to demo our SEM. We would love to partner with you to spread the word about this offer in a blog post so more people get the unique opportunity to have something scanned by an SEM. We also have our "Name That Sample" Campaign in which we put up a sample and the person who guesses correctly, or closest, wins a Brand New Netbook! Just another way of interactivity within your blog. Encourage your readers to Name That Sample! We can talk about details if you're interested. Thanks
Vicki Davis

Program « Problem Solving with Smithsonian Experts - 3 views

    Cool webinars and expert activities. I just love these -- go to this website and sign up! Dr. Wayne Clough, former president of Georgia Tech (my alma mater) now runs the smithsonian and they are doing some of the coolest things! Here is a list, but go to the website to join in. " Day One: Understanding the American Experience Tuesday, 13 April 2010 11:00 to 11:50 am EDT How do we change a stereotype? 12:00 to 12:50 pm EDT What can science tell us about American history? 2:00 to 2:50 pm EDT What does clothing communicate? Day Two: Valuing World Cultures Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:00 to 11:50 am EDT Who owns music? 12:00 to 12:50 pm EDT What happens when a people meets its past? 2:00 to 2:50 pm EDT How does design solve everyday problems? Day Three: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe Wednesday, 28 April 2010 11:00 to 11:50 am EDT Are there other worlds out there? 12:00 to 12:50 pm EDT How have we imagined other worlds? 2:00 to 2:50 pm EDT How do we grasp the vastness of the universe? Day Four: Understanding and Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet Thursday, 29 April 2010 11:00 to 11:50 am EDT What do modern animal bones tell us about biodiversity? 12:00 to 12:50 pm EDT How can we learn about nature's most elusive animals? 2:00 to 2:50 pm EDT How (and why) do we count living things?"
Joseph Alvarado

ELL/Sheltered Instruction Websites - 5 views

    ELL/Sheltered Instruction website
Claude Almansi

Bisharat! (EN) - 1 views

    "Welcome to the website of Bisharat! A language, technology, and development initiative. Bisharat* is an evolving idea based on the importance of maternal languages in sustainable development and the enormous potential of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to benefit efforts in the area of language and development. Anticipating the gradual introduction of computers and the internet to rural communities in Africa, the current focus of Bisharat is on research, advocacy, and networking relating to use of African languages in software and web content. This website is always in development... Your comments and suggestions are welcome. To contact Bisharat, e-mail to: bisharat @ bisharat . net"
Fred Delventhal

Podcasts (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    Did you know the Library provides podcasts of some of its presentations and online resources? Listen to book festival presentations, material on music and its impact on the brain and oral history interviews with African Americans who provide first-person accounts of the hardships of the slave plantations and of life during and after slavery. Download the audio recording and a transcript of the program to your iPod, other portable media player, or to your computer from the Library of Congress website. You may choose to automatically download this and subsequent episodes via a free subscription from the Library's podcast website or through Apple iTunes.
Vicki Davis

I Am What I Learn video competition for US students - 0 views

    Starting on Sept 8, the US dept of education will ask students to respond to the President's Back to school challenge to create videos, up to 2 minutes in length describing steps that they will take to improve their education. This will be the website for the Iam what I learn website.
Clif Mims

Blerp - Say anything anywhere! - 0 views

    Blerp allows you to start discussions right on top of your favorite websites. Unlike typical web comments, you are in full control. You can post on any webpage you choose, regardless of whether they permit user feedback. In other words, Blerp transforms the entire Web into one giant forum where everyone can participate. Useful for annotating websites, designing online instruction, virtual tours, and Internet scavenger hunts.

Ruthie's Blog: The Flat Classroom - 1 views

    "I remember Dennis mentioning the Flat Classroom project in class last week. I'm hoping to do something with my class which connects them to students in other parts of the world. The flat classroom looked a bit too ambitious for me and my sixth graders, but it looks really cool! I'm not quite done exploring the site, but want to share a cool video that they have on their website. Here is the URL--of the website-- I tried to figure out how tumblr could help me share, but failed. "
Nelly Cardinale

Webs - Make a free website, get free hosting - 13 views

    Place to create a free website and get it hosted for free.
yc c - Bringing Health to Life - 24 views

    TheVisualMD site offers a rich, visual experience to learn, understand, and interact with health content on the Internet.TheVisualMD is brought to you by Anatomical Travelogue, LLC. Anatomical Travelogue, LLC is a medical imaging research and media production company based in New York City. Our unique 3D visuals are the foundation and signature of all Anatomical Travelogue products, including books, websites, TV shows, and museum exhibits. We use the visuals to tell stories and educate the public on topics and issues related to health and wellness. Our visuals are produced using real human data from a variety of medical scans - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) ultrasound, and confocal laser scans. The data is collected, digitized, and recompiled using volume-visualization software. These volumes and virtual models are dissected, repositioned, colorized, and texturized as necessary to bring them to life. This website contains advice and information relating to health care. It is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used to supplement rather than replace regular care by your doctor. It is recommended that you seek your physician's advice before embarking on any medical program or treatment.
Vicki Davis

Daft Logic - A Quirky But Cool Website You Should Check Out - 11 views

    Some really cool links to neat tools on this website including a Google map distance calculator (geography teachers imagine what you can do with that!)
Vicki Davis

Knol - a unit of knowledge: share what you know, publish your expertise. - 9 views

    Share what you know and write a knol. Did you know? You can embed forms in your knols. Great for conducting surveys or managing collaborative knols!
    A website where people share knowledge. This was listed as an important website for learning. I haven't explored it yet, but hope that some of you will share what you're doing in the comments.
Maggie Verster

PBWorks for Wikis Training Course - 1 views

    "A wiki is a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser. Wikis allow content to be easily created and updated. They also allow previous versions of documents to be accessible. PBWorks is a Website that allows the creation of wikis. These wikis can be used for educational purposes, for work or in community organisations. This free online course shows you how to create a wiki with PBWorks in an easy, step-by-step manner. This course is ideal for learners who want to learn how to set up a wiki and lack the skills or knowledge to do it. "
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